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Admin9705 edited this page Feb 22, 2019 · 17 revisions

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Table of Contents: PGScan

About PGScan

Long story short, you will stop seeing duplicate TV Shows and Movies if utilized correctly.

PlexGuide Repo

Original Script

Installing autoscan via github

STEP 1: Basic installation.

  1. type in: ansible-role pgscan to deploy the pgscan.
  2. now install: pwgen. sudo apt-get install pwgen

Edit default config.json file

I recommend using the CloudCMD to easily editing the config.json file. We have to change some lines in here from the default configs.

  1. cd /opt/appdata/plex_autoscan/config
  2. now lets just generate a 32 length server passcode for the pgscan server. type pwgen 32 1 now you should get something like this: eFaeBiu0Chae7theeKeFaeBiu0Chae7theeK copy this to a safe place for now.
  3. now lets edit the config.json file: nano config.json
  4. on line 49 (in cloudcmd) put in the 32 key "password" you created in step 2. - from this: "SERVER_PASS": "", - to this: "SERVER_PASS": "eFaeBiu0Chae7theeKeFaeBiu0Chae7theeK", or whatever your key is from step 2!!!!
  5. now replace the SERVER_PATH_MAPPING with this: "SERVER_PATH_MAPPINGS": { "/unionfs/movies/": [ "/unionfs/movies/" ], "/unionfs/tv/": [ "/unionfs/tv/" ] },
  6. now we need to replace SERVER_FILE_EXIST_PATH_MAPPINGS with this: "SERVER_FILE_EXIST_PATH_MAPPINGS": { "/mnt/unionfs/movies/": [ "/unionfs/movies/" ], "/mnt/unionfs/tv/": [ "/unionfs/tv/" ] },
  7. on line 47 the SERVER_IP should be this: "SERVER_IP": "",
  8. on line 5 change to this: "PLEX_DATABASE_PATH": "/opt/appdata/plex/database/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db",
  9. put in your plex token at line 24 "PLEX_TOKEN": "TOKEN",

PGScan PlexToken

Simple, create a token by following the instructions. Enter your plex info and it will generate a token for you! The username IS NOT CASE-SENSITIVE! If you get any errors, a token will never be generated.

PG Forum Support: Plex


N|Solid N|Solid

Installing PlexGuide

  1. PlexGuide Install Information

Preplanning & Information

  1. PG Folder Structure

Domain and Port Control

  1. CloudFlare Tunnel

Primary Applications

  1. Plex

Useful Links

  1. PG YouTube Channel
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