Genestrip: Efficient read classification, filtering and k-mer counting for selected groups of species
Metagenomic analysis has become an extremely import field in bio informatics. To analyse large sets of reads, researchers use highly efficient software tools based on k-mer matching and counting such as Kraken, Kraken 2 or KrakenUniq. With regard to pathogen detection KrakenUniq is particularly suited because of its very low false positive rate but also because its efficiency, precision and sensitivity.
To avoid false positive classifications of reads or mismatches of k-mers, all of these tools resort to very large databases, containing millions of encoded k-mers along with their respective tax ids. A database is usually loaded entirely into main memory and consumes tens of gigabytes of space. This requirement mandates specialized and expensive compute servers with very large main memory.
If only a small group of a few dozen species or strains is to be considered, one could simply generate a smaller database that contains just the k-mers of the respective genomes. However, when done improperly, this may lead to many false positives at read analysis time. The reason for this is that due to the evolutionary relationship of organisms, a large fraction of k-mers that belong to the genome of a species are unspecific in a sense that they can as well be found in the genome other species not considered for analysis.
Genestrip offers an efficient and sophisticated database generation process that accounts for this problem:
- Genstrips's databases can be generated in a fully automated way on the basis of the RefSeq. On top, genomic files from Genbank can be automatically included for the selected group of species or strains. Including such files may refine the database by adding species-related k-mers not found in the RefSeq alone.
- Species or strains, whose k-mers should be contained, are specified via a text file containing the corresponding tax ids.
- After the database generation has completed, it can be used for highly efficient k-mer matching.
- As a Genestrip database comprises just the genomes of the specified tax ids, it tends to remain small. Therefore analysis can be performed on edge machines as well as on small sized PCs.
- Much like KrakenUniq, Genestrip supports (exact) unique k-mer counting and total k-mer counting. Related results are stored in a CSV file.
- Moreover, a fastq file can be filtered via the k-mers of a database to reduce the size of the file considerably. Still, all reads containing k-mers of the selected tax ids will be kept in the filtered fastq file. A similar functionality can be achieved via biobloom, but preparing and applying related filters is very convenient with Genestrip.
Genestrip is free for non-commercial use. Please contact if you are interested in a commercial license.
Genestrip is structured as a standard Maven 2 or 3 project and is compatible with the JDK 1.8 or higher.1
To build it, cd
to the installation directory genestrip
. Given a matching Maven and JDK installation, mvn install
will compile, test and install the Genestrip program library. Afterwards a self-contained and executable genestrip.jar
file will be stored under ./lib
Since version 0.5, Genestrip is also available on Maven Central. Here is the dependency:
You may check for higher versions and update the dependency accordingly...
The Maven command mvn -P winexe package
creates a self-contained Windows executable bin/genestrip.exe
along with a reduced JRE under lib/jre
You need a JDK 11 installation or higher on Windows for this command to succeed.
Moreover it creates a Zip folder target/genestrip-${version}
that contains the same files with less than 40 MB of disk space.
When extracted Genestrip can be executed via bin\genestrip.exe
(on a Windows x86, 64 bit architecture). It will search for the above JRE for
execution under the relative location ..\lib\jre
. So the folders bin
and lib
should be kept together accordingly. These few files is all it takes to run Genestrip under Windows! There is no additional JRE necessary.
For convenience, the ready-made Zip folder genestrip-${version}
is also publicly available for download on
The Maven command mvn -P prerelease install
runs all the JUnit tests for Genestrip and more. It will take time...
The Genestrip installation holds additional folders that include the sample project human_virus
. After building Genestrip, you may call
sh ./bin/ human_virus dbinfo
in order to generate the human_virus
database and create a CSV file with basic information about the database content.
Genestrip follows a goal-oriented approach in order to create any result files (in similarity to make). So, when generating the human_virus
database, Genestrip will
- download the taxonomy and unzip it to
, - download the RefSeq release catalog to
, - download all virus related RefSeq fna files to
(which is currently just a single file), - perform several follow-up goals, until the database file
is finally made under./data/projects/human_virus/db
, - create a CSV file
, which contains basic information about the database, i.e. the number of k-mers stored per tax id.
