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350 Poll Configuration Samples

Christian Oertel edited this page Feb 8, 2025 · 39 revisions

Attention: Draft Status

Here we collect poll configurations in use. Please feel free to add your (tested!) configuration as well!

entities.json files are meant to get used with script for creating the entities in Home Assistant according to the related

Always name/rename files to/from (add/remove extension) .txt since .py and .json are not supported.

Vitocal Heatpumps

Vitocal Monobloc Air-source heatpumps (Vitocal xxx-A)

Vitotronic 200 WO1C (CU401B_A)

Vitocal 200-A AWO-E-AC 201.A16 @lellem

device-ID: 0x00F8;204d01410000050a -> WO1C-Rev.C

  • 1 Heating circuit (HK2) & domastic hot water
  • Hybrid buffer cylinder 300L dhw & 100L heating + heating water mixer
  • outside temperature controlled
  • 160m² living space with underfloor & wall heating, partially insulated (no exterior insulation), 60cm sandstone masonry
  • single room temperature controlled with controme

Description for home assistent integration coming soon, still testing

Vitocal Split Air-source heatpumps (Vitocal xxx-S)

Vitotronic 200 WO1C (CU401B_S)

Vitocal 222-S AWBT-E-AC 221.C16 mit Vitovent 200-W H22S A300 @ChrisOertel

device-ID: 204d01430000050c

1 heating circuit, domestic hot water storage attached

Connect via MQTT with ioBroker

The polling list contains a test area with data points that provide values, but for which I am still looking for the correct value to read, or for which I have not yet found a correspondence on the device.

Vitocal Ground-source heatpumps (Vitocal xxx-G)

Vitotronic 200 WO1C (CU401B_G)

Vitocal 300-G BWC 301.C16 of @FransOv

device-ID: 0x00F8;204B01460000050F

3x 120 meter vertical ground collectors

2 Heating circuits: HK1 House: Radiators only, HK2 Office: Underfloor heating

Natural Cooling: NC-Box

Domestic hot water supplied by separate air-source heatpump

With the items in the polling list a Lovelace Picture elements card can be populated. Note that the NC-Box is attached in a non-standard way - between heatpump and buffer - and will not function without an extra relay for the circulation pumps of the heating circuits.


Vitocaldens Hybrid Heaters

Vitocaldens 222-F A.26 of @floh2307

device-ID f8: 204d 0411 0000 0442, f0: 01; CU401B_S

1 heating circuit for underfloor heating without mixer, eebus attached vitocharge VX3, Air Well Außeneinheit

Vitodens & Vitocrossal Gas Heaters

Vitodens 200

Vitodens 300

Vitodens 300-W B3HB 19kW of @philippoo66

device-ID f8: 20CB 1FC9 0000 0114, f0: 01; VScotHO1_200_01

1 heating circuit, domestic hot water storage attached, two additional 1-Wire-Sensors (return flow temp, DHW storage top temp)
