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NI DMM Measurement Functions

ni-siray edited this page Apr 27, 2021 · 6 revisions

Measurement Functions


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureCableCompType(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViInt32 Cable_Comp_Type)


For the NI 4082 and NI 4072 only, sets the NIDMM_ATTR_CABLE_COMPENSATION_TYPE attribute for the current capacitance/inductance mode range.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Cable_Comp_Type ViInt32 Specifies the type of cable compensation that is used for the current range.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureOpenCableCompValues(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViReal64 Conductance, ViReal64 Susceptance)


For the NI 4082 and NI 4072 only, configures the NIDMM_ATTR_OPEN_CABLE_COMP_CONDUCTANCE and NIDMM_ATTR_OPEN_CABLE_COMP_SUSCEPTANCE attributes.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Conductance ViReal64 Specifies the open cable compensation Conductance.
Susceptance ViReal64 Specifies the open cable compensation Susceptance.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureShortCableCompValues(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViReal64 Resistance, ViReal64 Reactance)


For the NI 4082 and NI 4072 only, configures the NIDMM_ATTR_SHORT_CABLE_COMP_RESISTANCE and NIDMM_ATTR_SHORT_CABLE_COMP_REACTANCE attributes.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Resistance ViReal64 Specifies the short cable compensation Resistance.
Reactance ViReal64 Specifies the short cable compensation Reactance.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_PerformOpenCableComp(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViReal64 *Conductance, ViReal64 *Susceptance)


For the NI 4082 and NI 4072 only, performs the open cable compensation measurements for the current capacitance/inductance range, and returns open cable compensation Conductance and Susceptance values. You can use the return values of this function as inputs to niDMM_ConfigureOpenCableCompValues.

This function returns an error if the value of the NIDMM_ATTR_FUNCTION attribute is not set to NIDMM_VAL_CAPACITANCE (1005) or NIDMM_VAL_INDUCTANCE (1006).


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Name Type Description
Conductance ViReal64* Conductance is the measured value of open cable compensation Conductance.
Susceptance ViReal64* Susceptance is the measured value of open cable compensation Susceptance.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_PerformShortCableComp(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViReal64 *Resistance, ViReal64 *Reactance)


Performs the short cable compensation measurements for the current capacitance/inductance range, and returns short cable compensation Resistance and Reactance values. You can use the return values of this function as inputs to niDMM_ConfigureShortCableCompValues.

This function returns an error if the value of the NIDMM_ATTR_FUNCTION attribute is not set to NIDMM_VAL_CAPACITANCE (1005) or NIDMM_VAL_INDUCTANCE (1006).


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Name Type Description
Resistance ViReal64* Resistance is the measured value of short cable compensation Resistance.
Reactance ViReal64* Reactance is the measured value of short cable compensation Reactance.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureTransducerType (ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViInt32 Transducer_Type)


Configures the transducer type.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Transducer_Type ViInt32 Specifies the type of device used to measure the temperature. NI-DMM uses this value to set the Transducer Type property. The default is NIDMM_VAL_THERMOCOUPLE.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureThermocouple(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViInt32 Thermocouple_Type, ViInt32 Reference_Junction_Type)


Configures the thermocouple type and reference junction type for a chosen thermocouple.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Thermocouple_Type ViInt32 Specifies the type of thermocouple used to measure the temperature. NI-DMM uses this value to set the Thermocouple Type property. The default is NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_TC_J.
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_TC_B Thermocouple type B
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_TC_E Thermocouple type E
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_TC_J Thermocouple type J
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_TC_K Thermocouple type K
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_TC_N Thermocouple type N
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_TC_R Thermocouple type R
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_TC_S Thermocouple type S
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_TC_T Thermocouple type T
Name Type Description
Reference_Junction_Type ViInt32 Specifies the type of reference junction to be used in the reference junction compensation of a thermocouple measurement. NI-DMM uses this value to set the Reference Junction Type property. The only supported value is NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_REF_JUNC_FIXED.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureFixedRefJunction(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViReal64 Fixed_Reference_Junction)


Configures the fixed reference junction temperature for a thermocouple with a fixed reference junction type.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Fixed_Reference_Junction ViReal64 Specifies the reference junction temperature when a fixed reference junction is used to take a thermocouple measurement. The units are degrees Celsius. NI-DMM uses this value to set the Fixed Reference Junction property. The default is 25.00 (°C).

