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Documentation Menus

Jens Maus edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Menu entries

Main window

Project menu

Project/About Shows User license for this program.

Project/About MUI Shows copyright and version information for User license#FixMui.

Project/Check for updates Fetches information about the newest version of YAM from the YAM homepage. Make sure that you are online before calling this function. YAM then tells you whether there is an update for your version. The button [Visit Homepage] will then start an Configuration#FixScripts which connects your browser to the YAM homepage.

Project/Show last message Shows recent error messages.

Project/Show transfers in progress

Project/Restart Forces a "warm start" of YAM. You can use this to login in again using Windows/Userswindow, for instance.

Project/Hide This switches the program to iconified mode. The icon will still show the status of those folders for whom the "AppIcon stats" has been activated in the Windows/Foldersettings; also, the periodic mail check and any ARexxAPI scripts remain active. The appearance of the mailbox icons can be changed, if you want -- all you have to do is to put new files,, and into YAM's /Icons directory.

Project/Quit Exit from YAM.

Folder menu

Folder/New folder... Creates a new folder and inserts it below the current one. If the folder directory already exists (e.g. a folder of another user), select "Existing directory". To create a new folder you can either use YAM's "Internal defaults" or copy the settings from the current folder ("Like current"). Now a Windows/Foldersettings opens where you can modify the properties of the new folder.

Folder/New folder group... Creates a new folder group and inserts it at the end of the folder list. Groups are useful to group your folders in categories, saving also precious state space in your folder list. Folders can also be nested, i.e. you can insert a group into another group.

Folder/Edit... Opens a Windows/Foldersettings where you can modify the properties of the current folder. If a group is selected, only its name can be changed here.

Folder/Delete Removes the current (user defined) folder, asking for confirmation first. When a group is deleted, its contents simply move one place up in the tree.

Folder/Search... Opens the Windows/Searchwindow, which allows you to find any particular message.

Folder/Filter Applies the user defined Configuration#FixFilters to all messages in the current folder. Filters are of the form 'On query, take action', the options being defined in the configuration settings.

Folder/Apply Spam filter Applies the Spam filter to all messages in the current folder.

Folder/Empty trash Actually deletes the messages in the 'Trash' folder.

Folder/Delete spam from folder

Folder/Update index Scans the directory for the current folder and builds a new index file. Normally YAM updates the index file automatically, as needed. However it can be useful to force an index update after a crash or in the event of a problem.

Folder/Flush all indices Removes the indices of the user defined folders, which is helpful if you're low on memory. If you change to one of these folders at a later time, the index will be reloaded from the hard disk.

Folder/Import... Allows the import of a mail file created by a different application. The file must be in standard MBOX mailbox format as generated by external mail server client programs like AmiPOP or IMAP clients. Such a file may contain several messages, which are identified by their "From:" and "Date:" headers.

Folder/Export... Saves all the messages in the current folder to a single file, so that they can be read by a different e-mail client (see the previous option).

Folder/Send mail Transmits all messages in the Outgoing mailbox (except for those which are on 'Hold').

Folder/Send and get mail First fetches new mail from your mail server and then sends the messages in the Outgoing mailbox. This simply combines the actions of 'Get new mail' and 'Send queued mail'.

Folder/Get mail Attempts to connect to the mail server, checks whether there is new mail waiting and if so downloads it into the 'Incoming' mailbox. If you have specified more than one Configuration#FixPOP3, those marked as "Active" will all be checked in turn.

Folder/Check single account If you have set up several POP3 accounts, you can use this function to check any single account.

Message menu

Message/Read Loads the selected message into the Windows/Readwindow.

Message/Edit as new Allows you to edit a message you have composed earlier.

Message/Move... Moves one or more messages into another folder. You can also do this by Windows#FixDrag the message(s) from the message list into the Windows/Mainwindow#FixFolderList and dropping them onto the desired destination.

Message/Copy... Allows you to duplicate a message. The copy is identical to the original apart from its filename on disk.


Message/Delete Moves one or more messages to the 'Deleted' folder (from which they can be recovered if needed). If you want messages actually to be deleted immediately, check "Remove messages immediately" in the Configuration#FixMisc configuration settings. The key works as a keyboard shortcut for this menu item, while forces immediate deletion from the hard disk, regardless of the configuration settings.

Message/Print Sends the readable part (text and headers) of the message(s) to the printer.

Message/Save Saves the text (and headers) of one or more messages, creating a separate file for each message. Should you want to save all the messages in the folder to a single file in mailbox (MBOX) format, use #FixFolderExport instead.

Message/Attachments >> Save Saves the attached files from one or more messages in a directory you select.

Message/Attachments >> Delete Deletes, without further warning, the MIME attachments from one or more messages, in order to save storage space. A notice about the deleted data is written into any message cropped in this way.

Message/Export... Saves one or more messages to a single file, so that they can be read by a different e-mail client (see also #FixFolderImport).

Message/New Opens the Windows/Writewindow, in which you can compose a new message.

Message/Reply Use this to reply to a message which someone has sent to you. Subject and recipient headers are filled in automatically and the original text is quoted. It is also possible to select several messages which will all be quoted in the same reply and sent back to the original senders (Multi-reply).

Message/Forward This lets you send the contents of an e-mail on to another recipient. The subject and the body text are copied across whereas a new message header is created. At the beginning and the end of the quoted text YAM inserts the phrases for forwarding, which you can define in the Configuration#FixReplyForward settings in the configuration. You can also select multiple messages, in which case these are combined into a single forwarded message (Multi-forward).

Message/Redirect This lets you send a message on to another recipient, with no visible changes at all. Only the To: field of the header is changed and a couple of Resent: fields are added; the phrases defined for forwarded messages are not used here.

Message/Save address... The address of the sender of the selected message (or the recipient's, depending on which type of mailbox is open) is added to your Windows/Addressbook. If multiple messages are selected or if a message has several recipients, then you get the option of creating a new distribution list.

Message/Select >> All | None | Toggle Selects all the messages in the current folder, clears any selection or toggles the selection (i.e. exchanges selected and unselected items), respectively.

Message/Set status >> Marked | Unmarked | Read | Unread | Spam | No Spam | | All as Read This changes the status of one or more messages. Thus you can release held messages in the Outgoing mailbox, mark unread messages as read or manually mark suspicious mails as spam.

Message/Change subject... This alters the subject of one or more messages, so you can amend irrelevant Subject: fields in messages you have received. To preserve the capability of tracing a thread back, the original subject is saved in the message headers as X-Original-Subject:.

Message/Send Makes a connection to the mail server and transmits the selected messages. If you want to send all the messages in the Outgoing folder, then it is better to choose #FixFolderSend.

Settings menu

Settings/Address book... Lets you edit the entries in the Windows/Addressbook.

Settings/Configuration... Opens the Configuration, in which you can change YAM's settings.

Settings/Users... Opens the Windows/Userswindow, where you can add new users ("Multi-User").

Settings/MUI... Opens the settings window for User license#FixMui, where you can specify virtually all of the visual features of YAM, including fonts, palette, screen mode, background, borders, gadgets, keyboard shortcuts and so on. Please see the MUI documentation for more information. YAM utilises several MUI classes which were not in the original release of MUI. These MUI modules are:

    NListviews: some of the lists in YAM, e.g. the message list\\
       Options: colors, fonts, miscellaneous, scrollbars.\\

    Thebar: icon buttons in the YAM windows.\\
       Options: labels, spacing, fonts.\\

    TextEditor: internal editor as well as message display in the Read window\\
       Options: fonts, colors, cursor, separator, keybindings, spell checker.\\

    NListtree: structured lists: address book, folder list\\
       Options: appearance of lines and group icons.\\

    BetterString: general one-line text input field.\\
       Options: font, palette, cursor.\\

Scripts menu

Scripts/Execute script... Lets you select an ARexxAPI script and run it.

Write window

Text menu

Text/New Clears any text to start a new message.

Text/Open... Opens an existing text file.

Text/Insert as >> Plain Inserts a text file at the current cursor position.

Text/Insert as >> Quoted Inserts a text file at the current cursor position, prefacing each line with the quote character (usually >).

Text/Insert as >> Alternate Quoted Inserts a text file at the current cursor position, prefacing each line with an alternate quote character (usually |).

Text/Insert as >> ROT13 encoded Inserts a text file at the current cursor position and replaces each letter with the one 13 characters ahead on the alphabet, cycling back from Z to A (so A->M, B->N, M->A) as appropriate. This very simple code is used for example for indecent humour.

Text/Insert as >> UUencoded text

Text/Launch editor This lets you compose your message with your favourite editor as specified in the Configuration#FixWrite configuration. Note that a few functions such as text styles and the #FixGlossary may only be supported correctly in the internal editor. Whenever you save in the external editor, the text in the internal editor is updated, due to the way the operating system interprets the file notification when you save the temporary file.

