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Building the GUI on Windows

MatthewThe edited this page Apr 28, 2022 · 2 revisions

Create a conda environment

Import conda_environment.yml in the Anaconda environment tab, or run

conda env create -f conda_environment.yml

If that does not work, try the following:

  1. Set up a new environment, either through the Anaconda UI, or by running the following on the command line:
conda create -n simsi_transfer_gui python=3.8
activate simsi_transfer_gui
  1. There are some caveats with installing the dependencies. We want to avoid dependence on the MKL (Math Kernel Library) package by numpy/scipy, as this blows up the size of the .exe file over 200MB (see here).
conda install -c conda-forge nomkl numpy pandas pyqt pyinstaller
conda install -c bioconda pyteomics

Building a self-contained executable

Use the build_gui.bat script to create a self-contained executable.

Reducing size of the executable

Download UPX ( to reduce the DLL file sizes, change the path in build_gui.bat to point to the UPX folder.