Releases: neutronimaging/imagingsuite
Refreshing the build system and performance benefits
New and improved features
The latest release of MuhRec focus on speed improvments and over all stability. In particular the Mac version has benefited from the increased use a new thread pool which allows threading in many algorithms, including the FDK reconstructor. Several bug fixes have contributed to the quality of MuhRec. Furtermore, great improvements to the build system to help to enhance stability, build performance, and sustainability of the code. The support for using MuhRec in python has also been improved.
The current development paves the way for new algorithms in the comming releases.
Build system and code health
Overall, this update enhances MuhRec’s stability, performance, and usability while modernizing the build system for future improvements. The great number of compilation warnings have been addressed which has reduced the potentialambiguities in the code. This cleaning action also makes it easier to track build errors in the log files. We have also updated the C++ version to C++20, which will open new opportunities in the future development. At the same time we also updated to Qt 6.8.2.
Users can expect a more robust experience across platforms, with better testing coverage, improved threading performance, and smoother package management.
Fixed Bugs
A significant number of bugs affecting stability and usability have been addressed in this release. All resolved issues in this release are listed below.
Solved issues
A list of the specific issues:
- Issue 782 - conan cmake version too old
- Issue 780 - Remove plugins folder
- Issue 774 - Create streamlined app installers across platforms
- Issue 764 - Update versions of C++ and Qt
- Issue 761 - Add Conan Flag for profiling
- Issue 758 - Default muhrec parameters not loaded on linux
- Issue 755 - Loading non-module files causes MuhRec to crash
- Issue 752 - Check center of rotation in FDK
- Issue 747 - MacOS-12 runner on GitHub has been deprecated
- Issue 746 - Implement transform method in thread pool
- Issue 743 - Fix path in CLI windows
- Issue 742 - CLI muhrec
- Issue 736 - Add test data to pymuhrec CI
- Issue 734 - MacOS Apple silicon build is broken due to sse2neon header
- Issue 730 - Timer test fails
- Issue 729 - Math test fails
- Issue 727 - Adding utility repo to the pymuhrec package
- Issue 726 - Notebooks cannot be run as is
- Issue 725 - FlyCI deprecation
- Issue 722 - Add unit tests to CI for build of Python wheels
- Issue 721 - Check spot clean pybind
- Issue 716 - CLI processing doesn't work on windows
- Issue 712 - Clear warnings in QtAddons
- Issue 711 - Clear warnings in ImagingAlgorithms
- Issue 709 - Clear warnings in FDK classes
- Issue 708 - Clean warnings in readers
- Issue 706 - Clean warnings in advanced filters
- Issue 705 - Build failure on Linux
- Issue 701 - Add override declarations for virtual functions
- Issue 699 - Clean QT_DEPRECATED warnings
- Issue 694 - Unused variables cleanup
- Issue 692 - Fix warnings related to sse2neon
- Issue 690 - symbol lookup error
- Issue 689 - Use doxygen to automate the generation of the documentation of imagingsuite
- Issue 688 - Clean sign check warnings in morphology
- Issue 685 - segmentation fault when changing from Projections to Open beam/Dark current
- Issue 684 - Resolution Problem with GUI (Muhrec)
- Issue 681 - Recon exception reconstruction failure
- Issue 680 - Update data path in test
- Issue 676 - Missing dependencies in MuhRec app bundle
- Issue 675 - Fix rounding error in the noise image test
- Issue 674 - Undefined symbol when running MuhRec
- Issue 672 - RingClean python binding check-up
- Issue 670 - Remove old code and scripts
- Issue 668 - Build Problem: Wrong generator flag
- Issue 667 - Make python bindings available with pip install
- Issue 666 - Add workflow to produce python wheels for packaging python bindings
- Issue 661 - Wrong module path in CLI mode on MacOS
- Issue 659 - Add scripts to prepare headless muhrec operation.
