by jaeminiman
LeNet-5 1988 version(pytorch)
LeNet-5 is proposed by Yann LeCun in 1988. This model is a pioneer of image recognition models using convolutional neural networks. I want to reproduce this historical model as it was in 1998 with pytorch. The detailed description of LeNet-5_1998 is explained in [1]
There are some details of model which can be easy to missed. Because those are not used in the recent convolutional models.
- scaled hyperbolic tangent function
- According to [1] , LeNet-5 use scaled hyperbolic tangent function in order to prevent gradient vanishing problem.
- Feature maps in Layer C3 are not fully connected with all feature maps from S2.
- In order to set the number of parameters to 60,000 (same with training dataset)
- output layer is composed of Euclidean radial basis function units(RBF)
- fixed parameter vectors(+1 or -1 only) from stylized image of the corresponding character class
- MSE + penalties of the incorrect classes
[1] @article{lecun1998gradient, title={Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition}, author={LeCun, Yann and Bottou, L{'e}on and Bengio, Yoshua and Haffner, Patrick}, journal={Proceedings of the IEEE}, volume={86}, number={11}, pages={2278--2324}, year={1998}, publisher={Ieee} }