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1 Instance and physical device selection

Jaibeer S Dugal edited this page Oct 14, 2024 · 1 revision

A Vulkan application starts by setting up the Vulkan API through a VkInstance. An instance is created by describing your application and any API extensions you will be using. After creating the instance, you can query for Vulkan-supported hardware and select one or more VkPhysicalDevices to use for operations. You can query for properties like VRAM size and device capabilities to select desired devices, for example to prefer using dedicated graphics cards.

Figuring out the setup design

Do we require a Device manager and a Window manager? That will need to be injected in some way.

We will be starting with RAII system #ResourceAcquisitionIsInitialized #RAII

so let's create an ModuleBaseInterface class that will have a Create and destroy and have it happen all at once.

Changing to vcpkg for cross platoform open dev for package management

Vcpkg works with everything so i will be using that for now as it makes the most difference