Quaternionic v2.0.0
This is barely a breaking release. Latexify
is no longer required, so some displayed quaternions for some use cases will not look quite as nice any more. However, the functionality is included as an extension, so simply calling using Latexify
will re-enable the nicer display formats.
At the same time, the minimum acceptable version of StaticArrays.jl has increased from 1 to 1.8.1 — which, as of this writing, is 10 months old, so hopefully it won't be very disruptive either. This is to support its integration with ChainRulesCore.jl.
Merged pull requests:
- Remove strong dep on latexify; move to extension (#67) (@moble)
- Remove Pkg, and increase compat of StaticArrays (#68) (@moble)
Closed issues: