Welcome to my little StepperLibary
How to use it:
- Get the libary
- Clone it in to your libaries folder which is in /Documents/Arduino/Sketches/libaries or
- Just download, exctract it and put it into it manually
- Include the libary
- #include <stepperMotor_RBC.h> or
- Choose Sketch in the toolbar -> Include libary -> Stepper_28BYJ-48_with_ULN2003_Driver_Libary //this is the way I recommend
First you have to give the pins that you are using to the class in the libary.
#include <stepperMotor_RBC.h>
StepperMotor StepperMotor(2,3,4,5,20); //Pin for IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, Timedelay //the TIMEDELAY have to be >5 ms
void setup() { }
void loop() { }
//////// END CODEEXAMPLE///////
Use on off the 3 different modes Take a look at the DriveMethod.png (Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B86nqDRskVU by Bret Stateham) StepperMotor... -1) .waveDrive(100);
//Only a single coil is controlled per time. //Low torque and precision but very easy to understand. 512 Steps/360 Degrees
-2) .fullStep(100);
//Two Coils active at a time
//Maximum Torque, Medium precision, 512 Steps/360 Degrees
-3) .halfStep(100);
//One or Two coils active at a time
//Medium Torque, Smallest step angle, 1024 Steps per 360 Degrees
-4) .clearInputs();
//Put all Digital Outputs to 0