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Chathuri Peli Kankanamalage edited this page Dec 13, 2019
15 revisions
- client_id : cilogon:/client_id/324a082feec19fc87c33bb424adb3cfa
- secret: bzcYN2aVdqLG8xS_XBUxUFY4sFDqxTnLul70usy4Bkg5BlnEgrph6dBSbw7NaJnS2ParPBrpPt6dv27cF0znhQ
- client_id : cilogon:/client_id/7caa1906e03a45947a0879797896845
- secret: S4iiS8-KRphy8_ZAd2J_m7BnvjGCBclpfpHl5jM9q2AvToV1b9zQAmaS4hvjEfIiy4WsIOVK_rpkP3JW4Em9zw
- client_id : 930516059841-afgvkntiqgab664tdr5mh8if67tca06m.apps.googleusercontent.com
- secret : as2Ge8Kknqh-jQwhF1TbUld6
- client_id : 631679721996-624t41d94kpnrhj224hoin1u00ev7vph.apps.googleusercontent.com
- secret : xd53nAKk09H620TtQ7aexAgB
- app_id : 369244953848573
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- secret : N/C9tBPHSv1a:dsDHGlw7sB9AInkr@[@
- app_id : f07d1cde-8b59-4d8c-b03e-2c6bb107f019
- API key : 4yyqhhnUUxpLnZJRtHFtDL4cz
- API secret key : S2zaNWNcUVvYy9Outi12gl3oddNjgfD2FFkEZCVvfa9weqLZVX
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There is some error with the Control Characters or some special characters in the Paper Citations Context Table in the Microsoft Academic Graph. Vim was coloring these characters blue.
A sample line which was causing error while doing the copy command:
98605638""2068361557""Since the time complexity reduces to 0 ( log ) if <0a> is constant, the algorithm retain the complexity of [48] in all cases where the maximum rank of the input alphabet is bounded."