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Releases: renesas/iot-reference-rx

Release RX MCUs FreeRTOS IoT Reference 1.0.0 comes from original 202406-LTS

18 Dec 07:51
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Summary for package v202406.01-LTS-1.0.0

New update in this version

  • Developed sample projects based on 202406.01-LTS libraries, for CK-RX65N-V2 target board.

Supported Boards

RX MCU and Board Compiler Endian Connectivity Import project Project generation (PG)
CK-RX65N v2 CCRX Little Ethernet Yes No
CK-RX65N v2 GCC Little Ethernet Yes No


  • PG creates a new project in e2studio using the New Project Wizard to workspace.
  • Import project means using e2studio to import existing project in package to workspace.

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules are using under reference and version of RX Driver Package.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.51 1.45
r_s12ad_rx 5.40 1.45
r_byteq 2.10 1.45
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.45
r_flash_rx 5.20 1.45
r_sci_rx 5.30 1.45
r_tsip_rx 1.21 1.45


Release RX MCUs FreeRTOS IoT Reference 1.3.2 comes from original 202210.01-LTS

28 Oct 05:36
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Summary for package v202210.01-LTS-1.3.2

New update in this version

  • Implement new feature which allows FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP component to be added/removed in SmartConfigurator.
  • Implement new feature which allows user to filter applications by connectivity.
    (Note: This feature is only available in e2studio v2024-10 or later)
  • Added .gitattributes file to normalize the line endings across different platforms.
  • Added new application option: minimal FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP project.

Supported Boards

RX MCU and Board Compiler Endian Connectivity Import project Project generation (PG)
CK-RX65N v1 CCRX Little Ethernet Yes Yes
CK-RX65N v1 GCC Little Ethernet Yes Yes
CK-RX65N v2 CCRX Little Ethernet(*1) No Yes
CK-RX65N v2 GCC Little Ethernet(*1) No Yes
CK-RX65N v1 CCRX Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes Yes
CK-RX65N v1 GCC Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes No
CK-RX65N v2 CCRX Little Wi-Fi DA16600 Yes Yes
CK-RX65N v2 GCC Little Wi-Fi DA16600 Yes Yes


  • (*1)CK-RX65N v2 with Ethernet connectivity only supports minimal FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP project.
  • PG creates a new project in e2studio using the New Project Wizard to workspace.
  • Import project means using e2studio to import existing project in package to workspace.
  • From e2studio_2024-04 onwards, (DUAL) target board is no longer supported. Please configure bank mode as Dual Bank in the PG wizard.
  • MbedTLS w/ TSIP PubSub and OTA update are supported for Ethernet and Cellular project, CC-RX compiler only.
  • Minimal FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP project is supported for Ethernet connection, CK-RX65N-V2 only.

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules are using under reference and version of RX Driver Package.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.42 1.42
r_s12ad_rx 5.30 1.41 - 1.42
r_byteq 2.10 1.37 - 1.42
r_cellular 1.11 1.40 - 1.42
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.36 - 1.42
r_flash_rx 5.11 1.42
r_sci_rx 5.00 1.42
r_tsip_rx 1.20.l --
r_fwup 2.03 --
r_irq_rx 4.40 1.40 - 1.42
r_wifi_da16xxx 1.20 1.42
Note: Minimal FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP project supports up to RDP_v1.45 FIT modules.


  • Minimal FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP
    • Demonstrates the use of FreeRTOS + TCP module with Ethernet.
  • PubSub
  • PubSub (MbedTLS with TSIP)
  • Fleet Provisioning
    • Generating and securely delivering device certificates and private keys to your devices by AWS when they connect to AWS IoT for the first time
  • OTA Update
    • Update new firmware via MQTT
  • OTA Update (MbedTLS with TSIP)
    • Update new firmware via MQTT using TSIP for TLS communication
  • FreeRTOS TCP minimal(CK-RX65N-v2/Ethernet Only)
    • Provides basic TCP/IP functionality using FreeRTOS Kernel and FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP
      • Acquisition of IP address by DHCP
      • IP address search of URLs by DNS
      • Send ping to the specified IP Address

The preceding demos use the following technical elements of the AWS IoT:


  • CLI task cannot run after starting the demo to avoid the SCI conflict.
  • OTA demo will not work properly unless otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to "1".
    If otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to anything other than 1, a build error will occur.
  • The following macros are not supported by this source code.
    If you build the above macros, a build error will occur.
  • After generating code by Smart Configurator, sections (C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK and C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK_MIRROR) will be added at address 0x00100000 due to the TSIP module (v1.17.l and above).
    They are empty sections and will not use any additional memory.
  • The MAC address included in the sample code uses the address assigned by the vendor ID of Renesas Electronics Corporation.
    When operating the sample program on multiple devices simultaneously in the same LAN environment, change the MAC addresses so that they do not overlap.
    If the MAC addresses duplicate on multiple devices, the sample program may not operate properly.
  • Limitations on the xGetMQTTAgentState() function
    In the following case, the xGetMQTTAgentState() function for monitoring the communication status returns the state of established MQTT connection with AWS (MQTT_AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED) without detecting the disconnection:
    The hook function *1 is called by occuring an error of a TCP_Sockets API *2 (disconnection with AWS) inner the xGetMQTTAgentState(), then this hook restores the connection to established state.
    *1 The hook function defined in USER_TCP_HOOK_FUNCTION macro in src/frtos_config/user_tcp_hook_config.h
    *2 TCP_Sockets API is a function defined in TCP_Sockets_xxxx
  • Fleet Provisioning demo is not supported when using TSIP for MbedTLS communication.
  • Notes on redundant linker section after generating code with Smart Configurator.
    After generating code with Smart Configurator, sections 'C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK' and 'C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK_MIRROR' will be created at address 0x00100000.
    These sections are redundant, it does not impact memory usage of the project.
    This behavior is according to the specification of r_tsip_rx FIT module (from version 1.17.l).
  • Notes on bootloader to application transition.
    When transitioning from the bootloader sample program to the application, the settings of the bootloader's peripheral functions are taken over by the application.
    For more information, check chapter 7 of the following document.
    RX Family Firmware Update module Using Firmware Integration Technology Application Notes.
  • Limitations on transmission with multiple sockets
    If using multiple sockets and one of socket happens error, Reset Hook function is executed. In this case, all socket information is removed, while the remaining socket attempts to send or receive data. The communication in this socket will not work properly.
    Do not use multiple sockets with Reset Hook function.
  • Socket wrapper/TCP_socket_hook works in single thread. Do not trigger TCP_socket_hook in multiple threads.
  • Demos with TSIP do not support fleet provisioning (only Pubsub and OTA demos are supported).
  • Limitations on using the LittleFS module
    The LittleFS is not thread-safe.
    Calling the LittleFS API from multiple tasks is prohibited.
  • When you connect to a GCC project in the debugger using e2 studio version 2024-10, you may see the following error message:
    Exception occurred during launch
    In this case, you can make a debug connection by performing the following steps.
    • Click the following from the e2 studio menu.
      Help -> About e2 studio
    • Click the button Installation Details at the bottom left of the About e2 studio window.
    • Click the tab Support Folders
    • Click the link e2 studio support Area
    • Open the following folders from the opened Windows Explorer screen.
    • Delete the following files: FreeRtosDll.dll

Release RX MCUs FreeRTOS IoT Reference 1.3.1 comes from original 202210.01-LTS

02 Oct 08:03
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Summary for package v202210.01-LTS-1.3.1

New update in this version

  • Added PG support for GCC compiler and "MbedTLS with TSIP" projects.

