bspsGPU is a research-purpose software for evaluating non-uniform B-spline surfaces on GPUs, which includes an implementation of the following paper:
Takashi Kanai: “Fragment-based Evaluation of Non-Uniform B-spline Surfaces on GPUs”, Computer-Aided Design and Applications (Proc. CAD’07 Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 25-29 June, 2007), Vol.4, Nos.1-4, pp.287-294, 2007.
This software was originally developed in 2004-2007 and was renovated in 2021 so as to build successfully by Visual Studio 2019.
This software can run only on Windows. At first, you may try to use binary release (Win32, x64), which is available from here. Uncompress zip file and then execute run_surface.bat or run_spray.bat.
The following libraries are at least required for successfully compiling this software.
Our code uses openNURBS library. Currently, only version 3 is supported. You may compile our code by using other versions (including the latest version). In this case, however, several code modifications are needed.
Our code uses Cg Toolkit library from nVIDIA. The latest version (Cg 3.1 release) is supported.
When you execute "git clone" with "--recursive" option, you will also get vecmath-cpp and render libraries as a submodule "external/vecmath-cpp" and "external/render":
git clone --recursive
- Takashi Kanai - The University of Tokyo
This software is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.