- Issue 658 - Add Conan package management and CI/CD for multi-OS builds
- Issue 657 - Add Conan package management and CI/CD for multi-OS builds
- Issue 656 - System-independent package management
- Issue 655 - Multi-OS CI & CD
- Issue 654 - Test fixes
- Issue 652 - Muhrec CLI arguments
- Issue 650 - tThreadPool fail on Linux
- Issue 649 - Fix failing test in tModuleConfig
- Issue 647 - Fix fit real data test
- Issue 646 - problem with MuhRec (Recon Exception)
- Issue 644 - Revise SharedBuffer
- Issue 615 - MuhRec: Fix missing deployment scripts
- Issue 600 - Check python bindings of the back projection
- Issue 593 - Deploy python packages
- Issue 588 - Find center crashes in branch bbcrash
- Issue 577 - Use STL threads in TMedianFilter
- Issue 570 - Setup windows build on jenkins
- Issue 539 - Threading in MorphSpot clean class
- Issue 517 - Solve universal app bundle in CMake for MacOS
- Issue 510 - Update Ubuntu build server to 20.04 and Qt 6.2
- Issue 509 - Update MacOS build server to newer OS and Qt 6.2
- Issue 508 - Update Windows build server to MSVC 2019 and Qt 6.2
- Issue 507 - Speed up CBCT
Solved several issues in GUI and backend
Further bug fixes and performance improvements.
New and improved features
The skip list has been revised to select between dropping retakes and skipping badly exposed projections
Threading has been introduced in several places in the code.
Compiled using Qt 6.5.3
The issue that noise increased with the position within the reconstruction block has been solved.
BB correction works again (roll-back to previous functionality).
Fixed some parameter issues in the python bindings.
Solved issues
A list of the specific issues:
- Issue 631 - remove the image combine main GUI
- Issue 627 - Reconstruction direction CCW/CW doesn't work in pybinding
- Issue 626 - Ring cleaning fails in combination with BB
- Issue 623 - Projection slider doesn't show second data set projections
- Issue 621 - Fix Armadillo linkage on Windows
- Issue 596 - Noisy bands are visible in the vertical slice
- Issue 547 - The last four slices in each block are noisier
- Issue 536 - Implement stl threads in histogram
- Issue 529 - projection slide in muhrec can't handle a great number of projections
- Issue 483 - Revise skip list
- Issue 339 - MuhRec, CLI requires the existence of destination path
- Issue 46 - Muhrec: Histogram after reconstruction
- Issue 17 - Feature MuhRec: Save XZ and YZ slices
Known problems
There are no specific
Small fixes related to file handling
Better and faster processing
This is a large release including many new features and improvements. Since the last release, both Apple and Microsoft released new hardware and OS. These are supported in this release.
Known issues
- Cone beam reconstruction may crash on windows
- Scattering correction with black bodies does not run on windows.
New and improved features
- Using normalized images to compute the center of rotation.
- Fixed truncated tomography issue and added reconstruction outside of data support region.
- Added support for 360deg Golden Ratio recons.
- Added file conversion and renaming dialog.
- Improved progress bar updating
- Added quantile visualization in the viewer.
- Python bindings of reconstructor and preprocessing algorithms (must be built separately, not in the release binaries).
- Added process timing log file.
- Added save current log file.
- Added pixel size estimator
- Introduced threading in algorithms on macOS, parameter to limit the number of cores for performance evaluation.
- Improved MorphSpotClean detection and replacement performance.
- Updated to Qt6.2.
- Added support for Apple Silicon
- Tested on Windows 11
- Fixes and improvements
- Replaced linear algebra library to armadillo
- Changed to cmake as build manager.
- Moved many dependencies to ExternalDependencies.
- General code cleanup. Revisions toward c++17.
- Stability fixes.