Text/Save as... Saves the current message (only the text part, without any header) to a file of your choice.

Text/Send now

Text/Send later

Text/Save as draft


Edit menu

Edit/Undo Undoes the last change made in the editor.

Edit/Redo Restores the change just undone with 'Edit/Undo'.

Edit/Cut Cuts the marked text and saves it to the clipboard.

Edit/Copy Places in the clipboard a copy of the marked text.

Edit/Paste Inserts the text on the clipboard at the current cursor position.

Edit/Paste as >> Quoted Inserts the text on the clipboard at the current cursor position, prefacing each line with the quote character (usually >).

Edit/Paste as >> Alternate Quoted Inserts the text on the clipboard at the current cursor position, prefacing each line with the alternative quote character (usually |).

Edit/Paste as >> ROT13 encoded Inserts a text file at the current cursor position, applying ROT-13 encoding (see also under #FixTextInsertROT).

Edit/Select all

Edit/Select none


Edit/Search again

Edit/Glossary Opens the Glossary window.

 YAM's Glossary acts as a place to collect blocks of text which you 
 may use fairly frequently, such as templates for letters, greeting 
 phrases or frequently asked questions.  The text can be as long as 
 desired, extending over several lines.  Using the *Edit/Glossary* menu 
 item or the <RAmiga-D> shortcut you can go straight from the 
 [[Windows/Writewindow#FixEdit| internal editor ]] into the glossary.  Each entry has a name (e.g. "ys" 
 for "Yours sincerely") which you can see in the left-hand part of the 
 window.  Click on the name and you can edit the entry in the right-hand 
 side of the window.  A double click on the name pastes the text block at 
 the current cursor position and then closes the window.

 *_Function of the buttons*_ 

 Creates a new entry in the glossary. 

 `Add selection`
 Creates a new entry in the glossary using the block marked in the 
 text editor.  If no block is currently marked, YAM will try to 
 paste the contents of the clipboard. 

 Deletes the selected entry from the glossary. 

 Pastes the highlighted entry into the text editor, at the current 
 cursor position. 

Edit/Textstyle >> Bold Toggles bold type on or off for a marked block or for text entered subsequently. In the resulting message, text in bold type is delimited by asterisks, thus: bold -> bold

Edit/Textstyle >> Italic Toggles italic type on or off for a marked block or for text entered subsequently. In the resulting message, text in italics is delimited by slashes, thus: italic -> /italic/

Edit/Textstyle >> Underlined Toggles underlining on or off for a marked block or for text entered subsequently. In the resulting message, underlined text is delimited by underline characters, thus: underline -> underline

Edit/Textstyle >> Alternative color Toggles colored type on or off for a marked block or for text entered subsequently. The color is defined in the Configuration#FixRead. In the resulting message, the colored text is delimited by hash signs, thus: color -> #color#

Edit/Emoticons >> Happy | Indifferent | Sad/angry | Ironic Inserts a 'smiley' at the current cursor position. Smilies express your feelings about the topic and compensate for the loss of intonation when expressing yourself in writing rather than speech (see also What is e-mail#FixNetiquette).

Edit/Type and spell Switches automatic spellchecking on or off. Spellchecking is a function of the Texteditor class and must be configured in #FixSettingsMui. It must use an external program like AlphaSpell.

 If you type in a word which is not in the dictionary, the screen
 flashes (and you will get an audible signal, too, if you have set
 this up in your Workbench Sound preferences).  Use <Amiga-Help>
 to get a list of suggestions for the correct spelling.

Edit/Word wrap

Attachments menu

Attachments/Add file... Equivalent to the [Add file] button in the Windows/Writewindow#FixAttachmentSheet sheet.

Attachments/Add clipboard Adds the contents of the clipboard as an attachment to your message, so you can easily include documents from other applications.

Attachments/Add PGP key Use this to attach your What is e-mail#FixPgp to the message. The recipient can add this to his "keyring" and will then be able to send you messages signed and/or encrypted with PGP.

View menu




View/Cc Address Field

View/Bcc Address Field

View/Reply-to Address Field

Options menu

Options/Delete after sending? Activate this option if you want the message to be deleted right after being transmitted, instead of being copied to the 'Sent' folder.

Options/Return receipt?

Options/Add personnal information? Check this option to create a special X-SenderInfo: header containing personal data like your postal address, phone number, homepage, date of birth or URL of your picture. If the recipient works with YAM too, (s)he will be able to create an address book entry and fill it with your data. To get this to work, add an entry in your address book containing your data (YAM will find your entry based on the email address). If one exists, enter the WWW address of a small photo of yourself in the "address book" section of the configuration.

Options/Importance >> High | Normal | Low Specify here how important the message is for the recipient. Messages noted as important will usually be displayed with an exclamation mark in the status line and put into first place by automatic mail sorting. The level of importance is stored in the Importance: header.

Options/Signature >> No signature Here you can replace the standard signature by one of the alternative signatures, or switch it off completely for this message.

Options/Security >> None | Sign | Encrypt | Sign and encrypt | Default Select here which security measures you want to take for this message.

  none: Normal mail transfer.\\
  sign: The message will be signed with your PGP public key and saved in multipart/signed format.  The text of the message will be readable without PGP.\\
  encrypt: The message will be encrypted using the recipient's PGP key and saved in multipart/encrypted format.\\
  sign and encrypt: This is a combination of the two previous options, allowing the recipient to check the sender's identity.\\
  default: The mail will use whatever security measures have been selected for this recipient in the address book, or "none" if this recipient cannot be found there.\\

Further information about PGP and security issues can be found in the
[[What is e-mail#FixPgp| PGP ]] and [[Configuration#FixSecurity| Configuration/Security ]] chapters.

Options/Fixed font?

Options/Text colors?

Options/Text styles?

Read window

Message menu

Message/Edit as new... Sends the current message to the message editor. This option is only available for "Outgoing mail"-like folders.

Message/Move... Moves the current message to a different folder.

Message/Copy... Creates a copy of the current message. With the exception of the filename, the copy is identical to the original.


Message/Delete Deletes the current message and loads the next one into the Read window. Unless the option Remove messages immediately is enabled in the Configuration#FixMisc configuration settings, the message is actually moved into the Deleted folder, from which it can be recovered if needed. The key works as a convenient keyboard shortcut, while forces an immediate (irreversible) deletion, no matter which configuration settings are in use.

Message/Print... Sends the current message, or a part of it, to the printer. A requester opens to let you choose whether to print the original message without decoding (raw format), print the decoded text as diplayed, or print an attached text file. Note that you cannot print binary data such as graphics; for that purpose you must use the relevant print option in the appropriate Configuration#FixMime.

Message/Save... Saves the current message or a part of it to your hard disk, floppy, etc. Again a requester appears to let you choose whether to save the message in raw format, the decoded message (as it appears in the Read window), or to save one of the attached files.

Message/Attachments >> Display... Displays the current message or part of it using the MIME viewer selected in the Configuration#FixMime. You can choose whether to display the message in raw format (to check for errors) or to view one of the attached files. If nothing happens, check the settings for MIME viewers in the configuration.

Message/Attachments >> Save all... Saves all the files attached to the current message to the directory you select.

Message/Attachments >> Crop Deletes all the attached files for the current message in order to save disk space. BEWARE: these files are not sent to the Deleted folder, so be sure that you don't want to keep any of them! This function only applies to messages in What is e-mail#FixMime. A notice is added to the end of the message about the removed files.

Message/New Opens the Windows/Writewindow so you can compose a new message.

Message/Reply... Use this to reply to the current message. Subject and recipient fields are filled in automatically and the original message is quoted, unless the Configuration#FixReplyForward configuration settings say otherwise.

Message/Forward... >> As attachment | Inlined Use this to forward the contents of the message to another recipient. The subject and the message body are automatically copied and a new message header is created. The text for forwarding defined in the Configuration#FixReplyForward configuration is inserted in the message.

Message/Redirect... Use this to send the original, unaltered message to another recipient. The only changes made are to enter a new To: header while YAM adds a couple of Resent: headers based on the original "To:" header. The text for forwarded messages (as defined in the configuration) is not used here.


Message/search again

Message/Save address... The address of the sender (or the recipient, depending on the type of folder) of the current message is added to your Windows/Addressbook. If the message has multiple recipients, you have the option of creating a new distribution list.

Message/Set status Lets you change the status of the current message to >> Marked | Unmarked | Read | Unread | Spam | No Spam

Message/Change subject... This lets you change the subject of the current message, so you can amend uninformative "Subject:" headers on some messages you have received. The original subject is saved in a X-Original-Subject: header, to facilitate following a thread back.

