Releases: quantum-mob/Q3
Releases · quantum-mob/Q3
- Improved: WickSimulate supports quadratic projection operators as quantum jump operators through WickMeasurement.
- Improved: WickMonitor allows to specify the measurement of dressed modes.
- WickMeasurement: Matrix[WickMeasurement[...]] gives the matrix represenations of the (unnormalized) projection operators rather than the dressed fermion operators themselves.
- Bug fix: WickMonitor, WickMeasurement, RandomWickCircuitSimulate
- Bug fix: Matrix[CliffordState[...]], WickMutualInformation
- New: WickMap, WickMapOdds, WickMean
- WickSimulate: The syntax of input arguments has been changed.
- Fermionic quantum computation is significantly improved using Bravyi's method
- New: YoungDegree, CliffordPureQ, QubitCount, WickJump, WickMeasurement, WickNonunitary, several others for fermionic quantum computing
- Renamed: WickGaussian --> WickNonunitary, WickOperatorFrom --> WickCoefficients
- Bug fix: Some functions concerning the multiplication of Majoranas, WickOperator, WickJump, KetChop
- You can now specify an initial state for RandomCliffordCircuit and RandomCliffordCircuitSimulate.
- Improved: RandomWickCircuitSimulate, RandomWickCircuit, WickGreenFunction, WickEntanglementEntropy, WickMutualInformation, WickLogarithmicNegativity, WickState, WickUnitary, WickOperator, NambuState, NambuGaussian, NambuUnitary, NambuOperator, PfaffianHouseholder
- New: RandomWickCircuit, FermiMeasurement, WickEntropy
- Renamed: Upshot --> Aggregate
- GottesmanInner is greatly enhanced and renamed GottesmanDot.
- GottesmanFlip is enhanced and supports matrices consisting of COLUMNS of Gottesman vectors.
- Improved: GottesmanMatrixQ, CliffordLogarithmicNegativity
- New: PauliDecoherence
The main addition in this release is the tools for efficient simulation of Clifford quantum circuits: CliffordState, CliffordUnitary, CliffordLogarithmicNegativity, CliffordCircuit, RandomCliffordCircuit, RandomCliffordCircuitSimulate, CliffordLogarithmicNegativity, RandomCliffordUnitary, RandomCliffordState, etc.
Other changes include:
- New function: UpdateStabilizerGenerators, RandomGottesmanVector, GottesmanTimes, GottesmanVectorEmbed, GottesmanMatrixEmbed, GottesmanMap
- Renamed: WickRandomCircuit --> RandomWickCircuitSimulate
- TheRaising, TheLowering, TheHadamard, TheQuadrant, TheOctant, TheHexadecant are removed.
- Raising, Lowering, Hadamard, Quadrant, Octant, Hexadecant are just Flavor names rather than functions.
- New functions: FullGottesmanMatrix, FullGottesmanVector, ParityBoole
- Improved: CliffordFactor, FromGottesmanMatrix
- Several demonstrations have been moved to QuantumPlaybook (v3.3.12).
- Improved: WickLgarithmicNegativity
- Bug fixes: NoisyWickSimulate
- Improved: WickGreenFunction
- New functions: ArrayZeroQ, WickDampingOperator
- Bug fix: Pfaffian
- New functions: NambuGaussian, NambuUnitary, NambuHermitian, NambuGreen, IntegerChop.
- Renamed: WickGreensFunction -> WickGreenFunction, BdGState -> NambuState, BdGUnitary -> NambuUnitary, BdGOperator -> NambuOperator, NambuMatrix[..., "Unitary"] --> NambuUnitary, NambuMatrix[..., "Hermitian"] --> NambuHermitian, NambuMatrix[..., "Green's"] -> NambuGreen
- Pfaffian is further improved.
- Support for noisy fermionic quantum computation with the following new functions: NoisyWickState, NoisyWickSimulate, WickGaussian, WickElements, etc.
- Input arguments pattern has been changed in WickRandomCircuit.
- TimesDaggerLeft and TimesDaggerRight are renamed AbsSquare (AbsSquareRight) and AbsSquareLeft.
- FlavorNone and FlavorNoneQ are renamed FlavorCap and FlavorCapQ, respectively.
- New functions: Hood, ArrayShort, RandomAntisymmetric, WickMatrix, BdGState, BdGUnitary, BdGOperator.
- New functions: RandomIsometric, RandomSymmetric, RandomSymplectic, RandomUnitarySymplectic
- New functions: RandomOrthogonal, BosonBasisChange, OrderedPartitions.
- Bug fix concerning CZ: (expr) ** CZ ** Ket[...] ignored expr.
- The distributions of random vectors/matrices generated by RandomVector, RandomMatrix, RandomHermitian, RandomPositive have been changed.
- Improved: PauliForm, BlochSphere
- BosonBasisChange has been dramatically improved.
- Big performance improvement of BosonBasis and FermionBasis.
- FermionBasis and BosonBasis return an association (instead of a simple list).
- PlaybookTools updated.
- The syntax of input arguments of TraceNorm, TraceDistance, Fidelity has been slighly changed, and requires more strict forms.
- Swap is renamed SWAP back at the request of many users.
The main update in this release is the tools for quantum signal processing (QSP): QSP, QSPFind, QSPConvert. These tools are in line with the previously provided Chebyshev tools: ChebyshevSeries, ChebyshevCoefficients, ChebyshevPoints and ChebyshevApproximation.
Other changes are as follows:
- New symbols: QuantumEntropy, IntegerPowerQ, ChoiceCount, SpinNumbers.
- The meaning of input argument n in ChebyshevPoints and ChebyshevSeries has been slightly changed.
- ChebyshevApproximation[func, {n, parity}, ...] is supported.
- PauliDecompose and PauliCompose are renamed PauliCoefficients and PauliSeries, respectively.
- PauliDecomposeRL and PauliseComposeRL are excised as they are implemented by PauliCoefficients and PauliSeries, respectively.
- The definition of relative Renyi entropy (aka Renyi divergence) has been changed in the quantum case.