Supported Boards

RX MCU and Board Compiler Endian Connectivity Import project Project generation (PG)
CK-RX65N v1 CCRX Little Ethernet Yes Yes
CK-RX65N v1 GCC Little Ethernet Yes Yes
CK-RX65N v1 CCRX Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes Yes
CK-RX65N v1 GCC Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes No
CK-RX65N v2 CCRX Little Wi-Fi DA16600 Yes Yes
CK-RX65N v2 GCC Little Wi-Fi DA16600 Yes Yes


  • PG creates a new project in e2studio using the New Project Wizard to workspace.
  • Import project means using e2studio to import existing project in package to workspace.
  • From e2studio_2024-04 onwards, (DUAL) target board is no longer supported. Please configure bank mode as Dual Bank in the PG wizard.
  • MbedTLS w/ TSIP PubSub and OTA update are supported for Ethernet and Cellular project, CC-RX compiler only.

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules are using under reference and version of RX Driver Package.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.42 1.42
r_s12ad_rx 5.30 1.41 - 1.42
r_byteq 2.10 1.37 - 1.42
r_cellular 1.11 1.40 - 1.42
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.36 - 1.42
r_flash_rx 5.11 1.42
r_sci_rx 5.00 1.42
r_tsip_rx 1.20.l --
r_fwup 2.03 --
r_irq_rx 4.40 1.40 - 1.42
r_wifi_da16xxx 1.20 1.42


  • PubSub
  • PubSub (MbedTLS with TSIP)
  • Fleet Provisioning
    • Generating and securely delivering device certificates and private keys to your devices by AWS when they connect to AWS IoT for the first time
  • OTA Update
    • Update new firmware via MQTT
  • OTA Update (MbedTLS with TSIP)
    • Update new firmware via MQTT using TSIP for TLS communication

The preceding demos use the following technical elements of the AWS IoT:


  • CLI task cannot run after starting the demo to avoid the SCI conflict.
  • OTA demo will not work properly unless otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to "1".
    If otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to anything other than 1, a build error will occur.
  • The following macros are not supported by this source code.
    If you build the above macros, a build error will occur.
  • After generating code by Smart Configurator, sections (C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK and C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK_MIRROR) will be added at address 0x00100000 due to the TSIP module (v1.17.l and above).
    They are empty sections and will not use any additional memory.
  • The MAC address included in the sample code uses the address assigned by the vendor ID of Renesas Electronics Corporation.
    When operating the sample program on multiple devices simultaneously in the same LAN environment, change the MAC addresses so that they do not overlap.
    If the MAC addresses duplicate on multiple devices, the sample program may not operate properly.
  • Limitations on the xGetMQTTAgentState() function
    In the following case, the xGetMQTTAgentState() function for monitoring the communication status returns the state of established MQTT connection with AWS (MQTT_AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED) without detecting the disconnection:
    The hook function *1 is called by occuring an error of a TCP_Sockets API *2 (disconnection with AWS) inner the xGetMQTTAgentState(), then this hook restores the connection to established state.
    *1 The hook function defined in USER_TCP_HOOK_FUNCTION macro in src/frtos_config/user_tcp_hook_config.h
    *2 TCP_Sockets API is a function defined in TCP_Sockets_xxxx
  • Fleet Provisioning demo is not supported when using TSIP for MbedTLS communication.
  • Notes on redundant linker section after generating code with Smart Configurator.
    After generating code with Smart Configurator, sections 'C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK' and 'C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK_MIRROR' will be created at address 0x00100000.
    These sections are redundant, it does not impact memory usage of the project.
    This behavior is according to the specification of r_tsip_rx FIT module (from version 1.17.l).
  • Notes on bootloader to application transition.
    When transitioning from the bootloader sample program to the application, the settings of the bootloader's peripheral functions are taken over by the application.
    For more information, check chapter 7 of the following document.
    RX Family Firmware Update module Using Firmware Integration Technology Application Notes.
  • Limitations on transmission with multiple sockets
    If using multiple sockets and one of socket happens error, Reset Hook function is executed. In this case, all socket information is removed, while the remaining socket attempts to send or receive data. The communication in this socket will not work properly.
    Do not use multiple sockets with Reset Hook function.
  • Socket wrapper/TCP_socket_hook works in single thread. Do not trigger TCP_socket_hook in multiple threads.
  • Demos with TSIP do not support fleet provisioning (only Pubsub and OTA demos are supported).
  • Limitations on using the LittleFS module
    The LittleFS is not thread-safe.
    Calling the LittleFS API from multiple tasks is prohibited.