The generated database comprises k-mers for all viruses according to the tax id file ./data/project/human_virus/taxids.txt
Generating your own database is straight-forward:
Create a project folder
. This is the place for all subsequent files that specify the content of a database to be generated. It is also the core name of a related database. -
Create a text file
with one tax id per line. The database will only contain k-mers from genomes that belong to tax ids referenced in the filetaxids.txt
. Iftaxids.txt
contains a tax id from a non-leaf node of the taxonomy, then all subordinate tax ids and k-mers from respective RefSeq genomes will be included in the database as well. -
Create a text file
. This file tells Genestrip, which categories of organisms should be considered when generating the database and when determining a least common ancestor tax id for k-mers in the finalized database. You also have to ensure that the categories fromcategories.txt
comprise all of the tax ids fromtaxids.txt
: Only genomes of comprised tax ids will be used to generate the database. -
The following categories are allowed, and originate from the RefSeq:
. You may enter one category per line. The entire set of genomes that belong to a category referenced incategories.txt
will be used to determine the least common ancestors tax ids of the k-mers stored in the finalized database. The more categories you reference incategories.txt
, the more genomes files will have to be downloaded from the RefSeq and the longer the database generation process will take. E.g., if only the categoryviral
is included, it should just take a few minutes, but withbacteria
included, it may typically take about a day or more. So you should choose a suitable set of categories to balance completeness of considered genomes with efficiency of the database generation process. -
Start the database generation process via the command
sh ./bin/ <project_name> dbinfo
. This will also create a CSV file./data/projects/<project_name>/csv/<project_name>_dbinfo.csv
with basic information about the database, i.e. the number of k-mers stored per tax id. The path of the database will be./data/projects/<project_name>/db/<project_name>
. The database file<project_name>
is self-contained and includes all necessary taxonomic information for its later use via the goalsmatch
In general, Genestrip organizes a project folder ./data/projects/<project_name>
by means of the following sub-folders:
is where analysis results of fastq files will be stored (by default).db
is where Genestrip puts the generated database. If your focus is on filtering fastq files, Genestrip can create a specialized, filtering database named<project_name>_index.ser.gz
that will be put there too. Moreover, the intermediate database<project_name>
will be put there temporarily as part of the database generation process.fasta
may be used to store additional genome files (not part of in the RefSeq) that should be considered for the database generation process (see Section Additional fasta files).fastq
is where Genestrip will store filtered (or generated) fastq files. You may also put you own fastq files to be analyzed there (but they can be read from any other path too).genbank
is where genomic files from Genbank will be downloaded to if needed during the project's database generation process.krakenout
is for output files in the style of Kraken. They may optionally be generated when analyzing fastq files.log
is reserved for future use in conjunction with a server-side integration of Genestrip.
A database covering more species may require more memory - especially while generating the database. This can be addressed by adjusting the script
where the argument -Xmx32g
sets the maximum heap space of the Java Virtual Machine to 32GB. E.g. to double it, simple replace 32g
by 64g
There is a separate project Genestrip-DB on GitHub that covers several databases and offers a corresponding download from
Genestrip's main purpose is to analyze reads from fastq files and count the contained k-mers per tax id according to a previously generated database. As an example, Genestrip comes with a small fastq-file sample.fastq.gz
in ./data/projects/human_virus/fastq
. To start the matching process for it, run
sh ./bin/ -f./data/projects/human_virus/fastq/sample.fastq.gz human_virus match
Beware: No blank between -f
and the file path.
