The following files are recommended for installation:
$ sudo apt install ros-melodic-teleop-twist-keyboard
- Create ROS Workspace.
$ mdir -p ~/Documents/ros_workspace/trash_bot_workspace/src
- Move to workspace.
$ cd ~/Documents/ros_workspace/trash_bot_workspace/src
- Clone this repository into newly created Trash Bot Workspace.
$ git clone
- Move to the head of the project workspace and build the ROS Teknic Motor Controller.
$ cd .. && catkin_make
- Source the environment file from the head of the project workspace.
$ source devel/setup.bash
- Use roslaunch to start the motor controller.
$ roslaunch teknic_motor_controller trash_bot_motor_controller.launch
Note: The following assumptions are being made when using this motor controller.
- Each motor is driving two wheels. Each wheel has its own chain that connects it to either the left or the right motor.
- Motor orientation is the following:
(L) (R)
---[] []---
- There are exactly four wheels. This could be modified in the future with an additional parameter to the vehicle configuration file.
Vehicle Parameters:
- Number of Motors
- Description: Number of motors being used on vehicle. It is assumed that this number will be even with a minimum of two motors.
- Gear Ratio
- Description: Gear ratio between motor and single tire rotation.
- Wheel Base:
- Description: The length of the wheel base in meters.
- Wheel Radius:
- Description: The length of the wheel radius in meters.
- Tire Deflection
- Description: Deformation of tire at the point of contact
- Diameter Mod
- Description:
Teknic Motor Parameters:
- Encoder Resolution
- Description: Encoder tics per wheel revolution
- Max Motor Velocity
- Description: Max velocity that the motor may reach during operations.
- Max Motor Acceleration
- Description: Max acceleration that the motor may reach when ramping to the specified velocity.
- Max Motor Torque Percentage
- Description: Max percentage of available torque that the motor may use when operating.
Clearpath SC User Manual
Description: This goes over the general setup and configuration of ClearPath Motors.
S-Foundation Reference
Description: This goes over the ClearPath SDK.
Differential Drive Kinematics
Control of Mobile Robots- 2.2 Differential Drive Robots
Kinematics of a 4 wheeled differential drive robots
rosbot kernel headers