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MuhRec - New face and added features

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@anderskaestner anderskaestner released this 13 Jul 12:58
· 1976 commits to master since this release

Release note MuhRec 4.0.0 - July 2018

In this release we have revised the graphical user interface and added a new preprocessing module for scattering correction.

New features

  1. Revised GUI,
    1. Rearranged the views for a more logic workflow.
    2. Changed color scheme and started to use colors actively to guide the user.
    3. Introduced an new widget to select ROIs.
    4. Logging now appears as a modeless dialog on the side of the main window.
    5. Tool tips have been added to all GUI items
    6. The application now suggests reference images when a new projection is chosen.
    7. We have tried to reduce the height of the main window to allow smaller screens.
  2. Added a normalization module (BBLogNorm) that provides more accurate attenuation coefficients and reduces cupping radically.
  3. It is now possible to save results in NeXus format.
  4. Improved CBCT quality and speed.
  5. Transferred the user documentation to the github wiki.
  6. The piercing point estimation dialog has been added for the CBCT parametrisation.
  7. Added several automated code tests for code quality assessment.
  8. The application is now compiled on windows 10. There may still be some widget scaling issues.
  9. A lot of stability fixes.

Fixed issues

This list reports both fixes and new features.

  • Issue 8: MuhRec - Piercing point dialog crashes bug
  • Issue 9: MuhRec - Slow CBCT recon on windows enhancement
  • Issue 18: Size of GUI window enhancement
  • Issue 19: GUI size enhancement
  • Issue 21: MuhRec - error in opening new config file bug
  • Issue 28: MuhRec - CBCTimprove repeated slices bug
  • Issue 42: Check correctness of the statistics class bug
  • Issue 43: Check default parameter handling on Mac
  • Issue 44: MuhRec - CBCT allow ROI in reconstruction
  • Issue 50: Check size of FOV before module configuration enhancement
  • Issue 53: UI redesign - low-hanging fruit enhancement
  • Issue 54: Create ROI widget enhancement
  • Issue 59: Add missing tool tips bug
  • Issue 66: MuhRec - crash on wrong angles when using Golden Ratio
  • Issue 67: MuhRec - info on GR or sequence scanning on geom dialog
  • Issue 68: Suggest reference image paths enhancement
  • Issue 70: Implement a logging dialog enhancement
  • Issue 71: MuhRec: Transfer User doc to wiki enhancement
  • Issue 76: Add a dialog to estimate the pixel size
  • Issue 77: CBCT does not rotate
  • Issue 78: Muhrec: Config add CLI parameters for CBCT enhancement
  • Issue 79: MuhRec - deployment with QT in Linux
  • Issue 81: MuhRec running from CLI in windows
  • Issue 82: MuhRec - saving NeXus
  • Issue 83: Make a MuhRec-CLI application enhancement
  • Issue 85: MuhRec CBCT - errors in ROI bug
  • Issue 86: MuhRec Matrix ROI gets confused after reconstruction
  • Issue 89: MuhRec - projection roi in the new UI
  • Issue 92: Muhrec - Geometry dialog crash when no OB
  • Issue 98: Transfer RobustLogNorm to imaging suite
  • Issue 99: GUI adjustments
  • Issue 102: MuhRec - BB plugin - add tool tips
  • Issue 116: MuhRec - windows bug moving modules bug
  • Issue 118: MuhRec - BB plugin crash with radius >=4 on Mac bug
    Unsolved issues are listed on


  1. Updated some build scripts.