The resulting CSV file will be named human_virus_match_sample.csv
under ./data/projects/human_virus/csv
. The same applies to your own projects under ./data/projects
These are a few lines of its contents along with the header line:
pos;name;rank;taxid;reads;kmers from reads;kmers;unique kmers;contigs;average contig length;max contig length;reads >=1 kmer;read bps;avg. read length;db coverage;exp. unique kmers;unique kmers / exp.;db kmers;parent taxid;norm. reads;norm. kmers;norm. reads bps;norm. read >=1 kmer;norm. reads kmers;acc. reads;acc. norm. reads;acc. kmers;acc. norm. kmers;acc. reads bps;acc. norm. reads bps;acc. read >=1 kmer;acc. norm. read >=1 kmer;acc. reads kmers;acc. norm. reads kmers;max contig desc.;
1;root;no rank;1;0;0;0;0;0;;0;0;0;;;0.0;;0;;;;;;;6565;23.985741934304116;50829;568.1616183493833;658255;2401.884786157381;10050;170.9186006856684;50814;236.08784005861423;;
2;Viruses;superkingdom;10239;1155;11850;28388;73;3616;7.850663716814159;68;2988;115668;100.14545454545454;0.9125;80.0;0.9125;80;1;14.4375;354.85;1445.85;37.35;148.125;6565;23.985741934304116;50829;568.1616183493833;658255;2401.884786157381;10050;170.9186006856684;50814;236.08784005861423;@NS500362:54:HT523BGX2:4:13606:8875:6204 2:N:0:2;
4;Orthornavirae;kingdom;2732396;25;277;240;4;237;1.0126582278481013;2;236;2502;100.08;1.0;4.0;1.0;4;2559587;6.25;60.0;625.5;59.0;69.25;3442;9.473678636821118;16166;202.3210751319162;345107;948.5733099243974;4822;123.68058656389968;22441;87.4796036347947;@NS500362:54:HT523BGX2:4:11405:19113:11578 2:N:0:2;
11;Phlebovirus toroense;species;3052684;0;0;0;0;0;;0;0;0;;;0.0;;0;11584;;;;;;50;0.003993291270665282;108;0.00862550914463701;5018;0.40076671192396773;50;0.003993291270665282;108;0.00862550914463701;;
12;Punta Toro virus;no rank;11587;50;108;108;15;52;2.076923076923077;9;50;5018;100.36;0.0011979873811995847;107.53983475448534;0.13948319740536305;12521;3052684;0.003993291270665282;0.00862550914463701;0.40076671192396773;0.003993291270665282;0.00862550914463701;50;0.003993291270665282;108;0.00862550914463701;5018;0.40076671192396773;50;0.003993291270665282;108;0.00862550914463701;@NS500362:54:HT523BGX2:4:21511:11527:10410 2:N:0:2;
This is a list of all CSV columns.
The frequencies from the column max kmer counts
can be used to build frequency graph's for k-mers as shown below. The frequency graphs help to further assess the validity of analysis results.
name;rank;taxid;reads;kmers from reads;kmers;unique kmers;contigs;average contig length;max contig length;max contig desc.;db coverage;normalized kmers;exp. unique kmers;unique kmers / exp.;quality prediction;max kmer counts;
Human gammaherpesvirus 4;SPECIES;10376;113252;4061786;4151610;120419;239293;47.3495;101;@A01245:81:HTH3LDSX2:4:1248:18231:31093 1:N:0:AATATTGCCA+GGTGTCACCG;0.8631;3769564.5570;139514.0000;0.8631;3253631.8534;629;625;590;453;449;445;442;433;413;412;411;411;409;409;408;407;400;399;399;397;396;396;396;395;394;393;393;390;389;387;387;387;385;384;384;384;384;383;383;383;383;381;381;380;379;379;379;378;378;377;377;377;376;376;376;375;374;374;372;372;371;370;370;369;368;368;368;368;368;367;367;367;367;366;366;365;363;363;362;362;361;360;359;359;358;358;357;356;355;355;354;354;354;354;354;353;353;352;352;352;352;351;351;351;351;350;350;349;349;348;348;348;348;348;347;347;347;347;347;347;345;345;345;345;345;344;344;344;344;344;343;343;343;343;343;343;342;342;342;342;342;341;341;341;341;341;341;340;340;340;340;340;339;339;339;338;338;338;337;337;337;335;335;335;335;335;335;335;334;334;334;334;334;334;333;333;332;332;332;332;331;331;331;331;331;330;330;330;330;330;329;329;329;328;328;328;327;327;327;327;327;327;327;327;327;327;326;326;326;326;326;325;325;325;325;325;325;325;324;324;324;324;324;324;323;323;323;323;323;323;323;323;322;322;322;