This repository serves as a collection of Data Structure and Algorithm (DSA) questions that I have solved. It is organized by different topics to help you navigate and practice specific problem sets. By solving these questions, I aim to strengthen my understanding of DSA concepts and improve my problem-solving skills..
In this repository, you will find a variety of DSA questions that I have solved. Each question is categorized by its corresponding topic, and the solutions are provided in the respective folders. The goal is to provide a comprehensive resource for learning and practicing DSA concepts.
The repository covers a wide range of DSA topics, including but not limited to:
- Array
- String
- Recursion and Backtracking
- Bit Manipulation
- Binary Tree
- Sliding Window
- Stack
- Queue
- Heap
- Greedy Algorithm
- Dynamic Programming
- Binary Search
- Linked List
- Binary Search Tree
- Graph
Feel free to explore the repository and delve into the topics that interest you the most.
Welcome to my Daily DSA Practice repository! In this repository, I share my daily solved Data Structure and Algorithm (DSA) questions. Each day, I solve a new problem to improve my problem-solving skills and deepen my understanding of different algorithms and data structures.
This repository contains a collection of DSA questions that I solve daily. Each question is organized in a separate folder, which includes the problem statement, my solution(s), and any additional resources used for reference or learning.
Here is a list of daily solved DSA questions:
Day 1 (5 JUNE):
- Check If It Is a Straight Line (LEETCODE easy)
Day 2 (6 JUNE):
- Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence (LEETCODE easy)
Day 3 (7 JUNE):
- Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c (LEETCODE medium)
Day 4 (8 JUNE):
- Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix (LEETCODE easy)
Day 5 (9 JUNE):
- Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target (LEETCODE easy)
Day 6 (12 JUNE):
- Summary Ranges (LEETCODE easy)
Day 7 (13 JUNE):
- Equal Row and Column Pairs (LEETCODE medium)
Day 8 (14 JUNE):
- Minimum Absolute Difference in BST (LEETCODE easy)
Day 9 (15 JUNE):
- Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree (LEETCODE medium)
Day 10 (19 JUNE):
- Find The Highest Altitude (LEETCODE easy)
Day 11 (20 JUNE):
- K Radius Subarray Averages (LEETCODE medium)
Day 12 (21 JUNE):
- Lemonade Change (GFG medium)
Day 13 (4 JULY):
- Single Number 2 (LEETCODE medium)
Day 14 (5 JULY):
- Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element (LEETCODE medium)
Day 15 (6 JULY):
- Minimum Size Subarray Sum (LEETCODE medium)
Day 16 (7 JULY):
- Maximize the Confusion of an Exam (LEETCODE medium)
Day 17 (10 JULY):
- Minimum Depth of Binary Tree (LEETCODE easy)
Day 18 (17 JULY):
- Add Two Numbers II (LEETCODE medium)
Day 19 (21 AUGUST):
- Srrounds of 1's (GFG basic)
- Repeated Substring Pattern (LEETCODE basic)
Day 20 (22 AUGUST):
- Make Beautiful Matrix (GFG medium)
- Excel Sheet Column Title (LEETCODE basic)
Day 21 (26 AUGUST):
- Maximum Length Of Pair Chain (LEETCODE medium)
- Longest k unique characters substring (GFG medium)
Day 22 (30 AUGUST):
- Delete a Node in Single Linked List (GFG easy)
Day 23 (2 SEPTEMBER):
- Leaf under budget (GFG easy)
- Linked List Cycle (LEETCODE easy)
Day 24 (12 SEPTEMBER):
- Minimum Deletion to make Character Frequencies Unique (LEETCODE medium)
- Perfect Number (GFG easy)
Day 25 (12 SEPTEMBER):
- Perfect Sum Problem (LEETCODE medium)
Day 26 (17 SEPTEMBER):
- Print First n Fibonacci Number (GFG basic)
Day 27 (18 SEPTEMBER):
- The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix (LEETCODE easy)
- Power of 2 (GFG Basic)
Day 28 (19 SEPTEMBER):
- Find First Set Bit (GFG easy)
- Find the Duplicate (LEETCODE medium)
Day 29 (20 SEPTEMBER):
- Rotate Bits (GFG)
- Minimum Operation to Reduce X to zero (LEETCODE medium)
Day 30 (22 SEPTEMBER):
- First and Last Occurrence of X (GFG medium)
Day 31 (23 SEPTEMBER):
- Equilibrium Point (GFG Easy)
Day 32 (25 SEPTEMBER):
