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Automate Demultiplex Scripts

This repository contains the main scripts for routine analysis of clinical next generation sequencing (NGS) data at Viapath Genetics. Follow the links in the below table for specific documentation.

Script Run mode Details Command line Demultiplex (excluding TSO runs) and calculate cluster density for Illumina NGS data using bcl2fastq2 (guide) Command line Upload NGS data to DNAnexus and trigger in-house workflows (guide)
upload_runfolder Command line or module import Uploads an Illumina runfolder to DNAnexus (guide)
wscleaner Command line Automates the deletion of runfolders that have been uploaded to the DNAnexus cloud storage service (guide)

Assumptions / Requirements

Each runfolder must be discrete per workflow, therefore must consist of only one of the following types:

  • TSO500
  • ADX
  • SNP
  • WES
  • Custom Panels / LRPCR
  • DEV (with or without UMIs)

The type of run is detected by the scripts by matching the Pan numbers within the sample names in the corresponding samplesheet to the pan numbers in the panel_config.


The script has been tested using python v3.10.6 therefore it is recommended that this version of python is used.

Dependencies, which include the samplesheet_validator package**, are installed using the requirements.txt file:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Before running the script, the conda environment must be activated as follows:

conda activate python3.10.6

** The samplesheet_validator package validates naming and contents of samplesheets prior to demultiplexing, using the seglh-naming package (guide).


The config directory contains configuration files. See (guide). for further details.


The below diagram is a UML class diagram showing the relationships between the classes in this repository. Classes are colour-coded by modules. Per-module documentation is available within each module directory.

Module Colour Details
config lime green Stores the configuration classes for use by other modules
ad_email blue Email sending module (guide)
ad_logger sea green This module contains classes that create logging objects that write messages to the syslog, stream and log files. Used by other modules (guide)
demultiplex orange Demultiplex (excluding TSO runs) and calculate cluster density for Illumina NGS data using bcl2fastq2 (guide)
setoff_workflows pink Upload NGS data to DNAnexus and trigger in-house workflows (guide)
toolbox grey Contains classes and functions shared (guide)
upload_runfolder sand Uploads an Illumina runfolder to DNAnexus (guide)
wscleaner purple Automates the deletion of runfolders that have been uploaded
to the DNAnexus cloud storage service (guide)

Class and Package Diagrams

Class and package diagrams were generated by running the following command from the project root:

pyreverse -o png -p automate_demultiplex . --ignore=test --source-roots . --colorized --color-palette=#CBC3E3,#99DDFF,#44BB99,#BBCC33,#EEDD88,#EE8866,#FFAABB,#DDDDDD,#eab676 --output-directory img/

Package Diagram

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Class Diagram

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The above image describes the possible associations in the Class Diagram. In the classes in this repository we have the following associations:

Association Description Example
Inheritance The child class inherits identical functionality of the super class In the below class diagram the SWConfig class (child class) inherits from the PanelConfig class (super class)
Aggregation An association with an aggregation relationship indicates that one class is a part of another class In the below class diagram, the CollectRunfolderSamples class is part of the BuildDxCommands class
Composition The composition association is a form of the aggregation relationship, but the child class's instance lifecycle is dependent on the parent class's instance lifecycle In the below class diagram, the logger attribute in the AdEmail is dependent upon the PipelineEmails class attribute rf_obj (not visible from the diagram but this can be determined from the code)

alt text

Logfile Heirarchy

Alias Description Filename Location
Setoff workflows output Catches any traceback from errors when running the cron job that are not caught by exception handling within the script TIMESTAMP.txt /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/Upload_agent_stdout
sw (script_logger) Records script-level logs for the setoff workflows script TIMESTAMP_setoff_workflow.log /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/sw_script_logfiles/
sw (rf_loggers["sw"]) Records runfolder-level logs for the setoff workflows script RUNFOLDERNAME_setoff_workflow.log /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/sw_script_logfiles/
dx_run_script Records the dx run commands for processing the run. N.B. this is not written to by logging /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/dx_run_commands
post_run_dx_run_script Records the postprocessing commands (TSO runs only), to be run manually after the pipeline apps complete. N.B. this is not written to by logging /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/dx_run_commands
decision_support_upload_cmds_script Records the dx run commands to set off the congenica upload apps. N.B. this is not written to by logging /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/dx_run_commands
proj_creation_script Records the commands for creating the DNAnexus project. N.B. this is not written to by logging /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/dx_run_commands
Demultiplex output Catches any traceback from errors when running the cron job that are not caught by exception handling within the script TIMESTAMP.txt /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/Demultiplexing_stdout
demultiplex (script_logger) Records script-level logs for the demultiplex script TIMESTAMP_demultiplex_script.log /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/demultiplexing_script_logfiles/
demultiplex (demux_rf_logger) Records runfolder-level logs for the demultiplex script RUNFOLDERNAME_demultiplex_runfolder.log /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/demultiplexing_script_logfiles/
Bcl2fastq output STDOUT and STDERR from bcl2fastq2 bcl2fastq2_output.log Within the runfolder
ss_validator Records runfolder-level logs for the samplesheet_validator script RUNFOLDERNAME_samplesheet_validator_script.log /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/samplesheet_validator_script_logfiles/
backup Records the logs from the upload runfolder script RUNFOLDERNAME_upload_runfolder.log /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/upload_runfolder_script_logfiles/
wscleaner Records the logs from the wscleaner script TIMESTAMP_wscleaner.log /usr/local/src/mokaguys/automate_demultiplexing_logfiles/wscleaner/


test contains test data (/test/data), and test scripts within individual modules (these use pytest).

Tests can be executed using the following command. It is important to include the ignore flag to prevent pytest from scanning for tests through all test files, which slows down the tests considerably

python -m pytest

Currently test suite coverage is as follows:

Total coverage: 45% (N.B. this includes all scripts incl init and main scripts)

Module Coverage 94 100 83 0 0 76 46


Tests should be run before pushing any code to ensure all tests in the GitHub Actions workflow pass.


In production mode, alerts are sent to the moka-alerts binfx slack channel, whilst in testing mode they are sent to the moka-poo slack channel.

Alerts at level ERROR and above will appear in the relevant channel.


Scripts are triggered by a cronjob on the linux workstation which can be updated using sudo crontab -e.