Release RX MCUs FreeRTOS IoT Reference 1.3.0 comes from original 202210.01-LTS

12 Jul 00:57
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Summary for package v202210.01-LTS-1.3.0

New update in this version

  • Added support for GCC compiler.
  • Added support for "MbedTLS with TSIP" projects (PubSub, OTA update, CC-RX compiler only).
  • Updated all projects to RDP_v1.42 (with exception).
  • Bug fixes and improvements.

Supported Boards

RX MCU and Board Compiler Endian Connectivity Import project Project generation (PG)
CK-RX65N v1 CCRX Little Ethernet Yes No
CK-RX65N v1 GCC Little Ethernet Yes No
CK-RX65N v1 CCRX Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes No
CK-RX65N v1 GCC Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes No
CK-RX65N v2 CCRX Little Wi-Fi DA16600 Yes No
CK-RX65N v2 GCC Little Wi-Fi DA16600 Yes No


  • PG creates a new project in e2studio using the New Project Wizard to workspace.
  • Import project means using e2studio to import existing project in package to workspace.
  • From e2studio_2024-04 onwards, (DUAL) target board is no longer supported. Please configure bank mode as Dual Bank in the PG wizard.
  • MbedTLS w/ TSIP PubSub and OTA update are supported for Ethernet and Cellular project, CC-RX compiler only.

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules are using under reference and version of RX Driver Package.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.42 1.42
r_s12ad_rx 5.30 1.41 - 1.42
r_byteq 2.10 1.37 - 1.42
r_cellular 1.11 1.40 - 1.42
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.36 - 1.42
r_flash_rx 5.11 1.42
r_sci_rx 5.00 1.42
r_tsip_rx 1.20.l --
r_fwup 2.03 --
r_irq_rx 4.40 1.40 - 1.42
r_wifi_da16xxx 1.20 1.42


  • PubSub
  • PubSub (MbedTLSTLS with TSIP)
  • Fleet Provisioning
    • Generating and securely delivering device certificates and private keys to your devices by AWS when they connect to AWS IoT for the first time
  • OTA Update
    • Update new firmware via MQTT
  • OTA Update (MbedTLSTLS with TSIP)
    • Update new firmware via MQTT using TSIP for TLS communication

The preceding demos use the following technical elements of the AWS IoT:


  • CLI task cannot run after starting the demo to avoid the SCI conflict.
  • OTA demo will not work properly unless otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to "1".
    If otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to anything other than 1, a build error will occur.
  • The following macros are not supported by this source code.
    If you build the above macros, a build error will occur.
  • After generating code by Smart Configurator, sections (C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK and C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK_MIRROR) will be added at address 0x00100000 due to the TSIP module (v1.17.l and above).
    They are empty sections and will not use any additional memory.
  • The MAC address included in the sample code uses the address assigned by the vendor ID of Renesas Electronics Corporation.
    When operating the sample program on multiple devices simultaneously in the same LAN environment, change the MAC addresses so that they do not overlap.
    If the MAC addresses duplicate on multiple devices, the sample program may not operate properly.
  • Limitations on the xGetMQTTAgentState() function
    In the following case, the xGetMQTTAgentState() function for monitoring the communication status returns the state of established MQTT connection with AWS (MQTT_AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED) without detecting the disconnection:
    The hook function *1 is called by occuring an error of a TCP_Sockets API *2 (disconnection with AWS) inner the xGetMQTTAgentState(), then this hook restores the connection to established state.
    *1 The hook function defined in USER_TCP_HOOK_FUNCTION macro in src/frtos_config/user_tcp_hook_config.h
    *2 TCP_Sockets API is a function defined in TCP_Sockets_xxxx
  • Fleet Provisioning demo is not supported when using TSIP for MbedTLS communication.
  • Notes on redundant linker section after generating code with Smart Configurator.
    After generating code with Smart Configurator, sections 'C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK' and 'C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK_MIRROR' will be created at address 0x00100000.
    These sections are redundant, it does not impact memory usage of the project.
    This behavior is according to the specification of r_tsip_rx FIT module (from version 1.17.l).
  • Notes on bootloader to application transition.
    When transitioning from the bootloader sample program to the application, the settings of the bootloader's peripheral functions are taken over by the application.
    For more information, check chapter 7 of the following document.
    RX Family Firmware Update module Using Firmware Integration Technology Application Notes.
  • Limitations on transmission with multiple sockets
    If using multiple sockets and one of socket happens error, Reset Hook function is executed. In this case, all socket information is removed, while the remaining socket attempts to send or receive data. The communication in this socket will not work properly.
    Do not use multiple sockets with Reset Hook function.
  • Socket wrapper/TCP_socket_hook works in single thread. Do not trigger TCP_socket_hook in multiple threads.
  • Demos with TSIP do not support fleet provisioning (only Pubsub and OTA demos are supported).
  • Limitations on using the LittleFS module
    The LittleFS is not thread-safe.
    Calling the LittleFS API from multiple tasks is prohibited.

