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Rajat Shinde edited this page Apr 9, 2021 · 3 revisions

Table of Contents

pgRouting's UN Challenge Mentors:

name 2021 Availability Other
Daniel Kastl PSC
Vicky Vergara YES PSC
Cayetano Benavent PSC
Rajat Shinde YES Workshop developer


So you are interested in the UN Challenge, This is great! but what should you do to improve your chances of being selected? We recommend reading

Remember to be proactive

  • Discuss your ideas on the pgrouting-dev list
  • The best UN challenge idea is YOUR idea! something that you are really interested in developing.

The pgRouting's product you will be working on is the workshop, it uses:

It works with OSGeoLive therefore QGIS is available.

Development is not done on OSGeoLive, but in your own computer, so you need to install the software.


  • In order for the judges to consider the proposal, the pgrouting application requirements must be finished and well documented inside the proposal.
    • Help for finishing in gitter
    • It is not forbidden that you guide each other
    • It is forbidden copy/paste from each other's proposal.

pgRouting application requirements

Task 1: Intent of application

  • Open an issue on workshop repository Put the following Content inside the Issue:
- [ ] Intent of application 
- [ ] Experience with GitHub & Git
- [ ] Build locally the workshop
- [ ] Get familiar with the workshop
- [ ] Get familiar with Sphinx

Note: the check boxes of this issue are for the mentor's use.

Task 2: Experience with GitHub & Git

Content of Issue:

- [ ] Fork the [workshop]( repository
- [ ] activate issues in your fork
- [ ] open an issue in your fork and put this content on the issue
- [ ] Clone your fork repository in your computer
- [ ] Create remote named `upstream` pointing to
- [ ] checkout to the `develop` branch of `upstream`
- [ ] create new branch with name `<your-git-nick>-test`
- [ ] Edit `docs/chapters/chapter-1.rst` and put your name and one liner bio in the author section, keeping the alphabetical order.
- [ ] push the newly created branch with the change 
- [ ] Create a pull request to
- [ ] put link of the PR and of the issue on a comment on the issue you created on [workshop]( repository

Note: The pull request will not be honored, it is just for testing your skills using git/github

Task 3: Build locally the workshop

Create a new issue on your fork with the following content

- [ ] Install requirements
  * Look in the documentation/web what are the requirements
- [ ] Build the workshop
  - [ ] you might need to do something like: `mkdir -p  ~/Desktop/workshop-2019`
  - [ ] `mkdir build`
  - [ ] `cd build`
  - [ ] `cmake -DHTML=ON -DPGR_WORKSHOP_DEBUG=ON ..`
- [ ] Copy/paste the output of the building commands on the issue
- [ ] Copy/Paste in a comment of this issue the compilation
- [ ] Put the link of this issue on a comment of the issue of task 1

Use the check boxes to keep track of your own progress

Task 4: Get familiar with the workshop

Create a new issue on your fork with the following content

- [ ] Follow the [workshop]( up to chapter 8
- [ ] Use OSGeoLive or your own computer
- [ ] Instead of `city_routing` use `<your-git-nick>-routing`
- [ ] Make 3 screenshots of your work, make sure that `<your-git-nick>-routing` is visible
- [ ] Put the link of this issue on a comment of the issue of task 1

Use the check boxes to keep track of your own progress

Task 5: Get familiar with the sphinx

  • Inspect the sphinx code of chapter #5 (docs/chapters/chapter-5.rst) and compare with what was generated.
  • Choose three sphinx commands used in the chapter
  • Chosen command 1
    • Find the command documentation
    • add a comment that contains
      • link to the command documentation
      • picture of the handwritten copy of the command documentation (with reasonable size of your handwriting limit is 1 page)
  • Chosen command 2
    • Find the command documentation
    • add a comment that contains
      • link to the command documentation
      • picture of the handwritten copy of the command documentation (with reasonable size of your handwriting limit is 1 page)
  • Chosen command 3
    • Find the command documentation
    • add a comment that contains
      • link to the command documentation
      • picture of the handwritten copy of the command documentation (with reasonable size of your handwriting limit is 1 page)
  • Put the link of this issue on a comment of the issue of task 1

Use the check boxes to keep track of your own progress

Clone this wiki locally