- Maximum Sum Combination (GFG Medium)
- Find the Difference (LEETCODE Easy)
Day 33 (26 SEPTEMBER):
- Find All Sum Numbers (GFG Medium)
Day 34 (27 SEPTEMBER):
- Find the closest pair from two arrays (GFG Easy)
Day 35 (28 SEPTEMBER):
- Wave Array (GFG Easy)
- Sort Array By Parity (LEETCODE Easy)
Day 36 (29 SEPTEMBER):
- Monotonic Array (LEETCODE Easy)
Day 37 (30 SEPTEMBER):
- Boolean Matrix (GFG Medium)
Day 38 (1 OCTOBER):
- Boundary traversal of matrix (GFG Easy)
Day 39(3 OCTOBER)
- Column name from a given column number (GFG MEDIUM)
- Number Of Good Pair (LEETCODE Easy)
- Roman Number to Integer (GFG Easy)
- Design Hashmap (LEETCODE Easy)
Day 41(9 OCTOBER)
Day 42(12 OCTOBER)
- Duplicate subtree in Binary Tree (GFG Medium)
Day 43(13 OCTOBER)
- Floor in BST (GFG Medium)
Day 44(14 OCTOBER)
- Pascal's Triangle II (LEETCODE Easy)
Day 45(21 OCTOBER)
- Sum of all divisors from 1 to n (GFG Easy)
Day 46(23 OCTOBER)
- Maximum Sum Increasing subsequence (GFG Medium)
- Power Of Four (LEETCODE Easy)
Day 47(24 OCTOBER)
- Find The Larget Value in Each Row (LEETCODE Medium)
Day 48(25 OCTOBER)
- K-th Symbol in Grammar (LEETCODE Medium)
Day 49(26 OCTOBER)
- Minimum Operation (GFG Easy)
Day 50(2 NOV)
- Minimum Distance between two numbers (GFG Easy)
Day 51(3 NOV)
- Pythagorean Triplet (GFG Easy)
Day 52(4 NOV)
- Find Transition Point (GFG Easy)
Day 53(5 NOV)
- Top K Frequent Elements in Array-1 (GFG Easy)
Day 55(7 NOV)
- Sum of upper and lower triangle (GFG Easy)
- Eliminate Maximum Number of Monsters (LEETCODE Medium)
Day 56(8 NOV)
Day 57(9 NOV)
- Predict the column (GFG Easy)
- Count Number of Homogenous Substrings (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Day 58(10 NOV)
- Restore the Array from Adjacent Pairs (LEETCODE MEDIUM) using dfs
- Number following a pattern (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 59(11 NOV)
- Check if String is rotated by 2 places (GFG EASY)
DAY 60(17 NOV)
- Binary Tree to CDLL (GFG MEDIUM)
- Minimum Maximum Pair Sum in Array (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Day 61(18 NOV)
- Reverse Doubly Linked List (GFG EASY)
DAY 62(19 NOV)
- Intersection of two sorted Linked Lists (GFG EASY)
- Reduction Operations to Make the Array Elements Equal (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 63(20 NOV)
- Minimum Amount of Time to Collect Garbage (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 64(21 NOV)
- Determine if Two Trees are identical (GFG EASY)
- Count Nice Pairs in an Array (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 65(22 NOV)
- Symmetric Tree (GFG EASY)
- Diagonal Traverse 2 (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 66(24 NOV)
- Pascal Triangle (GFG EASY)
- Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 67(25 NOV)
- Sum of Absolute Differences in a Sorted Array (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 68(26 NOV)
- Print Pattern (GFG EASY)
- Largest Submatrix With Rearrangements (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 69(29 NOV)
- Number of 1 Bits (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 70(1 DEC)
- 1662. Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 71(2 DEC)
- Inorder Traversal and BST (GFG EASY)
- 1160. Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 72(3 DEC)
- Brothers from Different Roots (GFG EASY)
- Minimum Time Visiting All points (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 73(4 DEC)
- Largest 3 Same Digit Number in String (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 74(5 DEC)
- Minimize the height 2 (GFG MEDIUM)
- Count of Matches in Tournament (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 75(6 DEC)
- How Many X's? (GFG MEDIUM)
- Calculate Money in Leetcode Bank (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 76(7 DEC)
- Largest Odd Number in String (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 77(9 DEC)
- Inorder traversal of binary tree (LEETCODE EASY)
- Smith Number (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 78(18 DEC)
