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How to recolor an official animal or object

jbostoen edited this page Sep 12, 2019 · 1 revision

How to recolor an official animal or object

This is only meant as a short tutorial for 99% of the original animals/objects (there are probably a few exceptions). Start from the original animal game files, not from what APE generated.


  • always copy the original files (for example, all files from T-Rex), keep the naming first.
  • for this example, let's say c:\temp\animals\trex (or something like that) contains all original .pal files and icons and animations


  • open any animation now from trex
  • on the right side of the main window, right click the color palette, choose to export it (to .PNG for instance)
  • recolor the palette in any program you'd like
  • very important step: go to Settings -> Palette tab -> make sure ZT Studio is forced to add all colors (even duplicates)
  • on the right side of the main window, right click the color palette and choose import from PNG
  • see if your T-rex looks nice enough or repeat the recolor-steps.

Bonus tip: make sure real/complete black stays black (= shadow for the animal)

Rename (to unique name)

  • use ZT Studio to convert all files from ZT1 to .PNG (batch conversion)
  • now rename your folder and trex.pal to for example mytrex and mytrex.pal
  • use ZT Studio to convert all files from .PNG to ZT1 (batch conversion)

Why? This allows you to not have single .pal-files for each single view in each single animation (= the crappy APE way) But, why? Having one color palette allows you to simply recolor this; and all animations will be recolored at once.

What's left? In most (all?) cases, icons and plaques use a separate color palette file. Adjust those graphics manually, recoloring is a bad idea here because these color palettes also contain the background of the icon.

Configuration Again, never use APE because it generates utter crap. Always start from the original .AI-file from the animal.