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Javier Gonzalez-Castillo edited this page Jun 6, 2024 · 15 revisions

This wiki contains information about:

A. Installation

Description of all the packages/software needed to run this code.

B. Anat and Functional Pre-processing

Description of all notebooks and bash scripts involved in the pre-processing of the anatomical and functional scans. This section also includes information about which scans were discarded during pre-processing.

C. Atlas Preparation and FC Computation

Description of how to prepare the 400 Schaefer atlas for this project and how to compute static functional connectivity matrices per scan.

D. Exploration and Analysis of Experiential Data

We now move to the analysis of the introspective data that accompanies the resting-state scans. First, we explored the data in its original form. Next, we brought it into a 2D space using non-negative matrix factorization. Finally, we created group of scans based on this lower dimensional representation.

E. Statistical Differences in FC across groups

The second question we try to answer in this work is whether systematic differences in in-scanner thought patterns can yield significant differneces in FC. To do this, we rely on Network-based Statistics as implemented in the NBS toolbox.

F. Connectome Predictive Modeling

The third question we address here is what aspects of in-scanner experience if any, can be predicted from resting-state FC matrices. To do this, we rely on the Connectome Predictive Modeling Framework.