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureRTDType(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViInt32 RTD_Type, ViReal64 RTD_Resistance)


Configures the RTD Type and RTD Resistance parameters for an RTD.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
RTD_Type ViInt32 Specifies the type of RTD used to measure the temperature resistance. NI-DMM uses this value to set the RTD Type property. The default is NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_RTD_PT3851.
Enum Standards Material TCR (α) Typical R0 (Ω) Callendar-Van Dusen Coefficient Notes
DIN 43760
BS 1904
Platinum .003851 100 Ω
1000 Ω
A = 3.9083 × 10–3
B = –5.775×10–7
C = –4.183×10–12
Most common RTDs
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_RTD_PT3750 Low-cost vendor compliant RTD* Platinum .003750 1000 Ω A = 3.81 × 10–3
B = –6.02×10–7
C = –6.0×10–12
Low-cost RTD
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_RTD_PT3916 JISC 1604 Platinum .003916 100 Ω A = 3.9739 × 10–3
B = –5.870×10–7
C = –4.4 ×10–12
Used in primarily in Japan
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_RTD_PT3920 US Industrial Standard D-100
Platinum .003920 100 Ω A = 3.9787 × 10–3
B = –5.8686×10–7
C = –4.167 ×10–12
Low-cost RTD
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_RTD_PT3911 US Industrial Standard
Platinum .003911 100 Ω A = 3.9692 × 10–3
B = –5.8495×10–7
C = –4.233 ×10–12
Low-cost RTD
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_RTD_PT3928 ITS-90 Platinum .003928 100 Ω A = 3.9888 × 10–3
B = –5.915×10–7
C = –3.85 ×10–12
The definition of temperature
*No standard. Check the TCR.
Name Type Description
RTD_Resistance ViReal64 Specifies the RTD resistance in ohms at 0 °C. NI-DMM uses this value to set the RTD Resistance property. The default is 100 (Ω).

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureRTDCustom(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViReal64 RTD_A, ViReal64 RTD_B, ViReal64 RTD_C)


Configures the A, B, and C parameters for a custom RTD.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
RTD_A ViReal64 Specifies the Callendar-Van Dusen A coefficient for RTD scaling when RTD Type parameter is set to Custom in the niDMM_ConfigureRTDType
RTD_B ViReal64 Specifies the Callendar-Van Dusen B coefficient for RTD scaling when RTD Type parameter is set to Custom in the niDMM_ConfigureRTDType.
RTD_C ViReal64 Specifies the Callendar-Van Dusen C coefficient for RTD scaling when RTD Type parameter is set to Custom in the niDMM_ConfigureRTDType.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureThermistorType(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViInt32 Thermistor_Type)


Configures the thermistor type.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Defined Values Thermistor Type Value 25 °C Resistance
NIDMM_VAL_TEMP_THERMISTOR_44004 44004 1 2.25 kΩ

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureThermistorCustom(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViReal64 Thermistor_A, ViReal64 Thermistor_B, ViReal64 Thermistor_C)


Configures the A, B, and C parameters for a custom thermistor.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Thermistor_A ViReal64 Specifies the Steinhart-Hart A coefficient for thermistor scaling when Thermistor Type is set to Custom in the niDMM_ConfigureThermistorType.
Thermistor_B ViReal64 Specifies the Steinhart-Hart B coefficient for thermistor scaling when Thermistor Type is set to Custom in the niDMM_ConfigureThermistorType.
Thermistor_C ViReal64 Specifies the Steinhart-Hart C coefficient for thermistor scaling when Thermistor Type is set to Custom in the niDMM_ConfigureThermistorType.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureAutoZeroMode(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViInt32 Auto_Zero_Mode)


