Releases: mysurvive/pf2e-thaum-vuln
Releases · mysurvive/pf2e-thaum-vuln
A new feat is supported and a bug is fixed with this release
- Shared Warding is now supported. Whenever Esoteric Warden would be applied and the Thaumaturge has the Shared Warding feat, a confirmation box will pop up asking if they would like to apply the Esoteric Warden effect to all allies within 30 feet.
- I fixed a bug I found when implementing Shared Warding that would cause Esoteric Warden to apply the critical success bonus on a failure or critical failure... whoops.
This release brings support for two feats and another small code refactor
- Cursed Effigy is now supported. GMs will have to manually toggle the penalty in the roll menu. The application of the effect is generated through a chat card.
- Twin Weakness is now supported. Existing actions should be updated with the new rule elements when the canvas is loaded, and the new rule elements are added to any new feats added to the sheet. Like power attack, you have to toggle Twin Weakness before making the attack.
This is a feature and bugfix update:
- Share Weakness (feat) is now supported
- Supported actions now have buttons in the chat cards (Currently Exploit Vulnerability and Share Weakness) that you can click instead of using macros
- The target of your Exploit Vulnerability no longer shows in the effect (as to not show the name of the target
- Fixed an annoying bug that would spew permission errors on itemDelete
- I'm sure there were other bugs that I came across that I patched up, but I can't remember them
Lots of bug fixes and fixing things that I had previously overlooked:
- There were a lot of situations where the weakness from either Exploit Vulnerability effect would carry over to other players. There should not be any carryover now, regardless as to how the target is attacked
- Removed the libwrapper dependency and the wrapper on rest for the night - this should fix the issue where there was a conflict between this module and the pf2e dailies module
- I overlooked several parts of the mystification of the EV dialog box. It should mystify properly now as well as provide numbers all the time when getting a critical success on Exploit Vulnerability
This update brings:
- A bugfix in Breached Defenses (whoops)
- Sympathetic Vulnerabilities feat will apply to appropriate targets in the scene
- Automation of Mortal Weakness per best interpretation of RAW:
"This damage affects the target of your Exploit Vulnerability, as well as any other creatures of the exact same type, but not other creatures with the same weakness."
All creatures with the same name on the scene will have Mortal Weakness applied to them
- If you do not like this change, you're in luck! There are now settings to stop the automation of spreading Exploit Vulnerability effects (either from Mortal Weakness or Sympathetic Vulnerabilities) in the module settings
- There's also now a setting to mystify values in the Exploit Vulnerability dialog box so that players cannot see the values of the weaknesses
The following features have been added:
- Breached defenses correctly works on ghosts now
- The Esoteric Warden feat has been introduced
-- Will not allow you to gain the benefits of Esoteric Warden on the same creature until you finish a long rest.
-- Correctly applies on degrees of success
-- A reminder note has been added to the Exploit Vulnerability roll to remind you why you're getting the bonus - The module is now correctly named "PF2e Exploit Vulnerability" instead of "PF2e Explot Vulnerability" (smh)