a two stage model: model 1
is a graph neural network that reasons through message passing mechanism and selects support sentences as model output. the model 2
is a language model with a classifier header.
structure of model 1:
paper preview (uncomplete yet): Fine-tuning Multi-hop Question Answering with Hierarchical Graph Network
before run
pip install -r requirements.txt
, you need to download the latest packageen_core_web_lg-2.2.5.tar.gz
and put it indata/
. -
download pre-trained language model weights from
transformers library
and save the model in folder (with its name) indata/models/
cache LM model code:
from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer
model_name = 'bert-base-cased' # find model name in library.
foldername = 'bert-base-cased'
# !mkdir -p data/models/$foldername # UNcomment it in jupyter env.
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
contains all details. just specify one pre-trained LM (you need to cache it) and run:
nohup python gen_nodes_repr.py
--device cuda:0 --start 0 --end 90000 --split_num 200
--model_path data/models/bert-base-cased
--save_dir save_node_repr_bert-base-cased
--spacy_model en_core_web_lg >> gen_nodes_repr_01.log &
NOTICE time consumption depends on the LM parameters number, but it usually takes a long time (1000 nodes representation generation under bert-base model would cost 8 hours). so set the start & end offet and use GPUs as more as possilbe.
NOTICE output files (in save_dir/
) may take a bulk of disk space (300GB+), please make sure enough space are available.
support single and multi GPUs:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 nohup python -m torch.distributed.launch train_GNN.py \
--model_state_file GNN_hidden64_heads8_pad300.pt \
--features 768 \
--hidden 128 \
--dropout 0 \
--nheads 8 \
--pad_max_num 300 \
--topN_sents 3 \
--num_epochs 2 \
--chunk_size 100 \
--batch_size 10 \
--learning_rate 1e-3 \
--save_dir save_model_GNN \
--hotpotQA_item_folder save_node_repr_bert-base-cased \
--log_dir parallel_runs_GNN/hidden64_heads8_pad300 \
--cuda --fp16 >> train_GNN.log &
only support single GPU:
nohup python -m torch.distributed.launch train_QA.py --permutations \
--model_state_file HotpotQA_QA_BiGRU_bert-base-cased.pt \
--pretrained_model_path data/models/bert-base-cased \
--log_dir parallel_runs_QA_permutations/BiGRU_bert-base-cased \
--num_epochs 10 \
--batch_size 8 \
--cuda --fp16 >> train_QA.log &
use tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir=parallel_runs_GNN/ --port 12345 --bind_all
tensorboard --logdir=parallel_runs_QA_permutations/ --port 12346 --bind_all
use the official evaluation script.
firstly, generate prediction file. the output file is something likes dev_distractor_pred_2020-1-1_11:11:11.json
python evaluate.py \
--dev_json_path data/HotpotQA/hotpot_dev_distractor_v1.json \
--GNN_model_path save_model_GNN/GNN_HotpotQA_hidden64_heads8_pad300_chunk_first.pt \
--QA_model_path save_model_QA_permutations/HotpotQA_QA_BiGRU_roberta-base-squad2.pt \
--LMmodel_path data/models/roberta-base-squad2
then run
python hotpot_evaluate_v1.py dev_distractor_pred_2020-1-1_11:11:11.json data/HotpotQA/hotpot_dev_distractor_v1.json