Configures the DMM for Auto_Zero_Mode. When Auto_Zero_Mode is ON, the DMM internally disconnects the input signal and takes a zero reading. It then subtracts the zero reading from the measurement. This prevents offset voltages present on the input circuitry of the DMM from affecting measurement accuracy. When Auto_Zero_Mode is OFF, the DMM does not compensate for zero reading offset.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Auto_Zero_Mode ViInt32 Specifies the Auto_Zero_Mode. NI-DMM sets the NIDMM_ATTR_AUTO_ZERO attribute to this value. ON enables Auto_Zero_Mode for each measurement. ONCE enables Auto_Zero_Mode before the next measurement. The Auto_Zero_Mode value is stored and used in subsequent measurements until the device is reconfigured.OFF disables Auto_Zero_Mode. If you set this parameter to AUTO, NI-DMM determines whether to enable Auto Zero based on the measurement function that you configure. If you configure the NI 4080/4081/4082 or the NI 4070/4071/4072 for a 6½–digit and greater resolution DC measurement, NI-DMM sets Auto_Zero_Mode to ON.For all other DC measurement configurations on the NI 4080/4081/4082 or the NI 4070/4071/4072, NI-DMM sets Auto_Zero_Mode to ONCE. For all AC measurements or waveform acquisitions on the NI 4080/4081/4082 or the NI 4070/4071/4072, NI-DMM sets Auto_Zero_Mode to OFF. For NI 4060, Auto_Zero_Mode is set to OFF when AUTO is selected.For NI 4065 devices, Auto_Zero_Mode is always ON. Auto_Zero_Mode is an integral part of the signal measurement phase and adds no extra time to the overall measurement.
NIDMM_VAL_AUTO_ZERO_AUTO (default) -1 NI-DMM chooses the Auto Zero setting based on the configured function and resolution.
NIDMM_VAL_AUTO_ZERO_OFF 0 Disables Auto Zero.

Note The NI 4065 does not support this setting.

Name Type Description
NIDMM_VAL_AUTO_ZERO_ON 1 The DMM internally disconnects the input signal following each measurement and takes a zero reading. It then subtracts the zero reading from the preceding reading.

Note For NI 4065 devices, Auto_Zero_Mode is always ON. Auto_Zero_Mode is an integral part of the signal measurement phase and adds no extra time to the overall measurement.

Name Type Description
NIDMM_VAL_AUTO_ZERO_ONCE 2 The DMM internally disconnects the input signal following the first measurement and takes a zero reading. It then subtracts the zero reading from the preceding reading and each measurement that follows.

Note The NI 4060/4065 does not support this setting.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureADCCalibration(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViInt32 ADC_Calibration)


For the NI 4080/4081/4082 and NI 4070/4071/4072, allows the DMM to compensate for gain drift since the last external calibration or self-calibration. When ADC_Calibration is ON, the DMM measures an internal reference to calculate the correct gain for the measurement. When ADC_Calibration is OFF, the DMM does not compensate for changes to the gain.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
ADC_Calibration ViInt32 Specifies the ADC_Calibration setting. The driver sets NIDMM_ATTR_ADC_CALIBRATION to this value.

NIDMM_VAL_ADC_CALIBRATION_ON enables ADC_Calibration. NIDMM_VAL_ADC_CALIBRATION_OFF disables ADC_Calibration. If you set the value to NIDMM_VAL_ADC_CALIBRATION_AUTO, the driver determines whether to enable ADC_Calibration based on the measurement function and resolution that you configure. If you configure the NI 4080/4081/4082 or NI 4070/4071/4072 for a 6½–digit and greater resolution DC measurement, the driver enables ADC Calibration. For all other measurement configurations, the driver disables ADC_Calibration.
Name Value Description
NIDMM_VAL_ADC_CALIBRATION_AUTO (default) -1.0 The DMM enables or disables ADC_Calibration based on the configured function and resolution.
NIDMM_VAL_ADC_CALIBRATION_OFF 0 The DMM does not compensate for changes to the gain.
NIDMM_VAL_ADC_CALIBRATION_ON 1 The DMM measures an internal reference to calculate the correct gain for the measurement.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureOffsetCompOhms(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViInt32 Offset_Comp_Ohms)


For NI 4080/4081/4082 and NI 4070/4071/4072, allows the DMM to compensate for voltage offsets in resistance measurements. When Offset_Comp_Ohms is enabled, the DMM measures the resistance twice (once with the current source on and again with it turned off). Any voltage offset present in both measurements is cancelled out. Offset_Comp_Ohms is useful when measuring resistance values less than 10 KΩ.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Offset_Comp_Ohms ViInt32 Enables or disables Offset_Comp_Ohms. The driver sets NIDMM_ATTR_OFFSET_COMP_OHMS to this value.
Name Value Description
NIDMM_VAL_OFFSET_COMP_OHMS_OFF (default) 0 Off disables Offset_Comp_Ohms.
NIDMM_VAL_OFFSET_COMP_OHMS_ON 1 On enables Offset_Comp_Ohms.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureACBandwidth(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViReal64 AC_Minimum_Frequency_Hz, ViReal64 AC_Maximum_Frequency_Hz)


