A standalone platform to get environmental impact around organisms (animals). Enable long-term observations of different selectable sensors (I2C Interfaces). Two pulse counters are included to get lightbarrier activity.
Authors: Loës P., Kempenaers B.(2021)
- Available sensors can be freely combined as required.(Firmware adaption)
- Daily regular synchronisation from date and time with DCF77 radio clock receiver.(Firmware adaption)
- Long battery life with lithium battery. (max.17V)
- SD Card includes configuration file.
- Activation times for sensors (x5) to collect data.
The following firmware is not reviewed.
- Sensirion: Humidity and Temperature Sensor SHT3x-DIS
- Sensirion: CO₂, Humidity and Temperature Sensor SCD30
- Vishay: Fully Integrated Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor with Infrared Emitter VCNL4040
- Pulse Counter
Board Dimensions: 80mm x 60mm
Raw data on SD Card:
Configuration data on SD Card:
Shows SHT31X-D (0x45) and SHT31X-D (0x45)
In operation with Interval (configuration.txt) : 3,2V@0,54mA
Shows Vishay VCNL4040 (0x60) and SHT31X-D (0x45)
Shows Vishay VCNL4040 (0x60) and Sensirion SCD30 CO2 (0x61)
- Lithium battery 17V/300mA(maximum) e.g. 12,8V 7,5Ah 96Wh
- LS14250 Primary Lithium-Thionyl chloride 3.6V/1200mAh
Sensors can powered by VBATT_1(3.3V), VBATT_2(3V):
Sensirion: Humidity and Temperature Sensor SHT3x-DIS: 600µA@3,3V
Sensirion: CO₂, Humidity and Temperature Sensor SCD30: max.75mA@3,3V
Vishay: Proximity Sensor and Ambient Light Sensor VCNL 4040: 300µA@2,5V
Similar Software(SensorMon.c): https://github.com/peterloes/HRD_SENSOR
Optional components:
The Data Logger can feature two arrays with different sensors over 25 meters. (sensor-array x 2)
C is the Greenest Programming Language
To achieve its power and energy-efficiency features, EFM32 products utilize ultralow active and idle power, fast wakeup and processing times, and most important, the ability to intelligently interact with peripherals and sensors autonomously without waking up the CPU and consuming more power.