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Model Calibration

Tim Peterson edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 7 revisions


Each constructed time series model contains multiple parameters that must be estimated. Within HydroSight this is achieved using numerical calibration whereby the parameters are automatically adjusted to produce a good fit to the observed hydrograph. Once a model is calibrated the following tasks can be undertaken:

  • quantify the predictive reliability of the model;
  • statistically identify the most plausible mechanisms at a bore by calibrating different models for a single bore;
  • quantify various fluxes from the model, for example soil free drainage or actual evapotranspiration;

Additionally, the following tasks can also be underaken within the model simulation tab once a model is calibrated:

  • simulation of the groundwater head.
  • split-sample evaluation of the calibration using observation data not included in the calibration.
  • calculation of various performance statistics and a variogram of the residuals.

Multiple calibration methods are available within the Model Calibration tab. One class of methods tried to identify a single parameter that produces the very best possible fit to the hydrograph (i.e. the global optima) and a second class tries to identity a population of parameter sets (typically, 1000's) that all produce an acceptable fit to the hydrograph, and which allows quantification of the parameter and simulation nonlinear uncertainty. For the former, use the calibration methods CMA-ES or SP-UCI (a variant on Shuffled Complex Evolution). For uncertainty estimation, use the metthod DREAM. Finally, if you are unfamiliar with global calibration, see What is calibration?.

The screenshot below illustrates the main features of the tab. Specifically:

  • The left-hand table lists the bores that have been constructed and can be calibrated.
  • Unique calibration setting can be defined to each row of the table.
  • Detailed calibration results are shown in the right-hand pane. The drop-down menu (see screenshot) lists the available results to display.
  • Calibration performance metrics are listed in the right-hand columns of the table. These allow the efficient identification of the acceptable models or the identification of the best model structure for a bore.
  • Buttons above the table allow export of the table or import of a .csv file.

Model calibration tab

Getting Started

To calibrate a time-series model, complete the following steps:

  1. Locate the required model to calibrate within the Model Label column.
  2. Input a start and end date for the calibration. Note, by default these dates are set to the start and end date of the observed hydrograph.
  3. Select a calibration scheme and input the required one calibration setting (see the tool tips for details, or click <doc_Calibration.html here>.
  4. Select the models to be calibrated using the left-hand tick boxes.
  5. Click on the button Calibrate Selected Models to calibrate the models. The progress is displayed in the column Calib. Status.
  6. Review the calibration results using the performance statistics within the table and the detailed results within the right-hand pane.

Tips and Tricks

Time-series models can be challenging to calibrate and often require 100,000+ model runs. To reduce the calibration time, use a PC with many cores and for the TFN models consider limiting the years of input forcing data prior to the first water level observation to ~20 years.

The calibration time can also be reduced by offloading the calibration to a high performance cluster. This allows numerous models to be calibrated simultaneously. Curently, this is a beta feature and is limited to Linux clusters using PBS queue system and mpiexec.hydra and with matlab >=2014b installed. To offload the calibration, click on the button HPC Offload (only available when runnign from within Matlab). Once the calibration is complete, click on HPC Retrieval to inport the results back into your project. Additionally, the model TFN time-series model can also be calibrated using Xeon Phi co-processor cards. If a co-processor card is available on the cluster then the numerical intergration step of the TFN model will be undertaken using the co-processor card(s). To use this features, the cluster will also require the Intel compiler ICC >=2013.


The following inputs are available for this tab. The bold inputs are required:

  • Calib. Start Date: The start date for selecting water level observations to be used in the calibration. Observations prior to this date will be used in the evaluation calculations.
  • Calib. End Date: The end date for selecting water level observations to be used in the calibration. Observations after this date will be used in the evaluation calculations.
  • Calib. Method: The global calibration method. See <doc_Calibration.html here> for details of the available methods.


