Fully-featured ray tracer written in Rust featuring naive multithreading based on Rayon.
It was made following Steve Hollasch's tutorials: "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" and "Ray Tracing: The Next Week".
resolution | rays per pixel |
1280 x 720 | 1000 |
- The
class - Rays, a Simple Camera, and Background
- Adding a Sphere
- Output an Image (as PNG)
- Adding an ETA Indicator
- Surface Normals and Multiple Objects
- Antialiasing
- Diffuse Materials
- Metal
- Dielectrics
- Positionable Camera
- Defocus Blur
- Motion Blur
- Bounding Volume Hierarchies
- Solid Textures
- Perlin Noise
- Image Texture Mapping
- Rectangles and Lights
- Instances
- Volumes