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Releases: kevlar-dev/kevlar

Kevlar version 0.7

13 Feb 19:37
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  • A new Snakemake workflow for preprocessing BAM inputs for analysis with kevlar (see #305, #355).
  • A new Snakemake workflow for kevlar's standard processing procedure (see #306, #355).
  • New unband module to merge augmented Fastq files produced with a k-mer banding strategy (see #316).
  • New varfilter module to filter out preliminary variant calls overlapping with problematic/unwanted loci or features (see #318, #342, #354).
  • New dependency: intervaltree package (see #318).
  • A new sandbox directory with convenience scripts for development and analysis (see #335).
  • A new --min-like-score filter for the simlike module (see #343).
  • A new --drop-outliers filter for the simlike module (see #350).


  • Added a new flag to print to the terminal (stderr) and a logfile simultaneously (see #308).
  • The functionality of the previous filter module is now split between the new unband module and a reimplementation of the filter module (see #316).
  • Added a "fast mode" to the simlike module, prematurely halting computations for calls already marked for filtering (see #328).
  • Added a filter for problematic short indels adjacent to homopolymers (see #336, #338, #339).
  • Implemented new filters in the simlike module based on thresholds and k-mer abundances: the ControlAbundance filter for predictions with too many high-abundance parent/control k-mers spanning the variant, and the CaseAbundance filter for predictions with too many consecutive proband/child k-mers spanning the variant (see #327, #339).


  • Corrected a bug that reported the reference target sequence instead of the assembled contig sequence in the CONTIG attribute of indel calls in the VCF (see #304).
  • Corrected a bug that called adjacent substitutions as independent SNVs rather than an aggregate MNV (see #332).


  • The effcount, dump, and simplex modules have been dropped (see #308, #316).
  • Internal handling of interesting read mate sequences has been dropped (see #353).

Kevlar version 0.6.1

16 Nov 17:21
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  • Updated so that the README markdown is included in the long description attribute for rendering on PyPI (see commit 9f51024).
  • Removed direct calls to fixures that are no longer supported by pytest (see commit dab6418).
  • Updated the Makefile so that kevlar/tests/ is not included when running the test suite. Now compatible with pytest>=4.0.0 (see commit 965bd0d).

Kevlar version 0.6

16 Nov 13:59
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  • The kevlar count operation now supports masks and 8-, 4-, or 1-bit counters (see #277 and #291).
  • A Jupyter notebook and supporting code and data for evaluating kevlar's performance on a simulated data set (see #271).
  • New flags for filtering gDNA cutouts or calls from specified sequences (see #285).
  • New filter that discards any contig/gDNA alignment with more than 4 mismatches (see #288).
  • A new feature that generates a Nodetable containing only variant-spanning k-mers to support re-counting k-mers and computing likelihood scores in low memory (see #289, #292, #302).
  • A new ProgressIndicator class that provides gradually less frequent updates over time (see #299).


  • Ported augfastx handling from kevlar.seqio module to a new Cython module (see #279).
  • Dynamic error model for likelihood calculations is now an configurable option (see #286).
  • Cleaned up overlap-related code with a new ReadPair class (see #283).
  • Updated kevlar assemble, kevlar localize, and kevlar call to accept streams of partitioned reads; previously, only reads for a single partition were permitted (see #294).
  • Overhauled the kevlar localize command to compute seed locations for all seeds in all partitions with a single BWA call, massively improving efficiency (see #294 and #301).
  • Updated the variant calling procedure to discard alignment blocks less than ksize in length (see #303).


  • Minor bug with .gml output due to a change in the networkx package (see #278).


  • Buggy home-grown greedy assembler dropped (see #279). Some parts of the overlap code retained and refactored (see #283).

Kevlar version 0.5

14 Jun 20:55
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  • Multithreading is now supported natively in kevlar alac (see #249 and unmerged feed-thread branch).
  • A limited-scope VCF reader (see #256).
  • Script for computing likelihood scores is now a first-class kevlar citizen as kevlar simlike (see #259).
  • New kevlar dist subcommand for computing average and standard deviation of k-mer abundances for likelihood calculations (see #264).
  • Paired-end awareness for kevlar dump (see #265).
  • New LikelihoodFail filter for variant calls with a negative likelihood score (see #266).

Kevlar version 0.4.2

16 Apr 23:21
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  • Much cleaner and more concise calling code from implementing "center aligned" gap alignment strategy, facilitated by new CIGAR tokenizer (see #242).
  • Improved default behavior for maxdiff and splitting seed hits into distinct bins (#246).

Kevlar version 0.4.1

04 Apr 21:17
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  • Incorrect handling of VCF FILTER field resolved (see #235).
  • A bug causing some calls to be erroneously filtered (see #237).
  • A minor bug with banded mode in kevlar novel, various other minor fixes, and code that should have been removed previously (#239).