The following outputs are presented within the table:

  • Calib. Status : the status of the model calibration is displayed within the table. Error messages for the calibration are also displayed.
  • Calib. Period CoE : The coefficient of efficiency calculated from observations within the calibration period. Note, 1 denotes a perfect fit to the observation data, 0 denotes a fit equal to that from just using the mean observed water level, and <0 denotes a fit worse than using the mean observed water level.
  • Eval Period Unbiased CoE : The unbiased coefficient of efficiency calculated from observations outside of the calibration start and end dates. The unbiased term denotes that the calculation was undertaken after the simulated water level was adjusted to have an equal mean to the mean observed water level during the evaluation period.
  • Calib. Period AIC : The Akaike information criterion during the calibration period. It is a measure of model performance that accounts for the number of model parameters. It is useful for comparing different models applied to the same data. A lower AIC denotes a more parsimonious model (see < here> for details. Note, the AIC is calculated using the least squares estimate of the liklihood function.
  • Eval. Period AIC : The Akaike information criterion during the evaluation period.

In addition to the above table of outputs, detailed analysis of the calibrated model can be undertaken using the right-hand pane. Below is a discussion of these analysis tools.

Assessing the Model Calibration

There is no receipt book for assessing the calibration of any environmental model. However, it is good practice to assess if the model can make reliably predict observations omitted from the calibration and if the internal mechanisms of the model are sensible. HydroSight provides the tools for such analysis (and much more). Below, tools for the two aforementioned tasks are outlined. Used them to assess if the predictions are bias and if the internal model fluxes and stores are sensible.

Assess the Model Predictions

The screenshot below shows the Calib. Results tab. The red numbers denote the following three important aspects:

  1. There are five tabs for exploring different aspects of the calibrated model.
  2. All of the observation data, calibration and prediction results are shown in the table. To save the data, right click inside the table and use the drop-down menu.
  3. The model fit to the observed hydrograph can be explored in many ways. The right drop-down allows for plotting of the results in many ways.

Calibration results tab

Using the Calib. Results tab the following plots can be produced:

  • Simulation time series plot : plot of the simulated and observed head.
  • Residuals time series plot : scatter plot of the observed minus estimated water level. These should be randomly distributed, have a mean of zero and have no temporal trend.
  • Histogram of calib. residuals : histogram of observed minus estimated water level during the calibration period. The distribution should have a mean of zero and have a narrow range.
  • Histogram of eval. residuals : histogram of observed minus estimated water level during the evaluation period. The distribution should have a mean of zero and have a narrow range.
  • Scatter plot of obs. vs model : plots the calibration period observed vs simulated water level. The points should be centred around the 1:1 line and have a similar spread along the 1:1 line.
  • Scatter plot of residuals vs obs : plots the observed water level vs residuals. Ideally, the residuals should show no relationship with the observed water level.
  • Variogram of residuals : plots the temporal correlation in the residuals and fits an exponential model to the experimental variogram. Ideally, the fitted variogram curve should approach its maximum value after a short temporal duration.

Assess the Model Fluxes

The screenshot below shows the Forcing Data tab. This tab allows examination of all model forcing data and, more importantly, all model fluxes such as those from a soil moisture model. The red numbers denote the following six important aspects:

  1. The forcing data shown in the table can be presented at various time-steps such as annual, monthly or daily, using the drop-down.
  2. When the forcing data is up-scaled from daily the up-scaling can be undertaken in many ways, for example the mean, miniumum or maximum value within the time-step can be calculated. Use this drop-down to explore a range of time-steps.
  3. The time span for the data shown in the table, and plotted, can be set using the text boxes. The format for the dates is DD/MM/YYYY.
  4. When the format for the forcing data table is decided upon, multiple types of plots can be produced. Use this drop-down to select a plot type.
  5. Each column within the forcing data table can be plotted. Use this drop-down to specify the data to be on the x-axis.
  6. Similar to item 5 above, the y-axis data can be specified using this drop-down. Once specified, click on Build model to plot the data.

Calibration forcing data analysis window

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