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Parallel Operator

Dan Bohus edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 1 revision

The Parallel operator enables parallel execution over dense or sparse vectors (i.e., arrays or dictionaries).

Dense vector parallel processing

When using parallel over a stream of dense vectors, i.e. a stream of arrays, a separate pipeline is instantiated for each element in the vector. Each element is processed in parallel and the results are merged at the end back into a vector of the output type.

Parallel<TIn, TOut>(
    this IProducer<TIn[]> source,
    int vectorSize,
    Func<int, IProducer<TIn>, IProducer<TOut>> streamTransform,
    bool outputDefaultIfDropped = false,
    TOut defaultValue = default,
    DeliveryPolicy deliveryPolicy = null)

In this case, we need to specify the vector size and a function that given an index in the array and an input stream of type TIn produces an output stream of type TOut. This function essentially allows us to specify the sub-pipeline that will be created for the input index.

For instance, consider the example below:

var streamOfArray = Generators.Sequence(p, new[] { 0, 1, 2 }, r => new[] { r[0] + 1, r[1] + 1, r[2] + 1 }, 100);
streamOfArray.Parallel(3, (int index, IProducer<int> s) => {
    if(index == 0)
        return s;
    else if(index == 1)
        return s.Select(m => m * 2);
        return s.Select(m => m * 3);

Here, the streamOfArray looks like this:

0  1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4  5
2  3  4  5  6

The Parallel operator defines a index-specific pipeline, which keeps the values for index 1 (we return the original stream as the output stream; doubles the values for index 2 via a Select operator, and triples the values for index 3 again via a Select operator. The results will look like this:

0  1  2  3  4
2  4  6  8 10
6  9 12 15 18

Sparse vector parallel processing

A similar Parallel operator is available to process sparse vectors, i.e. dictionaries Dictionary<TKey, TValue>. The signature is:

Parallel<TIn, TKey, TOut>(
    this IProducer<Dictionary<TKey, TIn>> source,
    Func<TKey, IProducer<TIn>, IProducer<TOut>> streamTransform,
    bool outputDefaultIfDropped = false,
    TOut defaultValue = default,
    DeliveryPolicy deliveryPolicy = null,
    Func<TKey, Dictionary<TKey, TIn>, DateTime, (bool, DateTime)> branchTerminationPolicy = null)
    ) -> IProducer<Dictionary<TKey, TOut>>

Internally, sparse vector parallel processing creates and runs instances of Subpipeline dynamically and stops them based on the branchTerminationPolicy. The default policy is to stop and remove subpipelines when when the corresponding key is no longer available in the message.

A good example usage is when tracking multiple entities (e.g. face tracking). When a set of tracked entities are represented as a stream of dictionaries, Parallel will create multiple Subpipeline instances, each processing a particular entity independently, and gather the results. Each Subpipeline will terminate when the tracked entity is no longer found (e.g. a particular face moves out of frame).

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