Kevlar version 0.4

29 Mar 20:40
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  • New kevlar gentrio command for a more realistic similation of trios for testing and evaluation (#171).
  • New filter for kevlar alac for discarding partitions with a small number of interesting k-mers (#189).
  • New kevlar split subcommand for splitting a partitioned augfastq file into N chunks (see #206).
  • New -p/--part-id flag in kevlar alac for processing a single partition in a partitioned augfastq file (see #206).
  • New reader/parser for parititioned augfastx files (see #206).
  • New strategy for discriminating between variants and off-target calls using pairing information (see #210).
  • New optional "fallback" assembly strategy: if fermi-lite fails, try our homegrown greedy assembly algorithm (see #214 and #219).
  • New parameter for excluding SNV calls too near to the end of a contig (see #222).


  • Replaced pep8 with pycodestyle for enforcing code style in development (see #167).
  • The --refr argument of the kevlar dump command is now optional, and when no reference is explicitly specified kevlar dump acts primarily as a BAM to Fastq converter (see #170).
  • Split the functionality of the count subcommand: simple single-sample k-mer counting was kept in count with a much simplified interface, while the memory efficient multi-sample "masked counting" strategy was split out to a new subcommand effcount (see #185).
  • Replaced kevlar reaugment with a more generalizable kevlar augment subcommand (see #188).
  • Replaced --ksize with --seed-size in kevlar localize so that kevlar alac can now support different values for k-mers and localizing seeds/anchors (see #198).
  • Improved variant sorting, scoring, and reporting strategy (see #199).
  • The augmented Fastx format now permits annotation of 1 or more mate sequences (see #210).
  • Split and modules off from the module (see #229).


  • Incorrect file names in the quick start documentation page (see 9f6bec0).
  • The kevlar alac procedure now accepts a stream of read partitions (instead of a stream of reads) at the Python API level, and correctly handles a single partition-labeled sequence file at the CLI level (see #165).
  • CIGARs that begin with I blocks (alternate allele contig is longer than reference locus) are now handled properly (see #191).
  • Bug with how kevlar alac handles "no reference match" scenarios resolved (see #192).
  • Bug with kevlar count when reading from multiple input files (see #202).
  • Can now call SNVs near INDELs (see #229).


  • The JCA assembly mode is no longer supported (see #231).

Kevlar version 0.3.0

03 Nov 18:31
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This release includes many new features, some refactoring of the core codebase, and the first end-to-end analysis workflow implemented in a single command.
Details are included below.


  • Abundances reported by kevlar filter now correctly show re-computed proband k-mer abundances, not pre-filtering abundances (see #111).
  • The kevlar localize and kevlar call procedures now handle multiple assembled contigs, calling variants from the best reference match for each contig (see #124, #126, and #147).


  • New abundance screen now a part of kevlar novel. If any k-mer in a read is below some abundance threshold, the entire read is discarded (see #106).
  • Better error reporting and handling of various issues with assembly, localization, and alignment (see #113, #114).
  • Support for VCF output (see #130 and #144), including "windows" with all k-mers containing the reference allele (RW) and alternate allele (VW) to facilitate distinguishing inherited mutations from novel mutations (see #144 and #152).
  • New subcommands
    • alac: assembles, localizes, aligns, and calls variants on a single partition basis
    • simplex: invokes the entire simplex analysis workflow


  • The kevlar filter procedure now handles both contamination and reference matches under a single "mask" interface (see #103).
  • Explicitly dropped support for Python 2.7. Now supports only Python >=3.5 (see #125).
  • Main methods for each core subcommand are now implemented as minimal wrappers around generator functions, to facilitate composing different steps of the workflow or invoking them from third-party Python code (see #95, #126, #133, #148, #149, #150, #159, #161).
  • The home-grown greedy assembly implementation has been replaced by calls to the fermi-lite library, which is now bundled with kevlar (see #156).
  • The default behavior of kevlar partition is now to output a single stream of reads.
    Writing each partition to a distinct file is still supported with the --split option.


  • The kevlar collect command and associated tests. Its functionality has now been fully distributed to other subcommands.
    • Read filtering to kevlar filter
    • Junction count contig assembly to kevlar filter as an optional mode

Kevlar version 0.2.0

21 Jul 23:10
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Kevlar release v0.2 adds new subcommands for read partitioning and variant calling, fixes a major bug with contig assembly, and introduces many minor fixes, improvements, and code refactoring.


  • New subcommands
    • partition: group reads by shared interesting k-mers
    • localize: determine an assembled contig's location in the reference genome
    • call: align assembled contigs to reference and call variant
  • Documentation suite in docs/, hosted at
  • New third-party dependency ksw2 for computing alignments. Wrapped with Cython, which is a new development-time dependency (but not install or run time).
  • The pandas package is now a dependency, and pysam and networkx are now hard dependencies (rather than conditional).


  • Bug with assembly when the order of a read pair was swapped and they had the opposite orientation (see #85).

Kevlar version 0.2.0 (release candidate 2)

21 Jul 23:00
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Fixing some issues with packaging, and updating the installation docs.