Release RX MCUs FreeRTOS IoT Reference 1.2.1 comes from original 202210.01-LTS

17 Apr 10:02
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Summary for package v202210.01-LTS-1.2.1

New update in this version

  • Added PG support for Wi-Fi DA16600.

Supported Boards

RX MCU and Board Compiler Endian Connectivity Import project Project generation (PG)
CK-RX65N v1 CCRX Little Ethernet Yes Yes
CK-RX65N v1 CCRX Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes Yes
CK-RX65N v2 CCRX Little Wi-Fi DA16600 Yes Yes


  • PG creates a new project in e2studio using the New Project Wizard to workspace.
  • Import project means using e2studio to import existing project in package to workspace.
  • From e2studio_2024-04 onwards, (DUAL) target board is no longer supported. Please configure bank mode as Dual Bank in the PG wizard.

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules are using under reference and version of RX Driver Package.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.20 1.36
r_s12ad_rx 5.00 1.36 - 1.37
r_byteq 2.00 1.33 - 1.36
r_cellular 1.11 1.40
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.36 - 1.40
r_flash_rx 5.00 1.39
r_sci_rx 4.40 1.36
r_tsip_rx 1.17.l --
r_fwup 2.0.1 --
r_irq_rx 4.00 1.34
r_wifi_da16xxx 1.10 1.42


  • PubSub
  • Fleet Provisioning
    • Generating and securely delivering device certificates and private keys to your devices by AWS when they connect to AWS IoT for the first time
  • OTA Update
    • Update new firmware via MQTT

The preceding demos use the following technical elements of the AWS IoT:


  • CLI task cannot run after starting the demo to avoid the SCI conflict.
  • OTA demo will not work properly unless otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to "1".
    If otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to anything other than 1, a build error will occur.
  • The following macros are not supported by this source code.
    If you build the above macros, a build error will occur.
  • After generating code by Smart Configurator, sections (C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK and C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK_MIRROR) will be added at address 0x00100000 due to the TSIP module (v1.17.l and above).
    They are empty sections and will not use any additional memory.
  • Limitations on the xGetMQTTAgentState() function
    In the following case, the xGetMQTTAgentState() function for monitoring the communication status returns the state of established MQTT connection with AWS (MQTT_AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED) without detecting the disconnection:
    The hook function *1 is called by occuring an error of a TCP_Sockets API *2 (disconnection with AWS) inner the xGetMQTTAgentState(), then this hook restores the connection to established state.
    *1 The hook function defined in USER_TCP_HOOK_FUNCTION macro in src/frtos_config/user_tcp_hook_config.h
    *2 TCP_Sockets API is a function defined in TCP_Sockets_xxxx
  • Notes on bootloader to application transition.
    When transitioning from the bootloader sample program to the application, the settings of the bootloader's peripheral functions are taken over by the application.
    For more information, check chapter 7 of the following document.
    RX Family Firmware Update module Using Firmware Integration Technology Application Notes

Release RX MCUs FreeRTOS IoT Reference 1.2.0 comes from original 202210.01-LTS

07 Feb 07:49
Choose a tag to compare

Summary for package v202210.01-LTS-1.2.0

New update in this version

  • Added support for Wi-Fi DA16600.