322;321;321;320;320;320;320;319;319;319;319;319;319;319;319;319;318;318;318;318;317;317;317;317;317;317;317;316;316;316;316;316;316;315;315;315;315;314;314;314;314;314;314;313;313;313;313;313;312;312;312;312;312;312;312;311;311;310;310;310;310;310;310;310;309;309;309;309;309;308;308;308;308;308;308;308;307;307;307;307;307;307;307;307;307;307;306;306;306;306;306;306;306;306;306;306;305;305;305;305;305;305;304;304;304;304;304;303;303;303;303;303;303;303;302;302;302;302;302;302;302;302;302;302;301;301;301;301;301;301;301;301;300;300;300;300;300;300;300;300;300;300;299;299;299;299;299;299;299;299;299;298;298;298;298;298;298;297;297;297;297;297;297;297;297;297;297;297;297;296;296;296;296;296;296;296;296;296;295;295;295;295;295;295;295;295;295;295;294;294;294;294;294;294;294;294;294;294;294;293;293;293;293;293;293;292;292;292;292;292;292;292;291;291;291;290;290;290;290;290;290;289;289;289;289;289;289;289;289;289;289;288;288;288;288;288;288;288;288;288;288;287;287;287;287;287;287;287;287;287;287;287;287;287;286;286;286;286;286;286;286;286;286;286;286;
As this result is rather consistent with the statistical expectation (for the unique k-mer frequency distribution), the graph is quite flat and unique kmers / exp. = 0.8631
is close to 1.
We cannot guarantee for any results returned by Genestrip. Use this software at your own risk. Important: It is by no means meant to be used for any medical purposes and it is purely experimental in nature.
Despite of the these limitations, we tested the Genestrip in the following ways:
- Critical code is covered by functional tests (using JUnit).
- Results have been evaluated using various benchmark datasets.
- We applied Genestrip to several real-world fastq files, where the findings matched the expectations. For example, we correctly recovered bacteria in ticks from fastq files as described in this publication.
Genestrip can be used to filter fastq files via k-mers from a previously generated database. As an example, one may also use the fastq file sample.fastq.gz
from ./data/projects/human_virus/fastq
. To start the filtering process, run
sh ./bin/ -f./data/projects/human_virus/fastq/sample.fastq.gz human_virus filter
First, the command creates a filtering database file human_virus_index.ser.gz
, if not yet present, under ./data/projects/<project_name>/db
The resulting filtered fastq file named human_virus_filtered_sample.fastq.gz
will be put under ./data/projects/human_virus/fastq
. It holds just the reads which contain at least one k-mer from the human_virus
database. Note that, in case of the specific sample fastq file, the filtered fastq file has about the same size as the original file because the sample had originally been created to just contain human virus-related reads.
A filtering database is typically smaller than a database required for k-mer matching but the former can only be used for filtering. So, if you are tight on resources and your focus is on filtering, you may prefer using a filtering database. Also, the filtering process is faster than the k-mer matching process.
The usage of Genestrip:
usage: genestrip [options] <project> [<goal1> <goal2>...]
-C <key>=<value> To set Genestrip configuration paramaters via
the command line.
-d <base dir> Base directory for all data files. The default
is './data'.
-db <database> Path to filtering or matching database for the
goals 'filter' or 'match', 'matchlr', 'dbinfo'
and 'db2fastq' for use without project
-f <fqfile1,fqfile2,...> Input fastq files as paths or URLs to be
processed via the goals 'filter', 'match' or
'matchlr'. When a URL is given, the fastq file
will not be downloaded but data streaming will
be applied unless '-l' or '-ll' is given.
-k <key> Key used as a prefix for naming result files
in conjuntion with '-f'.