Closed issues
- Issue 601 - Check python bindings of MorphSpotClean
- Issue 576 - Handle default sample/pixel in ReadTIFF
- Issue 571 - Problem building NIQA
- Issue 568 - Clean up cmake
- Issue 567 - User defined acquisition angles
- Issue 564 - FDK module crashes
- Issue 562 - Reading tiff fails
- Issue 559 - BB_ext_mask parameter missing in BB dialog
- Issue 558 - Add logging to file
- Issue 556 - Load module dll fail occasionally on windows
- Issue 554 - Add arbitrary images to centering dialog
- Issue 552 - Implement an edge interpolation hole filler
- Issue 549 - Truncation artefacts
- Issue 543 - Parallelise histogram
- Issue 538 - MorphSpotClean doesn't filter
- Issue 537 - Add averaging to handle low dose projection
- Issue 533 - Add build date in the log file
- Issue 530 - MuhRec CLI seg faults
- Issue 525 - Compile on M1
- Issue 516 - Transfer ReaderGUI to Qt 6.2
- Issue 515 - Transfer PlotTests to Qt 6.2
- Issue 514 - Transfer WidgetTests to Qt 6.2
- Issue 513 - Transfer QtModuleConfigure to Qt 6.2
- Issue 512 - Transfer QtImaging to Qt 6.2
- Issue 511 - Transfer QtAddons to Qt 6.2
- Issue 504 - Add file conversion tool to muhrec
- Issue 502 - ProjectionFilterSingle module produces erroneous recon & can't change config
- Issue 500 - Clean histogram at new
- Issue 497 - Add switch to deactivate circular mask for recon
- Issue 493 - Jenkins build issues
- Issue 489 - MuhRec doesn't return volume on ubuntu 20.04
- Issue 488 - Update deployment script for MacOS
- Issue 484 - Improve morphspotclean
- Issue 481 - Implement patch processing in MorphSpotClean
- Issue 478 - MuhRec can't reconstruct more slices than the width.
- Issue 477 - Dose ROI throw exception when the projection is flipped
- Issue 475 - Make FFT thread safe
- Issue 472 - Clean up to improve UX
- Issue 468 - Implement processing timing log file
- Issue 462 - Issue with loading projections when files are numbered 1-2-3-[...]-10-11-... instead of 01-02-...
- Issue 459 - Pixel size dialog sensitive to spots
- Issue 456 - Golden ratio angles are messed up in muhrec
- Issue 446 - Revised golden ratio recons in MuhRec
- Issue 443 - Analysing directory content only provides single file
- Issue 442 - ROI manager clear
- Issue 439 - Polynomial correction fails test
- Issue 432 - Move kiptool to its own repos
- Issue 428 - Minor release test issues.
- Issue 427 - Build problems on Ubuntu
- Issue 425 - Image viewer sensitive to nan and inf
- Issue 424 - Muhrec crashes at end of recon
- Issue 420 - NIQA compile problems
- Issue 418 - Problem with boundary check on projection filter
- Issue 414 - Add citations to kiptool modules
- Issue 412 - KipTool - error configuring modules that require loading images
- Issue 409 - Adopt kiptool to new API
- Issue 407 - Change label in center dialog
- Issue 406 - Recon from list file separator
- Issue 404 - CBCT doesn't add any publication
- Issue 403 - Muhrec overall progress not updated correctly
- Issue 402 - Muhrec debug messages in the log
- Issue 401 - MuhRec Memory limit dialog
- Issue 400 - Imageviewer widget histograms
- Issue 393 - add lmfit in externals for Win
- Issue 392 - MuhRec - config modules receives unprocessed images
- Issue 391 - Implement threading in WaveletRingClean
- Issue 381 - kipl::base::morphology LabelImage crashes on Win
- Issue 378 - Fix build server
- Issue 374 - BB - exception is not thrown when automatic segmentation fails
- Issue 371 - MuhRec: module dialogs don't open after merging issue123_configfiles
- Issue 370 - BB module, add automatic counting of external background images
- Issue 369 - Implement wall clock time the timer class
- Issue 368 - BB wrong number of ext images does not throw the right exception
- Issue 365 - [...
