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Consumer Test Scripts Send Document 'Online Consultations'

BabarNHS edited this page Nov 23, 2021 · 32 revisions

Document Sender Tests

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Test ID Scenario Name Description Harness Patient ID
GPCM-OC-TST-01 Standard Test
Given An Online Consultation has been submitted

And I have not marked the consultation as confidential

When the requisite amount of time has passed since the consultation was recorded / last updated

And a send document message is triggered

Then a message is sent which conforms to the MESH and ITK3 requirements for Send Document

And a PDF is included as a binary document

NHS_NO:- 9691375087

Test Harness Keyword:- Set //Practitioner/name/given/@value to IB001
GPCM-OC-TST-02 Confidential Consultation
Given An Online Consultation has been submitted

And I mark the consultation as confidential

When the requisite amount of time has passed since the consultation was recorded / last updated

And a send document message is triggered

Then a message is sent which conforms to the MESH and ITK3 requirements for Send Document

And the Composition.confidentiality = R

And confidential items are not included in the headers as per requirements

And the organisation details are included in structured resources

NHS_NO:- 9691375095

Test Harness Keyword:- Set //Practitioner/name/given/@value to IB001
GPCM-OC-TST-03 Practitioner / sender details
Given I have completed test 01

And I record a new consultation for the patient as a different practitioner working for a different organisation

When the send document message is triggered

And a send document message is triggered

Then the organization and practitioner resources reflect the practitioner and organisation details used to record the consultation

NHS_NO:- 9691375109

Test Harness Keyword:- Set //Practitioner/name/given/@value to IB001
GPCM-OC-TST-04 Handling errors from the receiver
Given I have sent a valid Online Consultation Send Document message with a [Keyword] in the request as documented in the following attachment for each type of error response:- LINK

But the receiver is unable to process it

When I receive an error response

Then the error is handled gracefully

And a notification of the error is made to an appropriate person

NHS_NO:- 9691375117

Test Harness Keyword:- See Link in the Scenario
GPCM-OC-TST-05 Handling no response
Given I have sent a valid Online Consultation Send Document message with a [Keyword] in the request as documented in the following attachment for each type of error response:- LINK

But the receiver is unable to process it

When I do not receive a technical or business acknowledgement response

Then the sender has an appropriate way to manage the non-response

And if not resolved an notification of no response is made to an appropriate person

NHS_NO:- 9691375125

Test Harness Keyword:- Set //Practitioner/name/given/@value to noresponse
GPCM-OC-TST-08 Amend a consultation after sending
Given I access an Online Consultation which has previously been sent via Send Document

When I amend the Online Consultation

And the necessary time elapses for the message send

Then an updated Send Document message is sent

And the version number is incremented from the previous send

And it identifies the document is a replacement

And it refers to the original document unique ID it is replacing

NHS_NO:- 9691375141

Test Harness Keyword:- Set //Practitioner/name/given/@value to IB001
GPCM-OC-TST-12 Receiver reports amended document cannot be processed
Given I have amended the Online Consultation after it was sent via Send Document

Andthe amended Online Consultation is then sent via Send Document

And the send is not successful

When I receive the error / do not receive a response
Then I will handle the error gracefully

And trigger an appropriate resolution process

And manage the data integrity of the record

NHS_NO:- 9691375141

Test Harness Keyword:- Set //Practitioner/name/given/@value to 30003
GPCM-OC-TST-13 Additional documents sent
Given I have additional documents relating to the Online Consultation

And I include the additional document(s) to be sent

When the requisite amount of time has passed since the Online Consultation was recorded / updated

And a send document message is triggered
Then a message is sent which conforms to the MESH and ITK3 requirements for Send Document

And the consultation report and each document is included in the composition as individual sections

And the first section in the composition refers to a binary resource for the consultation report

And there is a section for each additional document(s) included with a reference to a binary resource

And the binary resources are included in the bundle with matching references / IDs

And the binary resources are base64 encoded

NHS_NO:- 9691375176

Test Harness Keyword:- Set //Practitioner/name/given/@value to IB001
GPCM-OC-TST-14 Payload Related Person Resource
Given I have completed test 01

And I record a new online consultation for the patient as a different practitioner working for a different organisation

When the send document message is triggered

And a send document message is triggered

Then the RelatedPerson resource details reflect the person, birthdate and telecomms details used in the online consultation message, as per specification

NHS_NO:- 9691375109

Test Harness Keyword:- Set //Practitioner/name/given/@value to IB001
GPCM-OC-TST-15 Payload ITK Device Resource
Given I have completed test 01

And I record a new online consultation for the patient as a different practitioner working for a different organisation

When the send document message is triggered

And a send document message is triggered

Then the ITK Device Resource details reflect the type and manufacturer of the device in question in the online consultation message, as per specification

NHS_NO:- 9691375109

Test Harness Keyword:- Set //Practitioner/name/given/@value to IB001
GPCM-OC-TST-16 Payload 'Optional Resource' that is being implemented
Given I have completed test 01

And I record a new online consultation for the patient as a different practitioner working for a different organisation

When the send document message is triggered

And a send document message is triggered

Then the 'Optional Resource' in the payload is populated as per specification

NHS_NO:- 9691375109

Test Harness Keyword:- Set //Practitioner/name/given/@value to IB001

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