-Maximum Product Difference Between Two Pairs (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 78(27 DEC)
-Anti-Diagonal Traversal of Matrix (GFG MEDIUM)
-Minimum Time to make rope colorful (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 79(29 DEC)
-Check if a string is repetition of its substring of k-length (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 80(30 DEC)
-Winner of election (GFG EASY)
-Redistribute Characters to Make All Strings Equal (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 81(31 DEC)
-New Year Resolution (GFG Medium)
-Largest string between two equal character (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 82(1 JAN)
- Assign Cookies (LEETCODE EASY)
- Array Pair Sum Divisibility Problem (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 83(2 JAN)
- Largest Sum Subarray of size atleast k (GFG MEDIUM)
- Convert an Array into 2D array with conditions (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 84(3 JAN)
- Smallest Window Containing 0,1,2 (GFG MEDIUM)
- Number of laser beams in a bank (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 85(4 JAN)
- Longest Increasing Subsequence (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 86(10 JAN)
- Longest subarray divisible by k (GFG MEDIUM)
- Amount of time for binary tree to be infected (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 87(11 JAN)
- Remove k digits (GFG MEDIUM)
- Max Diff between node and ancestor (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 88(12 JAN)
- Reverse first k digits of queue (GFG EASY)
- Determine if string halves are alike (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 89(13 JAN)
- Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram (LEETCODE EASY)
- Insertion Sort for Singly Linked List (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 90(14 JAN)
- Find duplicate rows in a binary matrix (GFG MEDIUM)
- Determine if Two Strings Are Close
DAY 91(15 JAN)
- Grinding Geek (GFG MEDIUM)
- Find Players with zero or one losses (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 92(16 JAN)
- Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 93(17 JAN)
- Unique number of ocurrences (LEETCODE EASY)
- Permutation (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 94(18 JAN)
- Climbing stairs (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 95(19 JAN)
- Top k numbers in a stream (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 96(20 JAN)
- Distribute Coins in a binary tree (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 97(21 JAN)
- House Robbing (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Vertex Cover (GFG HARD)
DAY 98(22 JAN)
- Set Mismatch (LEETCODE EASY)
- Paths from root with a specified sum (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 99(23 JAN)
- Course Schedule (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 100(24 JAN)
- Is it a tree? (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 101(25 JAN)
- Shortest Prime Path (GFG MEDIUM)
- Longest Common Subsequence (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 102(26 JAN)
- Fractional Knapsack (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 103(27 JAN)
DAY 104(30 JAN)
- Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Longest Common Subsequence of 3 string (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 105(31 JAN)
- Dailt Temperatures (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 106(1 FEB)
- Pangram Check (GFG EASY)
- Divide Array Into Arrays With Max Difference (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 107(2 FEB)
- Implement Atoi (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 108(3 FEB)
- Decimal Equivalent of Binary Linked List (GFG EASY)
DAY 109(4 FEB)
- First Unique Character in a String (LEETCODE EASY)
- Sorted insert for circular linked list (GFG EASY)
DAY 110(5 FEB)
- Count the nodes at distance K from leaf (GFG MEDIUM)
- Group Anagrams (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 111(6 FEB)
- Sort Characters by Frequency (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Min between 2 given nodes (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 112(7 FEB)
