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Notebook RAC integration

Ben Serrette edited this page Jun 26, 2019 · 1 revision

The current idea to integrate Notebooks with RAC is to use a standardized folder structure in the user's file system space. There will be folders for the results of the query interface, results of RAC packages, and scripts that can be turned into RAC tools.


   |-Query Results
   |    |-job_id_1.csv
   |    |-job_id_2.csv
   |    |- ...
   |-Package Outputs
   |    |-RAC Package 1
   |    |-RAD Package 2
   |    |- ...
   |-Package Scripts
   |    |
   |    |-script_2.R
   |    |-...

When a user clicks "RUN" in a RAC Package, the results will be automatically dumped into the Package Outputs folder. When a user wants to create a RAC Tool or a RAC Package using a script, he would need to dump the script into the Package Scripts folder. The user would push the "Create Tool" button somewhere and would be given the option to create tools based on the scripts in this folder. We could use some kind of method to vet a script (maybe manually if need be) before converting it into a Tool.

Xiaoran found a jupyter plugin that would make it easy to convert a notebook into a stand alone python script that could be used for RAC Tools: