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jfacorro edited this page Dec 8, 2014 · 3 revisions

The Editor is the control you use to modify the content of your files. In general, every tab that's located in the central section of the application is most likely an Editor.

By default every editor shows the number of each line in your file, you can hide these by pressing Ctrl + L .

And show them again using the same key combination.

Undoing and Redoing Changes

It is possible for you to undo or redo an unlimited number of operations on a file. These two commands can be applied through the Edit > Undo and Edit > Redo menu items or through their respective shortcuts, Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y .

Language Support

Every file has a language associated to it, the default language for a new file is the plain text language. There are currently only two other languages available which are Clojure and Markdown. Each language specifies details such as how to format the syntax highlighting, availabe operations on their structures and such things. For example Markdown provides shortcuts to apply emphasis to a piece of text or to apply code format to it.

Languages are currently assigned solely based on the document's path extension, .md for Markdown and .clj or .cljs for Clojure.

Contextual Help

While editing your file you can get a quick reminder of all available commands by pressing F1 . Listed commands will also include the ones loaded based on the file's associated language.

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