Configures the NIDMM_ATTR_AC_MIN_FREQ and NIDMM_ATTR_AC_MAX_FREQ attributes, which the DMM uses for AC measurements.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
AC_Minimum_Frequency_Hz ViReal64 Specifies the minimum expected frequency component of the input signal in hertz. This parameter affects the DMM only when you set the NIDMM_ATTR_FUNCTION attribute to AC measurements. NI-DMM uses this parameter to calculate the proper aperture for the measurement. The driver sets the NIDMM_ATTR_AC_MIN_FREQ attribute to this value. The valid range is 1 Hz–300 kHz for the NI 4080/4081/4082 and the NI 4070/4071/4072, 10 Hz–100 Hz for the NI 4065, and 20 Hz–25 kHz for the NI 4050 and NI 4060.
AC_Maximum_Frequency_Hz ViReal64 Specifies the maximum expected frequency component of the input signal in hertz within the device limits. This parameter is used only for error checking and verifies that the value of this parameter is less than the maximum frequency of the device. This parameter affects the DMM only when you set the NIDMM_ATTR_FUNCTION attribute to AC measurements. The driver sets the NIDMM_ATTR_AC_MAX_FREQ attribute to this value. The valid range is 1 Hz–300 kHz for the NI 4080/4081/4082 and the NI 4070/4071/4072, 10 Hz–100 Hz for the NI 4065, and 20 Hz–25 kHz for the NI 4050 and NI 4060.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureFrequencyVoltageRange(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViReal64 Voltage_Range)


For the NI 4080/4081/4082 and the NI 4070/4071/4072 only, specifies the expected maximum amplitude of the input signal for frequency and period measurements.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Voltage_Range ViReal64 Sets the expected maximum amplitude of the input signal. Refer to the NI 4080, NI 4081, NI 4072, NI 4070, NI 4071, and NI 4072 sections for a list of valid values. NI-DMM sets NIDMM_ATTR_FREQ_VOLTAGE_RANGE to this value. The minimum peak-to-peak signal amplitude that can be detected is 10% of the specified Voltage_Range.
Name Value Description
NIDMM_VAL_AUTO_RANGE_ON (default) -1.0 Configures the DMM to take an Auto Range measurement to calculate the voltage range before each frequency or period measurement.
NIDMM_VAL_AUTO_RANGE_OFF -2.0 Disables Auto Ranging. The driver sets the voltage range to the last calculated voltage range.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigurePowerLineFrequency(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViReal64 Power_Line_Frequency_Hz)


Specifies the powerline frequency.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Power Line Frequency Hz ViReal64* Powerline Frequency specifies the powerline frequency in hertz. NI-DMM sets the Powerline Frequency property to this value.

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureCurrentSource(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViReal64 Current_Source)


The NI 4050 and NI 4060 are not supported. Configures the Current_Source for diode measurements.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Current_Source ViReal64 Specifies the Current_Source provided during diode measurements. For valid ranges, refer to the device sections for your device. The driver sets NIDMM_ATTR_CURRENT_SOURCE
to this value.
NIDMM_VAL_1_MICROAMP 1 µA NI 4080/4081/4082 and NI 4070/4071/4072
NIDMM_VAL_10_MICROAMP 10 µA NI 4080/4081/4082 and NI 4070/4071/4072 only
NIDMM_VAL_100_MICROAMP 100 µA NI 4080/4081/4082, NI 4070/4071/4072, and NI 4065
NIDMM_VAL_1_MILLIAMP (default) 1 mA NI 4080/4081/4082, NI 4070/4071/4072, and NI 4065

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.


ViStatus = niDMM_ConfigureWaveformCoupling(ViSession Instrument_Handle, ViInt32 Waveform_Coupling)


For the NI 4080/4081/4082 and the NI 4070/4071/4072, configures instrument coupling for voltage waveforms.


Name Type Description
Instrument_Handle ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. You obtain the Instrument_Handle parameter from niDMM_init or niDMM_InitWithOptions. The default is None.
Waveform_Coupling ViInt32 Selects DC or AC coupling. The driver sets [NIDMM_ATTR_WAVEFORM_COUPLING to this value.
Name Value Description

Return Value

Name Type Description
Status ViStatus Reports the Status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call niDMM_GetErrorMessage. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, use niDMM_GetError.

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