I decided to integrate this library with UniVRM for maintenance reason (submodule burdensome). Continue updating within UniVRM
Unity humanoid utility with bvh importer.
var context = new BvhImporterContext();
context.Load(); // create Skeleton hierarchy and mesh for visualize
GameObject root = context.Root;
- Scenes/RuntimeBvhLoader.unity
Load BVH and transfer pose to any model with humanoid avatar.
- Scenes/PoseTransfer.unity
Drop bvh file to Assets folder. Then, AssetPostprocessor import bvh file.
- create a hierarchy prefab
- create a humanoid Avatar
- create a legacy mode AnimationClip
- create a skinned mesh for preview
Instanciate prefab to scene.
That object can play.
This script help create human avatar from exist GameObject hierarchy. First, attach this script to root GameObject that has Animator.
Next, setup below.
- model position is origin
- model look at +z orientation
- model root node rotation is Quatenion.identity
- Set hips bone.
press Guess bone mapping. If fail to guess bone mapping, you can set bones manually.
Optional, press Ensure T-Pose. Create avatar.
These humanoids imported by UniGLTF and created human avatar by BoneMapping.