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What to expect from LepAnchor via LepWrap

Pavel V. Dimens edited this page May 30, 2021 · 1 revision

When LepWrap finishes, in addition to the directories 1_ through 7_ associated with the LepMap3 part, your directory structure will look like this (most files omitted for clarity):

├── 8_RepeatMask
│   └── repeatmasked.fa.gz
├── 9_Chain
│   └── chainfile.gz
├── 10_Anchoring
│   ├── orient_1/
│   ├── orient_2/
│   ├── contigs.length
│   ├── fullHaplotypes50.txt
│   ├──
│   ├── map.bed
│   ├── map_propogated.bed
│   └──
├── 11_AGP
│   ├── contigs/
│   ├── scaffolds/
│   ├── lepanchor.contigs.*.agp
│   ├── lepanchor.scaffolds.*.agp
│   └── not_used.agp
├── 12_Fasta
│   ├── Anchored.contigs.*.fa.gz
│   └── Anchored.scaffolds.*.fa.gz
├── 13_MareyMapsUntrimmed
│   ├── data.marey.gz
│   └── LepAnchor.*.pdf
├── 14_NewIntervals
│   └── La.intervals.*
├── 15_Trim
│   ├── logs/
│   ├── plots/
│   ├── raw_QC/
│   └── LA.trim.summary.pdf
├── 16_MareyMapsTrimmed

Getting started

LepMap3 Workflow

LepAnchor Workflow


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