- Check for Children Sum Property in a Binary Tree (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 113(11 FEB)
- Recamans Sequence (GFG EASY)
DAY 114(12 FEB)
- Reursive Sequence (GFG EASY)
DAY 115(13 FEB)
- Find First Palindrome String in array (LEETCODE EASY)
- Clone undirected graph (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 116(14 FEB)
- Rearrange Array Elements by Sign (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 117(15 FEB)
- Find the Polgon with largest perimeter (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 118(16 FEB)
DAY 119(17 FEB)
- Furthest Building You can Reach (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 120(18 FEB)
- Sum of leaf nodes in BST (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 121(19 Feb)
-Game with String
DAY 122(27 FEB)
- Play with OR (GFG EASY)
- Diameter of Binary Tree (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 123(28 FEB)
- Check String is divisble by 8 (GFG EASY)
- Find Bottom Left of tree (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 124(29 FEB)
- Sum of bit difference (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 125(1 MARCH)
- Maximum Odd Binary Number (LEETCODE EASY)
- Peak Element (GFE MEDIUM)
DAY 126(3 MARCH)
- LargeSt Number formed by array (GFG MEDIUM)
- Remove Nth Node From End of List (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 127(5 MARCH)
- Minimum Length of string after deleting similar ends (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Maximum Index (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 128(6 MARCH)
- [Detect cycle in LL] (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 129(7 MARCH)
- Check if frequencies can be equal (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 130(9 MARCH)
DAY 131(10 MARCH)
- Remove all duplicates from a given string (GFG EASY)
- Intersection of two array (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 132(11 MARCH)
- Custom Sort String (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 133(13 MARCH)
- Find The Pivot Integer (LEETCODE EASY)
- Print matrix in diagonal pattern (GFG EASY)
DAY 134(14 MARCH)
DAY 135(15 MARCH)
- Product of array except self (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 136(20 MARCH)
- Merge In Between Linked List (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 137(31 MARCH)
- Minimum Element in BST (GFG BASIC)
DAY 138(2 APRIL)
- Minimum Absolute Difference in BST (GFG MEDIUM)
- Isomorphic Strings (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 139(3 APRIL)
- Kth common ancestor in BST (GFG MEDIIUM)
DAY 140(31 MAY)
- Swap two nibbles in a byte (GFG EASY)
DAY 141(1 JUNE)
- Odd Even Problem (GFG EASY)
DAY 142(4 JUNE)
Binary representation of next number (GFG EASY)
Longest Palindrome (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 143(5 JUNE)
Swapping pairs make summ equal (GFG MEDIUM)
Find Common Characters (LEETCODE EASY)
DAY 144(7 JUNE)
- Maximum Common Integer (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 145(8 JUNE)
- Continuous Subarray Sum (LEETCODE MEDUM)
DAY 146(9 JUNE)
- Subarray Sums Divisible by K (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Convert array into Zig-Zag fashion (GFG EASY)
DAY 147(10 JUNE)
- Height Checker (LEETCODE EASY)
- Nuts and Bolts Problem (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 148(11 JUNE)
- Relative Sort Array (LEEYCODE EASY)
DAY 149(13 JUNE)
- Padovan Sequence (GFG EASY)
- Minimum Number of Moves to Seat Everyone (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 150(14 JUNE)
- Armstrong Number (GFG EASY)
- Minimum Increment to Make Array Unique (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
DAY 151(16 JUNE)
- Prime Pair with Target Sum (GFG MEDIUM)
DAY 152(`0 July)
- Crawler Log Folder (LEETCODE EASY)
Feel free to explore the repository and review the solutions to each POTD question. If you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy coding!
