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API Endpoints

Ben Serrette edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 32 revisions

General Notes

Return a 403 if the user performing the action does not have access to a particular data set

All endpoints should accept auth-token headers that can be validated by the authenticate-token auth endpoint

Errors (e.g. 403, 500, etc) should be accompanied by a json response body including an "error message" field

NOTE: Endpoints marked with * are not yet implemented

Authentication endpoints (Login)

All endpoints found in


  • Request:
    • Headers:
      auth-token: token...
      auth-username: username
    • Body:
  • Response:
    • Headers:
    • Body
          "user_id": ###, 
          "roles": [


  • Logs user out of CADRE system (not cilogin or cognito)
  • Request:
    • Headers:
      auth-token: token...
    • Body:
  • Response:
    • 200
      {'message': "Logout successful.", "username": "username"}
    • 422
      {'Error': 'Logout failed.'}
    • 401
      {'Error': 'Invalid user name provided'}
    • 500


  • from
  • Callback from cognito for successful login


  • Called after /auth/logout in order to log user out of cognito

Query Builder endpoints (Data API)

Defined in middleware of


  • Request: Same as /api/data/publications-sync
  • Response:
        "job_id": "5d4e55f7-8329-4f4f-8a08-bd762691f6d9", 
        "message_id": "1d72add8-926a-4437-878e-d7bcb3551f0d"


  • Used for Preview queries
  • Request:
    • Headers
    • Body
          dataset: "wos", // or "mag" etc
          filters: [
                  field: 'year',
                  value: '2007',
                  operation: "AND" //or OR etc
                  field: 'author',
                  value: 'Smith',
                  operation: "" 
          output: [
                  type: 'single',
                  field: 'paper_id'
                  type: 'single',
                  field: 'year'
                  type: 'single',
                  field: 'authors'
                  type: 'network',
                  field: 'citations',
                  degree: '2'
    • Response
            "authors_display_name": "Thomas P. Shakespeare|Val Gebski|Val Gebski|Michael J. Veness|John Simes", 
            "journal_display_name": "The Lancet", 
            "original_title": "Improving interpretation of clinical studies by use of confidence levels, clinical significance curves, and risk-benefit contours", 
            "paper_id": "2119126196", 
            "year": "2001"
            "authors_display_name": "Kobashi Yukari|Ebi Junsuke", 
            "journal_display_name": null, 
            "paper_id": "2868304693", 
            "year": "2001"

RAC endpoints

These are all in the backend of the Interface Repo


  • List Jobs for the current user


  • Runs a package by sending a job to the SQS queue

  • Request:

      { package_id: xxx, output_filename: [xxx, xxx, ...] }
  • Response:

      { job_id: xxx, job_status: xxx }
  • Error:

      { error_message: "Descriptive Message about why it failed to run" }


  • List All packages

  • NOTE: Actual response depends on how we decide to handle the database schema

  • Request:

      { limit: xxx, page: xxx, order: xxx, search: xxx }
  • Response:

               package_id: "xxxxx",
               name: "xxxxx",
               author: "xxxx",
               created_date: "2019-07-16 10:51:26",
               tools: ["tool 1", "tool 2"],
               input_files: ["/dataset.csv"]


  • Create a new notebook server for a given user
  • Proxy for the Kubernates endpoint


  • Gets the status of a user's notebook
  • Proxy for the Kubernates endpoint


  • Get a new notebook token for a given user
  • Proxy for the Kubernates endpoint

/api/rac/jobs/user/{user} *

  • List jobs for specific user

/api/rac/jobs/{job_id} *

  • Get metadata including status for a specific job

/api/rac/packages/new *

  • Create a new package

/api/rac/teams *

  • List teams for current user

/api/rac/teams/{team_id} *

  • Get metadata for specific team

/api/rac/teams/new *

  • Create a new team

/api/rac/teams/user-add/<user_id> *

  • 403 if the user does not have access to the datasets used by the team
  • 404 if the user doesn't exist

/api/rac/teams/user-remove/<user_id> *

/api/rac/datasets *

  • List datasets that the current user has access to

/api/rac/notebooks *

  • List current user's available notebooks (for user and team)


  • Get specific user's notebooks

/api/rac/notebooks/team/<team_id> *

  • Get notebooks for a specific team


  • Get metadata for a specific notebook

/api/rac/data-assets/ *

  • List data assets (query results, etc) for the current user

/api/rac/data-assets/{data-set} *

  • Get list of assets for a specific data set (wos, mag, etc)

/api/rac/data-assets/{asset-id}/move-to-notebook/{notebook-id} *

  • Copy a data asset to a specific notebook.
  • Updates list of datasets that the notebook contains
  • 403 if notebook does not have access to the data set

/api/rac/institutions/ *

  • List all institutions

/api/rac/institutions/{institution} *

  • Get metadata for specific institution, including which datasets they have access to.