Supported Boards

RX MCU and Board Compiler Endian Connectivity Import project Project generation (PG)
CK-RX65N v1 CCRX Little Ethernet Yes No
CK-RX65N v1 CCRX Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes No
CK-RX65N v2 CCRX Little Wi-Fi DA16600 Yes No


  • PG creates a new project in e2studio using the New Project Wizard to workspace
  • Import project means using e2studio to import existing project in package to workspace

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules are using under reference and version of RX Driver Package.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.20 1.36
r_s12ad_rx 5.00 1.36 - 1.37
r_byteq 2.00 1.33 - 1.36
r_cellular 1.11 1.40
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.36 - 1.40
r_flash_rx 5.00 1.39
r_sci_rx 4.40 1.36
r_tsip_rx 1.17.l --
r_fwup 2.0.1 --
r_irq_rx 4.00 1.34
r_wifi_da16xxx 1.10 1.42


  • PubSub
  • Fleet Provisioning
    • Generating and securely delivering device certificates and private keys to your devices by AWS when they connect to AWS IoT for the first time
  • OTA Update
    • Update new firmware via MQTT

The preceding demos use the following technical elements of the AWS IoT:


  • CLI task cannot run after starting the demo to avoid the SCI conflict.
  • OTA demo will not work properly unless otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to "1".
    If otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to anything other than 1, a build error will occur.
  • The following macros are not supported by this source code.
    If you build the above macros, a build error will occur.
  • Limitations on the xGetMQTTAgentState() function
    In the following case, the xGetMQTTAgentState() function for monitoring the communication status returns the state of established MQTT connection with AWS (MQTT_AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED) without detecting the disconnection:
    The hook function *1 is called by occuring an error of a TCP_Sockets API *2 (disconnection with AWS) inner the xGetMQTTAgentState(), then this hook restores the connection to established state.
    *1 The hook function defined in USER_TCP_HOOK_FUNCTION macro in src/frtos_config/user_tcp_hook_config.h
    *2 TCP_Sockets API is a function defined in TCP_Sockets_xxxx
  • Notes on bootloader to application transition.
    When transitioning from the bootloader sample program to the application, the settings of the bootloader's peripheral functions are taken over by the application.
    For more information, check chapter 7 of the following document.
    RX Family Firmware Update module Using Firmware Integration Technology Application Notes

Release RX MCUs FreeRTOS IoT Reference 1.1.3 comes from original 202210.01-LTS

22 Jan 02:06
Choose a tag to compare

Summary for package v202210.01-LTS-1.1.3

New update in this version

  • Fixed the issue with signature verification in bootloader
  • Added PG support for OTA and Bootloader
  • Added constraint for rm_littlefs_flash_config.h

Supported Boards

RX MCU and Board Compiler Endian Connectivity Import project Project generation (PG)
CK-RX65N CCRX Little Ethernet Yes Yes
CK-RX65N CCRX Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes Yes


  • PG creates a new project in e2studio using the New Project Wizard to workspace
  • Import project means using e2studio to import existing project in package to workspace
  • Contraint has been implemented for littleFS configuration in SmartConfigurator GUI and the configuration header file.
    User cannot allocate littleFS area which exceeds Data Flash size.

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules are using under reference and version of RX Driver Package.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.20 1.36
r_s12ad_rx 5.00 1.36 - 1.37
r_byteq 2.00 1.33 - 1.36
r_cellular 1.11 1.40
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.36 - 1.40
r_flash_rx 5.00 1.39
r_sci_rx 4.40 1.36
r_tsip_rx 1.17.l --
r_fwup 2.0.1 --
r_irq_rx 4.00 1.34


  • PubSub
  • Fleet Provisioning
    • Generating and securely delivering device certificates and private keys to your devices by AWS when they connect to AWS IoT for the first time
  • OTA Update
    • Update new firmware via MQTT

The preceding demos use the following technical elements of the AWS IoT:


  • CLI task cannot run after starting the demo to avoid the SCI conflict.