- Plus One
- Set Matrix Zeroes
- Contains Duplicates
- Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- Remove Element
- Sum of Squares of Special Elements (16 July contest)
- Majority Element
- Majority Element 2
- Equilibrium Point
- Print First n Fibonacci Number
- Monotonic Array
- Find triplets with zero sum
- Boolean Matrix
- Boundary traversal of matrix
- Number Of Good Pair (LEETCODE Easy)
- Last Visited Integers (Leetcode Contest)
- Longest Unequal Adjacent Groups Subsequence I (Leetcode Contest)
- Find Indices With Index and Value Difference I (Leetcode Contest)
- Negative Prefix (GFG Contest)
- Pascal's Triangle II
- Form a number divisible by 3 using array digits
- Sum of upper and lower triangle (GFG Easy)
- Diagonal Traverse 2 (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Pascal Triangle (GFG EASY)
- Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Largest Submatrix With Rearrangements (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Palindrome Number
- Minimum Time Visiting All points (LEETCODE EASY)
- Minimize the height 2 (GFG MEDIUM)
- Count of Matches in Tournament (LEETCODE EASY)
- Maximum Product Difference Between Two Pairs (LEETCODE EASY)
- Convert an Array into 2D array with conditions (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Longest subarray divisible by k (GFG MEDIUM)
- Find Players with zero or one losses (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Unique number of ocurrences (LEETCODE EASY)
- Top k numbers in a stream (GFG MEDIUM)
- Set Mismatch (LEETCODE EASY)
- Group Anagrams (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Reursive Sequence (GFG EASY)
- Find First Palindrome String in array (LEETCODE EASY)
- Rearrange Array Elements by Sign (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Find the Polgon with largest perimeter (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Peak Element (GFE MEDIUM)
- LargeSt Number formed by array (GFG MEDIUM)
- Minimum Common Value
- Intersection of two array (LEETCODE EASY)
- Product of array except self (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Swapping pairs make summ equal (GFG MEDIUM)
- Find Common Characters (LEETCODE EASY)
- Maximum Common Integer (GFG MEDIUM)
- Continuous Subarray Sum (LEETCODE MEDUM)
- Subarray Sums Divisible by K (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Convert array into Zig-Zag fashion (GFG EASY)
- Height Checker (LEETCODE EASY)
- Nuts and Bolts Problem (GFG MEDIUM)
- Relative Sort Array (LEEYCODE EASY)
- Prime Pair with Target Sum (GFG MEDIUM)
- Height of Binary Tree
- Is Subsequence
- Power Of Numbers
- Sort Stack
- Reverse Stack
- Merge Sort
- Combination Sum
- Combination Sum2
- Combination Sum3
- Subset Sum
- Subset Sums2
- Generate all binary strings
- Generate Parenthesis
- Permutation with spaces
- Letter Combinations of a Phone number
- Permutation
- Permutation2
- Count Good Numbers
- Power Of Four
- K-th Symbol in Grammar
- Minimum Operation
- Print Pattern (GFG EASY)
- Implement Atoi (GFG MEDIUM)
- Armstrong Number (GFG EASY)
- Swap Two Numbers
- XOR Operation
- Check whether K-th bit is set or not
- Power Of Four
- Number of 1 Bits (LEETCODE EASY)
- Power of 2
- Set the rightmost unset bit
- Bit Difference
- Single Number
- Play with OR (GFG EASY)
- Sum of bit difference (GFG MEDIUM)
- Swap two nibbles in a byte (GFG EASY)
- Single Number 3 (LEETCODE EASY)
- Binary representation of next number (GFG EASY)
- Construct list using given q XOR queries (GFG MEDIUM)
- InOrder Traversal
- PreOrder Traversal
- PostOrder Traversal
- Level Order Traversal
- Maximum Height Of Tree
- Balanced Binary Tree
- Diameter of Binary Tree
- Maximum Path Sum
- Same Tree
- ZigZag Level Traversal
- Duplicate subtree in Binary Tree
- Floor in BST
- Find The Larget Value in Each Row
- Binary Tree to CDLL (GFG MEDIUM)
- Determine if Two Trees are identical (GFG EASY)
- Symmetric Tree (GFG EASY)
- Amount of time for binary tree to be infected (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Max Diff between node and ancestor (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Distribute Coins in a binary tree (GFG MEDIUM)
- Count the nodes at distance K from leaf (GFG MEDIUM)
- Min between 2 given nodes (GFG MEDIUM)
- Check for Children Sum Property in a Binary Tree (GFG MEDIUM)
- Find Bottom Left of tree (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Subarray with given sum (1st subarray)
Minimum Maximum Pair Sum in Array (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Largest Sum Subarray of size atleast k (GFG MEDIUM)
Smallest Window Containing 0,1,2 (GFG MEDIUM)
- Remove k digits (GFG MEDIUM)
- Implement queue using stack
- Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Dailt Temperatures (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Reverse first k digits of queue (GFG EASY)
Reverse words in a given string (String separated by ".")