-l Download fastqs from URLs to '<base
dir>/projects/<project name>/fastq' instead of
streaming them for the goals 'filter', 'match'
and 'matchlr'.
-ll Download fastqs from URLs to '<base
dir>/fastq' instead of streaming them for the
goals 'filter', 'match' and 'matchlr'.
-m <fqmap> Mapping file with a list of fastq files to be
processed via the goals 'filter', 'match' or
'matchlr'. Each line of the file must have the
format '<key> <URL or path to fastq file>'.
-r <path> Common store folder for filtered fastq files
and result files created via the goals
'filter', 'match' or 'matchlr'. The defaults
are '<base dir>/projects/<project name>/fastq'
and '<base dir>/projects/<project name>/csv',
-t <target> Generation target ('make', 'clean' or
'cleanall'). The default is 'make'.
-tx <taxids> List of tax ids separated by ',' (but no
blanks) for the goal 'db2fastq'. A tax id may
have the suffix '+', which means that
taxonomic descendants from the project's
database will be included.
-v Print version.
Genestrip follows a goal-oriented approach in order to create any result file (in similarity to make). Goals are executed in a lazy manner, i.e. a file is only (re-)generated, if it is missing at its designated place in the <base dir>
folder or any of its subfolders.
Most user-related goals are project-oriented. This means that a database project must exist for the goal to be executable. The goals match
, matchlr
and filter
refer to fastq files. This means that they can only be executed if fastq files are given via the -f
or -m
Genestrip supports matching of k-mers from multiple fastq files in batches: For this purpose you may create a mapping file with one line per fastq file to be processed. Each line should have the following form:
<key> <path_or_URL_to_fastq_file>
If several fastq files in the mapping file have the same <key>
, then the matching results of these files will be merged.
A resulting CSV file named <project_name>_imatch_<key>.csv
will be put under <base dir>/projects/<project_name>/csv
unless specified otherwise via the -r
If <path_or_URL_to_fastq_file>
is a file name without a path prefix, the file is assumed to be located in <base dir>/projects/<project_name>/fastq
or otherwise in <base dir>/fastq
Glob patterns may be used for all file names (i.e. the last component of a file path) in <path_or_URL_to_fastq_file>
If the glob pattern matches a file from one of the above directories, then all matching files from that directory will be added to the joint analysis.
If <path_or_URL_to_fastq_file>
is a URL then the fastq file will be streamed or downloaded depending on the command line options -l
or -ll
(see Section Reading, streaming and downloading fastq files).
Fastq files and fasta file may be g-zipped or not. Genestrip will automatically recognize g-zipped files via the suffixes .gz
and .gzip
Some named goals are for internal purposes only. In principle, they could be run directly by users but rather serve the generation process of databases or they exist for experimental reasons.
Many goals depend on other goals. E.g., the dbinfo
goal requires the corresponding database to exist and so, it will trigger the execution of the db
goal in case the corresponding database is missing and so on.
The following goal graph depicts the goals' dependencies (without the trivial goal setup
because of too many edges).
are goals whose result is an object in memory. f:...
are file goals that produce one or more files as a result. d:...
are download goals - they download files from a source and store them locally for further processing.
Regarding analysis, fastq files will processed in one of the following ways:
- Reading from the file system: This happens if a file path is given after the
option. - Streaming from the network: This happens if a URL is given after the
option. (The corresponding fastq file will not be downloaded to the file system then.) - Downloading from the network: This happens if a URL is given after the
option and if the option-l
is given, respectively. The corresponding fastq file be downloaded if not yet present. Afterwards, the downloaded file will be processed from the file system.
A comma-separated list of file paths or URLs or both may be put after -f
without blanks. In this case, related fastq files will be analyzed together and the results will be merged.
