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Climate only TFN model tutorial

Tim Peterson edited this page Apr 18, 2018 · 28 revisions


This tutorial presents the steps for build a time-series model of a groundwater hydrograph using a [transfer function noise model](time-series models) where the groundwater level elevation is only influenced by rainfall and evaporation. The tutorial uses data from an example model built into the HydroSight GUI, specifically Bourke Flat. Follow this tutorial to build your own model using this data, or alternatively use the HydroSight GUI example title TFN Model - Landuse change to inspect the full model.

The major steps are:

  1. preparing the input data;
  2. building the TFN model;
  3. calibrating the built model;
  4. using the calibration results to assess the reliability of the model;
  5. using the model to perform simulations.

In the following each of these steps is detailed.

The input Data

Building the Model

Calibrating the Model

Assessing the Model Calibration

Model Simulations

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