Releases: quantum-mob/Q3
Releases · quantum-mob/Q3
- A bug fix concerning Multiply involving Dyad.
- The arrange order of elements in the basis resulting from BosonBasis has been changed.
- New function CountsFor.
- New function EntanglementEntropy.
- Updates in the help documentation on ShiftLeft and ShiftRight.
- A few minor improvements in ShannonEntropy and VonNeumannEntropy.
- New function UnitaryInteraction.
- Improved QuantumCircuit.
- Quick corrections to a few documentation notebooks.
- Improved BosonBasis.
- New function UniformlyControlledGate.
- SWAP is renamed Swap.
- NextGelfandPatterns is renamed GelfandAttach.
- New functions YoungTableau, GelfandPattern.
- SchurBasis looks much more user-friendly.
- WeylHeisenbergBasis is renamed WeylBasis.
- New function LieBasisSupermap.
- LieBasisMatrix now returns supermatrix (not Choi matrix).
- A bug fix concerning formatting of Ket and Bra.
- New function StabilizerStateCount.
- Improved Garner.
- Bug fixes for GottesmanStandard and GottesmanBasis.
- The meaning of CZ has changed slightly.
- Emergcy correction of the help documentation of Oraccle.
- A bug fix concerning QuantumCircuitTrim.
- New functions GrayBasis, GrayTransform, TheGrayTransform, GrayToInteger, IntegerToGray, GrayCycles, GrayGivensFactor, GivensRotation, GivensFactor.
- New canonical forms for CNOT, ControlledGate, Gate.
- New functions AmplitudeEmbedding, AmmplitudeEmbeddingGate, BasisEmbedding, BasisEmbeddingGate.
- New function UniformlyControlledRotation.
- New function GateFactor.
- An emergency bug fix affecting Ket formatting.
- Support for Mathematica 13.3; in particular, changes concerning new built-in functions Kind and Bra.
- Improved CoherentState and Displacement.
- Improved PlaybookTools.
- Improved FlavorNone.
- Improved Gate.
- Some tutorial documents have been revised for better presetnation.
- Reimplementation of Supermap based on ChoiMatrix.
- ControlledExp is renamed ControlledPower; yet remains as an alias.
- A demonstration is added to the tech note on the order-finding algorithm.
- Classical oracle Oracle[f, m, n].
- Quantum oracle Oracle[f, {c1,c2,...}, {t1,t2,...}].
- New implementations of Matrix[Oracle[...]] and Elaborate[Oracle[...]] based on Oracle[f, m, n].
- New utility function MapThrough.