Speed-up, rubustness, and revised GUI
This is a pre-release of 4.3. It contains many new features
- Speed up of preprocessing modules
- Morphspot clean now defines threshold as a fraction of pixels instead of an absolute threshold.
- Revised GUI
- Revised code for better support of C++11
Know problems
There are some unsolved issues in this pre-release
Closed issues
The following issues were addressed in this release.
Service release
This is release is mainly for fixing some problems reported by users. The main feature set is described in the release v4.2. Many changes concern the build server.
Closed issues
The following issues were addressed in this release.
- Issue 428 - Minor release test issues.
- Issue 427 - Build problems on Ubuntu
- Issue 425 - Image viewer sensitive to nan and inf
- Issue 424 - Muhrec crashes at end of recon
- Issue 418 - Problem with boundary check on projection filter
- Issue 378 - Fix build server
- Issue 369 - Implement wall clock time the timer class
- Issue 368 - BB wrong number of ext images does not throw the right exception
- Issue 14 - ImageviewerWidget: ROIs with Zoom and Pan
Improved user experience and speed-up
In this release, we continued working on the performance of some algorithms and modules. The reconstruction filter has now moved to become a part of the back projector module, it is still available as preprocessing for those who still want it as a separate module. A new feature is that a publication list for the used modules is now saved in the same location as the reconstructed slices. Each used publication is cited with its corresponding DOI. We have also increased the portability of the configuration files, which now can be moved between different computers. Once again we have added some new GUI features like a preview of reference images. A handy feature if you suspect something is wrong with your reference data. Also, the preprocessing chain has now been equipped with a progress dialog that allows the user to cancel the loading procedure in case there is a wish to abort the configuration. The algorithm modules that have been updated are the Morphspot clean which is now more robust and also got a speed-up mainly thanks to the introduction of multithreading. The black body correction also obtained the option to load a single file for the tomography use case. Of course, we also fixed many issues reported by users and ourselves. A complete list of implemented features and fixed problems is provided below.
Please note: To use this new version it is as always recommended to delete the CurrentRecon.xml file.
Fixed issues
- Issue 407 - Change label in center dialog
- Issue 406 - Recon from list file separator
- Issue 404 - CBCT doesn't add any publication
- Issue 402 - Muhrec debug messages in the log
- Issue 401 - MuhRec Memory limit dialog
- Issue 400 - Imageviewer widget histograms
- Issue 392 - MuhRec - config modules receives unprocessed images
- Issue 381 - kipl::base::morphology LabelImage crashes on Win
- Issue 374 - BB - exception is not thrown when automatic segmentation fails
- Issue 371 - MuhRec: module dialogs don't open after merging issue123_configfiles
- Issue 370 - BB module, add automatic counting of external background images
- Issue 365 - MorphSpotClean crashes on windows
- Issue 355 - Wavelet ring cleaning crashing
- Issue 346 - Add roi labels
- Issue 343 - Plot widget updates
- Issue 340 - Image viewer levels sensitive to nan and inf
- Issue 334 - Reconstruction by dilation hangs
- Issue 328 - Move the recon filter to backprojector
- Issue 322 - Slices to multi frame tiff
- Issue 315 - Revise skiplist dialog
- Issue 310 - MuhRec - add Exceptions when reference images and projection data have different sizes
- Issue 308 - MuhRec - Crashing after "Get piercing point"
- Issue 306 - Add new defaults to polynomial correction
- Issue 303 - golden ratio order
- Issue 299 - MuhRec doesn't delete CurrentRecon
- Issue 298 - PyBind Imaging algorithms
- Issue 297 - Modules to produce citations in reporting
- Issue 296 - CBCT doesn't return correct attune coefs
- Issue 295 - MuhRec: CBCT feedback
- Issue 294 - MuhRec - BB plugin option for single external BB images
- Issue 282 - Muhrec: implement inspection of references
- Issue 281 - MuhRec: Revise center of rotation
- Issue 273 - Review how we get more conform to the FAIR principle
- Issue 250 - PixelIterator returns pixels outside image
- Issue 162 - MuhRec Open saved config doesn't update correctly
- Issue 130 - CBCT writes detector pixel size in slices
- Issue 120 - Recon crash with file list
- Issue 95 - ImageViewerWidget data interval with NaNs and Infs
- Issue 48 - MuhRec - Extend projection preview
- Issue 39 - Morph spot clean performance tuning
- Issue 23 - Config files compatible cross platform
Improved processing accuracy and added UI features
We have been improving the set of processing algorithms and fixed a long list of bugs. The user interface has been further revised and new features like the pixel size estimator have been added.
