Releases: quantum-mob/Q3
Releases · quantum-mob/Q3
- New functions: ChebyshevPoints, ChebyshevApproximation, TrimLeft, TrimRight, IntervalSize.
- WeightedLog is renamed ShannonLog.
- ShannonLog and QuantumLog require the base of Log function to be specified explicitly.
- Bug fix: some pieces of code, the old syntax argument form of Zero was used.
- New symbols: WickMutualInformation, NambuOne, NambuZero, $EmptyPlotMarkers.
- Part, Dot and Topple support NambuMatrix.
- NambuMatrix[{mat, 0}, ...] to easily embed matrix mat into the Nambu space in a block diagonal form with the anomalous part vanishing.
- Further performance improvement for fermionic quantum computing.
- ChebyshevCoefficients is based on FourierDCT and is much faster.
- ChebyshevApproximation is renamed ChebyshevSeries.
- Style sheet PlaybookX has been renamed PlaybookNub.
- Pfaffian has greatly improved; almost 10 times faster. This also improves the performance of WickState, WickUnitary, WickExpectation, WickGreensFunction, WickLogarithmicNegativity, WickEntanglementEntropy, etc.
- Matrix and Elaborate support WickState, WickUnitary, WickOperator, Measurement[_?FermionQ].
- New functions: ChebyshevApproximation, ChebyshevCoefficients
- New functions: NambuMatrix, NambuRandomMatrix, PauliMatrixQ, CliffordMatrixQ.
- Improved: Pfaffian, SkewTridiagonalize, DickeBasis, PauliQ.
- QuantumCircuit supports WickUnitary, WickOperator, Measurement[fermions] and some other fermionic quantum computing elements.
- New function WickEntanglementEntropy (cf. EntanglementEntroy) dedicated to the context of Wick state.
- New option "Output" for WickRandomCircuit.
- New function: CrossEntropy
- Enhancement: WeightLog, QuantumLog, EntanglementEntropy, WickGreensFunction, WickHistory
- The output form of WickRandomCircuit has been changed.
- WickOperate has been renamed WickOperator.
- New function StabilizerGenerators.
- EntanglementEntropy now supports WickState.
- New functions for fermionic quantum computation: WickHistory, WickRandomCircuit, WickOperate, WickGreensFunction.
- Other new function: MatrixObject, RandomPick, ArrayPermute.
- Syntax arguments of WickExpectation has been changed.
- Bug fixes for WickExpectation.
- Changes in the convention for the compact form of unitary matrix in the Nambu space.
- WickLogarithmicNegativity supports WickState.
- Backward compatibility issue concerning PositionLargest used in Pfaffian.
- New function BlockEncoding and StateForm
- Enhanced KetCanonical
- Bug fixes concerning State and ProductState.
- New functions FermionTranspose, FermionTimeReversal, WickTimeReversalMoment, WickLogarithmicNegativity.
- Enhanced WickState and WickExpectaion.