Reverse words in a given string (String separated by " ")
Maximum Old Binary Number (Leetcode Contest)
Last Visited Integers (Leetcode Contest)
Number following a pattern (GFG MEDIUM)
Check if String is rotated by 2 places (GFG EASY)
Minimum Amount of Time to Collect Garbage (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
1662. Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent (LEETCODE EASY)
1160. Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters (LEETCODE EASY)
Largest 3 Same Digit Number in String (LEETCODE EASY)
How Many X's? (GFG MEDIUM)
Largest Odd Number in String (LEETCODE EASY)
Check if a string is repetition of its substring of k-length (GFG MEDIUM)
-Largest string between two equal character (LEETCODE EASY)
Number of laser beams in a bank (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Determine if string halves are alike (LEETCODE EASY)
Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram (LEETCODE EASY)
Find duplicate rows in a binary matrix
Longest Common Subsequence of 3 string (GFG MEDIUM)
Pangram Check (GFG EASY)
First Unique Character in a String (LEETCODE EASY)
Check String is divisble by 8 (GFG EASY)
Max Odd Binary Number (LEETCODE EASY)
Minimum Length of string after deleting similar ends (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Remove all duplicates from a given string (GFG EASY)
Custom Sort String (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Isomorphic Strings (LEETCODE EASY)
Odd Even Problem (GFG EASY)
Append Characters to String to Make Subsequence (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Binary representation of next number (GFG EASY)
Longest Palindrome (LEETCODE EASY)
Count Number of Homogenous Substrings (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Sort Characters by Frequency (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Eliminate Maximum Number of Monsters (LEETCODE Medium)
Divide Array Into Arrays With Max Difference (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Furthest Building You can Reach (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
New Year Resolution (GFG Medium)
Longest Increasing Subsequence (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Grinding Geek (GFG MEDIUM)
Longest Common Subsequence from 2 string (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
Longest Common Subsequence of 3 string (GFG MEDIUM)
Padovan Sequence (GFG EASY)
Binary Tree to CDLL (GFG MEDIUM)
Reverse Doubly Linked List (GFG EASY)
Intersection of two sorted Linked Lists (GFG EASY)
Insertion Sort for Singly Linked List (GFG MEDIUM)
Decimal Equivalent of Binary Linked List (GFG EASY)
Sorted insert for circular linked list (GFG EASY)
Merge In Between Linked List (LEETCODE MEDIUM)
- Search in Binary Search Tree
- Minimum in BST
- Inorder Traversal and BST
- Ceil in BST
- Floor in BST
- Insert Node in BST
- Brothers from Different Roots (GFG EASY 3 DEC)
- Delete Node in BST
- Invalid BST or not
- Lowest Common Ancestor of a BST
- Sum of leaf nodes in BST (GFG MEDIUM)
- Minimum Element in BST (GFG BASIC)
- Minimum Absolute Difference in BST (GFG MEDIUM)
- Kth common ancestor in BST (GFG MEDIIUM)
- Pairs violating the BST property (GFG MEDIUM)
- Number of Provinces
- Rotting Oranges
- Flood Fill
- 0/1 Matrix
- Surrounding Region
- Topological Sort (DFS) /Kahn's Algoithm(BFS)
- Number of enclaves
- Word Ladder 1
- Detect cycle in directed graph
- Detect cycle in undirected graph
- Course Schedule
- Course Schedule 2
- Find Eventual Safe State
- Shortest Path in undirected graph
- Is it a tree? (GFG MEDIUM)
- Shortest Prime Path (GFG MEDIUM)
- Dijsktra
- Clone undirected graph (GFG MEDIUM)
Contributions to this repository are currently not open to the public, as it is a collection of my personal solutions. However, if you find any issues with the provided solutions or have suggestions for additional problems or improvements, feel free to contact me directly.
Here are some additional resources that can help you in your DSA learning journey:
GeeksforGeeks: A comprehensive resource for learning algorithms, data structures, and programming concepts.
LeetCode: A popular platform for practicing coding interview questions.