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Releases: katriellucas/lecarde-2

v1.5.5 - public

10 Jan 07:49
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CHANGED - The logic of control config screen; The joypad remap and keyboard remap functions can be individually selected instead of cramming everything into the same config screen. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Important elements to reflect the changes of control config. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Alcuard boss rush: Collision physic correction when you're performing walk/slide on a Downhill slope, eliminated a bug-like behavior that you'll frequently switch between walk and fall states if walking downhill at full speed. (Aceearly1993)
FIXED - Underground Aqueduct: An out of bound bug which can happen if you strike a breakable wall while sticking very close to the breakable wall in question. (Aceearly1993)
FIXED - Underground Aqueduct: A irregular phenomenon so that the variable for the situation of a breakable wall is destroyed or not, will now be properly recorded. (Aceearly1993)

v1.5.4 - public

28 Sep 11:36
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ADDED - Arrow notations of new texts at La Tourvelle's castle. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Arrow notations at save spots, warp spots, area transition room in Castle of Eternal night. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Arrow notations on all road signs at village and earldoms. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Arrow notations at top of ferryman's position when ferryman is prepared to bring you across the lake. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Arrow notations on a hint of a puzzle at Servigny Mansion. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - More event notations in the project file. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Simplified Chinese counterpart of "owned" embedded text in shops. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Auto save function upon reach all possible endings in order to let player not lose too much progress by meeting undesired endings. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - More details in system compatibility warning at readme file.
FIXED - A softlock bug in game over> continue mechanic if you let the save slot keep empty on purpose by triggering an auto saving when you let Efrain reached the first town in the game. (Aceearly1993)
FIXED - A bug in the new auto save mechanic after final boss where you might be trapped at final boss room after beaten final boss before. (Aceearly1993)
FIXED - Remaining instances where you may get softlocked by dying through poison while Efrain is acrossing area transitions zones in the process. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - Now if the stone hand had been used in front of Count Servigny's courtyard, the arrow notation will correctly disappear. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - Organized the events of item sellers/vending machines into isolated groups for better visibility of any potential future editors. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - Enhancements of Garden of the Dead A-letter panel blink effect due to requests. (Aceearly1993)

v1.5.3 - public

14 Sep 06:51
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ADDED - Availability of changing and saving controller labels (XBOX/D-input/PS). (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Availability of mapping function keys to joypad's 11th and 12th buttons. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Availability of exiting the game without involving of mouse input. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Availability of saving the current situation of anti-aliasing settings. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Availability of function key inputs through xbox trigger buttons. (Aceearly1993)
FIXED - One instance at equipment screen that will cause confusions on Switch controller. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - The term "DEFAULT CONTROLS" to "CONTROL CONFIG" in control setting screen. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - Priority of attack event in the [move up/down on rope>attack] event string to be roughly the same as Christopher's in Belmont's Revenge. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - Now you can cancel the delay after a sword swing while crouching (by holding left or right), roughly resembles
the properties in Alucard's crouching attack priority in Symphony of the Night. (Aceearly1993)

v1.5.2 - public

08 Aug 07:12
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CHANGED - Eliminated the strange vanilla design choice that system hotkeys had used up "Space" keys; More user friendly for Players whose personal preferences are getting used to assign jump to "Space" key. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED -Alucard player: Eliminated the additional knockback if taken damage while doing air dash in order to avoid confusions. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - UI logic to fit the tweaks of Control Config function in title menu and system config screens. (Aceearly1993)
FIXED - An attempt to fix the question marks at enemy bestiary being bugged in rare circumstances. (Aceearly1993)
FIXED - Video option 960p and 1080p indicator not working on keyboard. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Disclaimer screen back from demo version. (Aceearly1993)

v1.5.1 - public

02 Aug 11:56
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ADDED - Music player function hidden somewhere in the game. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - More event notations in the event groups. (Aceearly1993)

v1.5.0 - public

26 Jul 09:15
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CHANGED - Position of Enemy bestiary HP/ATK/DEF texts (to match the quality in Chronicles of the Wolf). (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - Update the enemy bestiary text format so that the rare item text will be obscured by darker color scheme if the item in question is yet to be collected.
This is done to better visualize if the rare enemy item drop is collected or not. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Function to remember if the game is set in full screen mode or windowed mode (to match the quality in Chronicles of the Wolf). (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Function to remember your boss rush best time (the same as LC1). (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Copies of event controller objects in order to memorize if the rare enemy drop equipment is collected or not in enemy bestiary. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Indicator of Ring of fury mode label to indicate if you're on Ring of Fury mode or not. (Aceearly1993)
FIXED - A vanilla bug which the attack power indicator of V.V. sword did not get instantly updated in the equipment menu. (Aceearly1993)
FIXED - Trianon: A vanilla bug which one of the pick up item ID will be duplicated to another pick up ID. (Aceearly1993)

v1.4.9 - public

27 Jun 15:00
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CHANGED - Update the item pickup display text format so that text is no longer bugged in several mileseconds before acrossing the action scene transition zones
while the pickup textbox is still active. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - Reworked Alucard air dash animation. (ACC (a.k.a."得枫.德广"))
FIXED - Bugged behavior in puppet theater event that can lead to permanently losing Anna V.V. entry in enemy bestiary unless manually edit enemy bestiary region in save file.
FIXED - A vanilla bug which will cause softlocks upon knocked to area transition through dying. (Aceearly1993)
FIXED - Incorrect information on mini map before actually explored the area in question. (Aceearly1993)
ADDED - Copies of some enemies that can be triggered after beating a certain boss, get rid of the situation
that can lead to permanently losing entry of these enemies in enemy bestiary unless manually edit enemy bestiary region in save file. (Aceearly1993)

1.4.8 - beta

03 May 01:37
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CHANGED - Logic of cursor speed in music box/monster bestiary menus so that they're easier to navigate. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - Logic of return function in title screen/system config so the return key won't get overlapped with confirm key in extreme conditions. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - UI elements to reflect the changes in title screen/system config. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - Logic of return function in pause menu/map screen to match the quality in Chronicles of the Wolf. (Aceearly1993)

1.4.7 - beta

16 Apr 13:57
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CHANGED - Update the item pickup display text format so that text is no longer bugged in CHS/JPN after changing language via system config in the midst of item pickup display time period.
CHANGED - Update the action stage text format so that text is no longer bugged in CHS/JPN after changing language via system config in the midst of stage exploring.
CHANGED - Minor adjusts to fit the changed text format after implementing system config. (Aceearly1993)

1.4.6 - beta

28 Mar 13:07
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ADDED - A copy of title option menu to pause mnu so that players won't have to lose current progress in order to change system settings like control remap and language. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - Speed of some actions in the actual title option menu screen to reflect the customizations done to the copied option menu inside pause menu. (Aceearly1993)
CHANGED - Customizations to config saving mechanic to fit the new config screen. (DragonX24)