These efforts have resulted in more precise reconstructions both for parallel and cone beam CT. We have in particular worked on BBlognorm where the segmentation has improved and also robustness when the transmission is very low. MorphspotClean now has separate thresholds for peaks and holes, also the blockwise errors have been fixed. ProjectionFilterSingle also got a refresh with cleaner images as a result. We also discovered that the switch between CW and CCW was useless for parallel beam recon, this has now been fixed. In the user interface the most visible changes are the new plotting areas that also allow saving the plot. The pixel size estimator is a convenient tool to estimate the pixel size from an object with known dimensions. Finally, we improved the center of rotation estimate by allowing the user to exclude the fraction of centers that deviate most from the line. A small but useful change is that the boundary between the image viewers to the right can be adjusted to give more space to the more relevant viewer. The sliders have also be equipped with spinboxes to enter a specific slice or projection number.
Note: Please delete or rename the /home folder/.imagningtools/CurrentRecon.xml. We have added parameters to some of the revised modules.
In addition to these visible changes, we have also cleaned up the code on several places making it more readable. The build scripts have been revised to allow automated builds for windows too. The automated build now produces packages ready to run as alternative for those who need features in the very latest development.
We hope these updates will help you to get the most out of your data.
Fixed isses
- Issue 280 - MuhRec - golden ratio starting at different angle than 0
- Issue 278 - MuhRec - load config files does not update the ROIs
- Issue 277 - Revise the MorphSpotCleanModule
- Issue 276 - MuhRec - add the pixel size estimator
- Issue 260 - FrameSplitter crashes on windows
- Issue 255 - Update MuhRec plots to Charts
- Issue 254 - MuhRec produce NaN slices
- Issue 230 - MuhRec - FDK attenuation coefficients (There is a remaining issue to be solved here)
- Issue 228 - File conversion tool
- Issue 220 - ROI is lost in communication with UXROIwidget
- Issue 219 - Reduce starvation artefacts in BB
- Issue 209 - Increasing amount of noise when setting slice block large
- Issue 205 - Boundary handling MorphSpotClean
- Issue 201 - Color scheme PlotWidget is not good with dark
- Issue 200 - MuhRec ROI calculation in engine
- Issue 191 - PlotWidget add tool tips
- Issue 186 - PlotWidget save data
- Issue 184 - Check kiptool CLI operation
- Issue 182 - Basic threshold progress bar
- Issue 179 - Levels in viewer
- Issue 171 - ModuleConfigWidget crash
- Issue 170 - Verify conversion tools
- Issue 164 - BB plugin - enhance speed in for loops
- Issue 161 - BB plugin - error when interpolating missing angles do not start from 0
- Issue 157 - MuhRec - improvements on the BB plugin
- Issue 151 - Banded noisy reconstructions
- Issue 150 - Add support for multi-frame tiff
- Issue 144 - CBCT crashes when running from CLI
- Issue 142 - MuhRec: CW/CCW does not work for parallel beam
- Issue 128 - Revise MorphSpotClean dialog
- Issue 125 - Problems with ROI handling in MuhRec
- Issue 123 - Add BB instruction in the manual wiki
- Issue 100 - MuhRec - configure geometry dialog first and last slices
- Issue 87 - MorphSpotClean crash sometimes
- Issue 51 - MuhRec - artifacts in reconstruction when not using dose correction
Known issues:
Please look at the issues page of this repository
Service release
Release note MuhRec 4.0.1 - September 2018
Bug fix release. Fixing issues in GUI.
