A CPU ray tracer built entirely from scratch in C++.
- Ambient, diffuse and specular shading
- Directional lights
- Attenuated point lights
- Depthcueing
- Hard shadows
- Soft shadows
- Reflection
- Transparency
- Refraction
- Depth of field
- Texture mapping
- BVH acceleration
Build the ray tracer using the given Makefile with
and run using
./raytracer scenefile [outputfile] [softshadows] [dof]
- scenefile - path to input file containing scene description
- outputfile - name for final output image file (optional)
- softshadows - soft shadow toggle, 0 = off, 1 = on (optional)
- dof - depth of field toggle, 0 = off, 1 = on (optional)
Note that it may take several seconds for the ray tracer to complete rendering the scene.
To render the demo scene included in this repo, navigate to this directory in your terminal of choice and — if you have yet to do so — build the project with
and then run the ray tracer on the demo scene:
./raytracer scenes/demo-scene.txt
The output image will appear in a file named demo-scene.ppm
located in the scenes
Scenes are defined in simple text files which contain information about the camera, lighting, materials, and the geometry of objects in the scene. For an example of a scene description file, see demo-scene.txt
The syntax for scene description files is defined as follows, where entries in bold are keywords and entries in italics are variables:
eye eyex eyey eyez (camera position)
viewdir vdirx vdiry vdirz (camera view direction)
updir upx upy upz (camera up direction)
vfov vfov (vertical field of view, in degrees)
imsize width height (size of the output image in pixel units)
bkgcolor r g b (background color in terms of r, g, b components defined on a scale from 0-1)
viewdist d (depth of field focus distance)
light x y z w r g b ((x, y, z, 1) = point light position, (x, y, z, 0) = directional light direction, with rgb light color)
attlight x y z w r g b c1 c2 c3 (attenuated point light)
depthcueing dcr dcg dcb amax amin distmax distmin (depthcueing)
mtlcolor Odr Odg Odb Osr Osg Osb ka kd ks n α η (material properties, treated as a state variable such that all subsequently-defined objects use the immediately-preceding material properties)
texture ppm (path to ppm texture file, treated as a state variable in the same way as materials)
sphere cx cy cz r (sphere defined by its center point and radius)
v x1 y1 z1
v x2 y2 z2
v x3 y3 z3
v x4 y4 z4
. . .
vn nx1 ny1 nz1
vn nx2 ny2 nz2
vn nx3 ny3 nz3
vn nx4 ny4 nz4
. . .
vt u1 v1
vt u2 v2
vt u3 v3
vt u4 v4
. . .
list of triangle definitions, consisting of appropriate indices into the vertex arrays, starting at 1
f v1/vt1/vn1 v2/vt2/vn2 v3/vt3/vn3
f v1/vt1/vn1 v2/vt2/vn2 v4/vt4/vn4
. . .
Note that triangles are defined more-or-less according to the .obj file format, such that most .obj files should provide geometry combatible with this renderer.