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Kieran McEniff edited this page Mar 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

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UPDATE: Hi, vFlagR here. I've taken the liberty of updating this image in order to get Varken working properly again with it's newest update. There are some extra steps in order to get Varken working now but it's still simple, just follow the new instructions below.

All credit goes to the original creator of this image and repo, h1f0x. Big thanks also to justinglock40, his version of this image allowed me to get over some stumbling blocks and get everything working again :).

This repository includes everything needed to deploy a Grafana dashboard, using InlfuxDB as a datasource and Varken to connect to PgBlitz services in a simple way.



The app is available in the 8.7.5 community apps repo. Available in option 2 from the app install menu in PG.

Installation Instructions

NEW: Steps 1-4 are taken directly from HERE in order to generate an license key for the maps widget.

  1. Sign up for a MaxMind account. Make sure to verify the account.

  2. Go to your Account, then Services > My License Key in the side menu, then click "Generate New License Key".

  3. Enter a License key description, and select "No" for "Will this key be used for GeoIP Update?", then click "Confirm".

  4. Take a note of the Licence Key

  5. Deploy the container from the community repo in PG. Next, edit the varken.ini file and fill in your API keys and MaxMind license key from step 4.

vi /opt/appdata/varken/varken.ini

  1. Restart the container

docker restart varken

  1. Give it a few minutes to start up, it has to go and download a database file from MaxMind.

  2. Login to the WebUI at https://varken.<your-domain> with the user/pass: admin/admin

  3. Change the default password!

  4. Import the dashboard

    Dashboard -> Manage -> Import -> Enter the GrafanaID: 9585

    Select "InfluxDB" at "varken"

    Modify the rest to your needs and hit "Import"

Documentation can be found here:

Installing PlexGuide

  1. PlexGuide Install Information

Preplanning & Information

  1. PG Folder Structure

Domain and Port Control

  1. CloudFlare Tunnel

Primary Applications

  1. Plex

Useful Links

  1. PG YouTube Channel
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