Fixed issues
- Issue 100: MuhRec - configure geometry dialog first and last slices
- Issue 123: Add BB instruction in the manual wiki
- Issue 125: Problems with ROI handling in MuhRec bug
- Issue 144: CBCT crashes when running from CLI bug
- Issue 150: Add support for multi-frame tiff in the core library
- Issue 157: MuhRec - improvements on the BB plugin enhancement
MuhRec - New face and added features
Release note MuhRec 4.0.0 - July 2018
In this release we have revised the graphical user interface and added a new preprocessing module for scattering correction.
New features
- Revised GUI,
- Rearranged the views for a more logic workflow.
- Changed color scheme and started to use colors actively to guide the user.
- Introduced an new widget to select ROIs.
- Logging now appears as a modeless dialog on the side of the main window.
- Tool tips have been added to all GUI items
- The application now suggests reference images when a new projection is chosen.
- We have tried to reduce the height of the main window to allow smaller screens.
- Added a normalization module (BBLogNorm) that provides more accurate attenuation coefficients and reduces cupping radically.
- It is now possible to save results in NeXus format.
- Improved CBCT quality and speed.
- Transferred the user documentation to the github wiki.
- The piercing point estimation dialog has been added for the CBCT parametrisation.
- Added several automated code tests for code quality assessment.
- The application is now compiled on windows 10. There may still be some widget scaling issues.
- A lot of stability fixes.
Fixed issues
This list reports both fixes and new features.
- Issue 8: MuhRec - Piercing point dialog crashes bug
- Issue 9: MuhRec - Slow CBCT recon on windows enhancement
- Issue 18: Size of GUI window enhancement
- Issue 19: GUI size enhancement
- Issue 21: MuhRec - error in opening new config file bug
- Issue 28: MuhRec - CBCTimprove repeated slices bug
- Issue 42: Check correctness of the statistics class bug
- Issue 43: Check default parameter handling on Mac
- Issue 44: MuhRec - CBCT allow ROI in reconstruction
- Issue 50: Check size of FOV before module configuration enhancement
- Issue 53: UI redesign - low-hanging fruit enhancement
- Issue 54: Create ROI widget enhancement
- Issue 59: Add missing tool tips bug
- Issue 66: MuhRec - crash on wrong angles when using Golden Ratio
- Issue 67: MuhRec - info on GR or sequence scanning on geom dialog
- Issue 68: Suggest reference image paths enhancement
- Issue 70: Implement a logging dialog enhancement
- Issue 71: MuhRec: Transfer User doc to wiki enhancement
- Issue 76: Add a dialog to estimate the pixel size
- Issue 77: CBCT does not rotate
- Issue 78: Muhrec: Config add CLI parameters for CBCT enhancement
- Issue 79: MuhRec - deployment with QT in Linux
- Issue 81: MuhRec running from CLI in windows
- Issue 82: MuhRec - saving NeXus
- Issue 83: Make a MuhRec-CLI application enhancement
- Issue 85: MuhRec CBCT - errors in ROI bug
- Issue 86: MuhRec Matrix ROI gets confused after reconstruction
- Issue 89: MuhRec - projection roi in the new UI
- Issue 92: Muhrec - Geometry dialog crash when no OB
- Issue 98: Transfer RobustLogNorm to imaging suite
- Issue 99: GUI adjustments
- Issue 102: MuhRec - BB plugin - add tool tips
- Issue 116: MuhRec - windows bug moving modules bug
- Issue 118: MuhRec - BB plugin crash with radius >=4 on Mac bug
Unsolved issues are listed on
- Updated some build scripts.