Navigation menu

Navigation/Next message This displays the next message, i.e. the one below the current message in the main window. Shortcut:

Navigation/Previous message This displays the previous message, i.e. the one above the current message in the main window. Shortcut:

Navigation/Next unread message This displays the next unread message below the current message in the main window. If there are no more unread messages below the current message in the current folder but there is some in one of the following folders, you will be notified about it and asked if you want to jump to that folder and continue reading there. Shortcut:

Navigation/Previous unread message This displays the previous unread message above the current message in the main window. If there are no more unread messages above the current message in the current folder but there is some in one of the previous folders, you will be notified about it and asked if you want to jump to that folder and continue reading there. Shortcut:

Navigation/Next message in thread This displays the message which replies to the current message. This allows you to e.g. follow a dialogue between yourself and another person, regardless of what other messages are there. However, please note that to find the reply in a different folder, YAM must load the index files for all the folders, and this can take a while. YAM compares the What is e-mail#FixHeader header of the current message with the In-Reply-To: header of the other messages. If no answer can be found, the screen will flash briefly.

Navigation/Previous message in thread Loads the message to which the current message is replying (see the item above).

PGP menu

PGP/Extract public key(s) If the sender of the current message has attached his What is e-mail#FixPgp, you can copy this to your "key ring". You can then use this if this person sends you any encrypted message.

PGP/Check PGP signature Verifies the signature of the current message. This works only with PGP signed messages and serves to ensure that the message has not been tampered with and is really from the sender it claims to be.

PGP/Save decrypted message On the grounds of security, a What is e-mail#FixPgp message is saved to the hard disk as it stands. To open it, you have to use the key each time.

 You can use this menu item to save the decrypted message to the
 hard disk, overwriting its PGP encrypted counterpart.

Settings menu

These choices only apply to the current session; when you open a new Read window, the Configuration#FixRead configuration settings are used.

Settings/No headers | Short headers | Full headers Use these to select how much header information you want to see in the Read window.

Settings/No sender info | Data fields only | Data and image | Image only This selects how much of the information saved in your Windows/Addressbook about the sender is to be displayed.

Settings/Wrap headers Choose whether to show a long header on one line or to break it across two or more. In the former case you will need to use the horizontal scrollbar in order to see all the information.

Settings/Fixed font?

Settings/Text colors?

Settings/Text styles? YAM will use the characters '_', '/', '*' and '#' to render underlined, italic, bold and colored text respectively. For certain documents, such as source code, this can complicate things as some characters will be suppressed. Thus, you have the choice of temporarily switch the rendering of text styles on or off.

Address book

Address book menu

Address book/New Starts a new address book; all existing entries of the address book currently resident in RAM will be deleted. CAUTION: Save your old address book with another name before selecting this option!!

Address book/Open... Opens an existing address book from your hard disk. The address book currently resident in RAM will be replaced.

 If you try opening a file that does not seem to be a valid YAM
 address book, you will be offered the chance to load it as a list
 of email addresses, with one address per line.  Items can be
 specified as

  <> Real name


 because names are optional.  YAM will automatically create aliases
 for the new items.

Address book/Append... Loads another address book from your hard disk and appends its contents to the address book currently resident in RAM. See also the previous option.

Address book/Import

Address book/Export

Address book/Save Saves the address book to your hard disk.

Address book/Save as... Saves the address book with a name of your choice so you can keep several different address book files.

Address book/Find... Searches the address book for a certain string. See Windows/Addressbook#FixToolbar/Find for more info.

Address book/Print... Prints the whole address book. Select Short format to print a single line for each entry, or Long format for a more verbose printout, needing several lines for each entry.

Entry menu

Entry/New person... Entry/New distribution list... Entry/New group... They open the Windows/Addressbook#FixEdit to add a new entry to the address book. The appearance of the window depends on the type of entry.

Entry/Edit... The selected entry can be modified in the Windows/Addressbook#FixEdit.

Entry/Duplicate Duplicates the selected entry. The alias will be adjusted automatically.

Entry/Delete Deletes the selected entry from the address book.

Entry/Print Prints the selected entry immediately. (Who would have guessed it? ;) ).

Sort menu

Sort/by... Sorts the address book by alias, last name, first name, description or e-mail address. Please note that 'First name' is related to the first word in the 'Full name' text field while 'Last name' is related to the last word in this text field.

View menu

View/Unfold all

View/Fold all


Getting Started


Advanced use of YAM



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