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exporting data from piskel (en)

nklbdev edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 2 revisions

About importing data from Piskel

en ru


Piskel is a very simple pixel art editor written in JavaScript that works [in a browser window]( sprite) and as a standalone application.

<p-align="center"> Interface

Piskel's problems

No way to specify multiple animations on a framebar

To export a Piskel document into a series of animations, Godot's Import Options window has an option called "Piskel -> Animations Parameters", which is an array of strings.

Each row in the array represents an animation that will be exported from the document. Enter the following format strings into this array:

<animation_name> -f:<frames_count> [-d:<direction>] [-r:<repeat_count>]


  • frames_count - number of animation frames - integer greater than zero
  • repeat_count - the number of repetitions of the animation (default 1). If set to 0, the animation will loop indefinitely
  • direction - animation direction. Possible values:
    • f (forward) - forward (default)
    • r (reverse) - back
    • pp (ping-pong) - forward and then back
    • ppr (ping-pong reverse) - first back and then forward

For example:

Idle -f:4 -r:0
Walk -f:8 -r:0
Jump -f:2 -r:1
Crouch -f:2 -r:1
Hurt -f:2 -r:1
Die -f:8 -r:1
Special -f:6 -d:pp -r:0

It is not possible to specify the range of frames to play

At all.

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