Unless a key is given via -k
, a resulting CSV-file will be named after the first file path or URL as given via -f
Otherwise the name of key will be used for it. E.g.:
sh ./bin/ -k mykey -f./data/projects/human_virus/fastq/sample.fastq.gz human_virus match
will result in the CSV file ./data/projects/human_virus/csv/human_virus_match_mykey.csv
In order to run the goals match
or matchlr
a project context is not strictly needed, when a database file is given via the option -db
E.g., the following command works with an arbitrary project name (here someprojectname
sh ./bin/ -r . -k mysample -f./data/projects/human_virus/fastq/sample.fastq.gz -db ./data/projects/human_virus/db/ someprojectname match
and produces the result file ./someprojectname_match_mysample.csv
Genestrip supports three targets for each goal, namely make
, clean
and cleanall
is the default target. It executes a given goal as explained before and creates the files associated with the goal in a lazy manner. If the corresponding files already exist, thenmake
does nothing.clean
deletes all files associated with the given goal but it does not delete any files of goals that the given goal depends on.cleanall
does same asclean
, but it also recursively deletes any files of goals that the given goal depends on.
An optional configuration properties file
may be put under <base dir>
Entries per line should have the form
This is a list of all configuration parameters
An optional configuration properties file
may also be put under the project folder <base dir>/projects/<project_name>
. Configuration entries from the project level override entries from the level <base dir>
Moreover, configuration parameters may be set on the command line like this:
They have the highest priority.
The following configuration files exclusively affect the generation of databases via the goals db
and index
In some cases you may want to add k-mers of genomes to your database, where the genomes are not part of the RefSeq (or Genbank). Genestrip supports this via an optional text file additional.txt
under <base dir>/projects/<project_name>
The file should contain one line for each additional genome file. (The genome file must be in fasta format and may be g-zipped or not.)
The line format is
<taxid> <path_to_fasta_file>
where <taxid>
is the (unique) tax id associated with the file's genomic data. (Multiple tax ids per fasta file are not supported in this context.)
If <path_to_fastq_file>
is a file name without a path prefix, then the file is assumed to be located in <base dir>/projects/<project_name>/fasta
. If not found there,
the directory <base dir>/common/fasta
will be checked as a secondary location.
This adding of fasta files can also be used to just correct the least common ancestor of k-mers in the resulting database since the added fasta files will be automatically used during the update phase of the db
goal. E.g., to correct the least common ancestor of k-mers occurring in a purely protozoa
n database but also in the human genome, one may simple add
9606 <path_to_human_genome_fasta_file>
to additional.txt
where <path_to_human_genome_fasta_file>
points to the human genome fasta file. (Note that for this purpose, 9606
must not occur in taxids.txt
, since otherwise all k-mers from the human genome would be included in a protozoa
n database.)
The manually adding of fasta files as described above involves the manual download and positioning in the local file system.
To automate the download, an extended format for entries in additional.txt
is also possible:
<taxid> <path_to_fasta_file> <URL_to_fasta_file> [<md5 fingerprint>]
The <md5 fingerprint>
is optional and if given, will be used to ensure consistency of the downloaded file.
E.g., to automate the download of the human genome, the following entry will suffice:
9606 GCA_000001405.29_GRCh38.p14_genomic.fna.gz 22907ad69ddfae66071bf9cf99b3e8de
The corresponding download file will be stored under <base dir>/projects/<project_name>/fasta
The automated download from the previous section is unsuitable, if the fasta file is large and is needed in several projects, as it will be downloaded and stored once per project.
To enable an automated download across projects, the file <base dir>/common/fasta/downloads.txt
may be created with the line format:
<fasta_file_name> <URL_to_fasta_file> [<md5 fingerprint>]
So in this case, if a file named <fasta_file_name>
cannot be found in <base dir>/projects/<project_name>/fasta
or <base dir>/common/fasta
, it will be downloaded
and stored as <base dir>/common/fasta/<fasta_file_name>
. Afterwards it will be available with regard to entries like
<taxid> <fasta_file_name>
from a project's additional.txt
An API-based invocation of the goals match
and filter
is straight-forward: Please check out the test class org.metagene.genestrip.APITest
in the folder src/test/java
as a code example.
Counter to common belief, Java can well be used for such high performance applications when using its programming facilities the right way. ↩