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Apache Kafka Spring Boot

Spring Boot and Kafka Quickstarts

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Code samples around Kafka Clients and Kafka Streams leveraging Spring Boot to simplify the development of applications.


  • Java 21
  • Maven
  • Docker



Module Library Content
Avro Generic Kafka Clients Produce generic Avro records
Avro Specific Kafka Clients Produce specific Avro records
Headers Kafka Clients Produce records with headers
Simple Kafka Clients Produce String records
Transaction Kafka Clients Produce to multiple topics while guaranteeing atomicity


Module Library Content
Avro Generic Kafka Clients Consume generic Avro records
Avro Specific Kafka Clients Consume specific Avro records
Circuit breaker Kafka Clients Consume records while handling poison pills
Headers Kafka Clients Consume records with headers
Retry external system Kafka Clients Consume records while retrying on failed external system calls
Simple Kafka Clients Consume String records
Transaction Kafka Clients Consume records from committed transactions

Kafka Streams


Module Library DSL
Global Table Kafka Streams Source topic as global table globalTable()
Table Kafka Streams Source topic as table table()
Stream Kafka Streams Source topic as stream stream()


Module Library Content DSL
Branch Kafka Streams Split and create branches from a stream split(), branch()
Cogroup Kafka Streams Aggregate records of multiple streams by key cogroup()
Filter Kafka Streams Retain or drop records based on a predicate filter(), filterNot()
FlatMap Kafka Streams Change one record into 0, 1 or n records flatMap()
FlatMapValues Kafka Streams Change one record value into 0, 1 or n record values flatMapValues()
Foreach Kafka Streams Perform a terminal operation on each record foreach()
Map Kafka Streams Change one record into another record map()
MapValues Kafka Streams Change one record value into another record value mapValues()
Merge Kafka Streams Merge two streams into one stream merge()
Print Kafka Streams Print a stream to the system output or a file print()
Repartition Kafka Streams Trigger a repartitioning of the stream repartition()
SelectKey Kafka Streams Change the key of each record selectKey()


Module Library Content DSL
Aggregate Kafka Streams Aggregate a stream by key in a single object groupByKey(), aggregate()
Aggregate Hopping Window Kafka Streams Aggregate a stream by key and by hopping window with a grace period groupByKey(), aggregate(), windowedBy(), advanceBy()
Aggregate Sliding Window Kafka Streams Aggregate a stream by key and by sliding window with a grace period groupByKey(), aggregate(), windowedBy()
Aggregate Tumbling Window Kafka Streams Aggregate a stream by key and by tumbling window with a grace period groupByKey(), aggregate(), windowedBy()
Average Kafka Streams Compute an average value of a stream by key groupBy(), aggregate()
Count Kafka Streams Count the number of records of a stream by key groupBy(), count()
Reduce Kafka Streams Reduce the records of a stream by key groupBy(), reduce()


Module Library Content DSL
Join Stream-Global Table Kafka Streams Perform an inner join between a stream and a global table join()
Join Stream-Stream Kafka Streams Perform an inner join between two streams join()
Join Stream-Table Kafka Streams Perform an inner join between a stream and a table join()
Left Join Stream-Global Table Kafka Streams Perform a left join between a stream and a global table leftJoin()
Left Join Stream-Stream Kafka Streams Perform a left join between two streams leftJoin()
Left Join Stream-Table Kafka Streams Perform a left join between a stream and a table leftJoin()
Outer Join Stream-Stream Kafka Streams Perform an outer join between two streams outerJoin()


Module Library Content DSL
Hopping Window Kafka Streams Group records by hopping window with a grace period windowedBy(), advanceBy()
Sliding Window Kafka Streams Group records by sliding window with a grace period windowedBy()
Tumbling Window Kafka Streams Group records by tumbling window with a grace period windowedBy()


Module Library Content DSL Processor API
Process Kafka Streams Apply a processor to a stream process() context(), forward(), Record#headers()
ProcessValues Kafka Streams Apply a fixed key processor to a stream processValues() context(), forward(), Record#headers()
Schedule Kafka Streams Schedule punctuation functions based on wall clock time and stream time process() schedule(), getStateStore()


Module Library Content DSL Processor API
Store Cleanup Kafka Streams Schedule periodic store cleanup based on stream time process() schedule(), getStateStore()
Key-Value Store Kafka Streams Insert and retrieve records from a key-value store process(), addStateStore() getStateStore()
Timestamped Key-Value Store Kafka Streams Insert and retrieve records from a timestamped key-value store process(), addStateStore() getStateStore()
Window Store Kafka Streams Insert and retrieve records from a window store process(), addStateStore() getStateStore()
Timestamped Window Store Kafka Streams Insert and retrieve records from a timestamped window store process(), addStateStore() getStateStore()


Module Library Content Config
Deserialization Exception Handler Kafka Streams Handle deserialization exceptions default.deserialization.exception.handler
Processing Exception Handler Kafka Streams Handle processing exceptions processing.exception.handler
Production Exception Handler Kafka Streams Handle production and serialization exceptions default.production.exception.handler


Confluent - Crossing the Streams

Bill Bejeck - Windowing time semantics

Apache Kafka - Sliding Windows

Jeanlouisboudart - Retriable Consumer