Implementation of Deeplabv3+ with W&B logging
- ResNet (resnet50, resnet101)
- Swin-Transformer (swinT, swinS, swinB, swinL)
- ConvNeXt (convnextT, convnextS, convnextB, convnextL, convnextXL)
Note that swinB is the base model from Swin Transformers where instead swinT, swinS and swinL have a dimension and complexity of about 0.25x, 0.5x and 2x of swinB. Note that swinT is comparable to resnet50 and swinS to resnet101 complexity-wise. ConvNeXt if from here.
Pretrained models on ImageNet for the swin transformers backbones can be downloaded here and placed inside backbone_checkpoints
in the main folder.
- step (stepLR)
- cosine (CosineAnnealingLR)
- poly (PolyLR)