pyOpenVR based vive controller tracking for teleoperation.
For now, only the twist and input feedback is published to ROS.
In the future, I may add the pose.
Inspired by robosavvy/vive_ros and triad_openvr
This was tested on ROS Noetic / Ubuntu 20.04
After installing dependencies and this package
Configure your system on the
to easily identify each controller -
Start the VR server
roslaunch vive_tracking_ros server_vr.launch
To close the node you can
. To close the vr server you have to kill the process.rosrun vive_tracking_ros
To start tracking the controllers run (added part from original package):
roslaunch vive_tracking_ros tracking_controller.launch
cd ~
mkdir libraries
cd libraries
git clone -b v1.3.22
cd openvr
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
Then plug-in VIVE to your computer and make sure you can see the devices on /dev/hidraw[1-6]
Copy the file 60-HTC-Vive-perms.rules
to the folder /etc/udev/rules.d
. Then run:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
Install Steam:
sudo apt install steam
Run Steam:
Setup or log in into your Steam account and install SteamVR app from Steam store.
Steam files should be located in: ~/.steam/steam
SteamVR files should be located in: ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR
See here for instructions
Rewrite default.vrsettings for use without headset.
By changing the the following part, it became possible to use Vive Tracker alone.
3 "requireHmd" : true
3 "requireHmd" : false