  • OTA demo will not work properly unless otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to "1".
    If otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to anything other than 1, a build error will occur.

  • The following macros are not supported by this source code.
    If you build the above macros, a build error will occur.

  • Limitations on the xGetMQTTAgentState() function
    In the following case, the xGetMQTTAgentState() function for monitoring the communication status returns the state of established MQTT connection with AWS (MQTT_AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED) without detecting the disconnection:
    The hook function *1 is called by occuring an error of a TCP_Sockets API *2 (disconnection with AWS) inner the xGetMQTTAgentState(), then this hook restores the connection to established state.
    *1 The hook function defined in USER_TCP_HOOK_FUNCTION macro in src/frtos_config/user_tcp_hook_config.h
    *2 TCP_Sockets API is a function defined in TCP_Sockets_xxxx

  • After generating code with SmartConfigurator, the sections C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK and C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK_MIRROR will be added at address 0x00100000 due to TSIP module specification.
    These sections are unused and will not impact actual memory usage.

  • Notes on bootloader to application transition.
    When transitioning from the bootloader sample program to the application, the settings of the bootloader's peripheral functions are taken over by the application.
    For more information, check chapter 7 of the following document.
    RX Family Firmware Update module Using Firmware Integration Technology Application Notes

Release RX MCUs FreeRTOS IoT Reference 1.1.2 comes from original 202210.01-LTS

15 Dec 04:27
Choose a tag to compare

Summary for package v202210.01-LTS-1.1.2

New update in this version

  • Fixed the issue with signature verification in bootloader

Supported Boards

RX MCU and Board Compiler Endian Connectivity Import project Project generation (PG)
CK-RX65N CCRX Little Ethernet Yes No
CK-RX65N CCRX Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes No


  • PG creates a new project in e2studio using the New Project Wizard to workspace
  • Import project means using e2studio to import existing project in package to workspace

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules are using under reference and version of RX Driver Package.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.20 1.36
r_s12ad_rx 5.00 1.36 - 1.37
r_byteq 2.00 1.33 - 1.36
r_cellular 1.11 1.40
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.36 - 1.40
r_flash_rx 5.00 1.39
r_sci_rx 4.40 1.36
r_tsip_rx 1.17.l --
r_fwup 2.0.1 --
r_irq_rx 4.00 1.34


  • PubSub
  • Fleet Provisioning
    • Generating and securely delivering device certificates and private keys to your devices by AWS when they connect to AWS IoT for the first time
  • OTA Update
    • Update new firmware via MQTT

The preceding demos use the following technical elements of the AWS IoT:


  • CLI task cannot run after starting the demo to avoid the SCI conflict.

  • OTA demo will not work properly unless otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to "1".
    If otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to anything other than 1, a build error will occur.

  • The following macros are not supported by this source code.
    If you build the above macros, a build error will occur.

  • Limitations on the xGetMQTTAgentState() function
    In the following case, the xGetMQTTAgentState() function for monitoring the communication status returns the state of established MQTT connection with AWS (MQTT_AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED) without detecting the disconnection:
    The hook function *1 is called by occuring an error of a TCP_Sockets API *2 (disconnection with AWS) inner the xGetMQTTAgentState(), then this hook restores the connection to established state.
    *1 The hook function defined in USER_TCP_HOOK_FUNCTION macro in src/frtos_config/user_tcp_hook_config.h
    *2 TCP_Sockets API is a function defined in TCP_Sockets_xxxx

  • Notes on bootloader to application transition.
    When transitioning from the bootloader sample program to the application, the settings of the bootloader's peripheral functions are taken over by the application.
    For more information, check chapter 7 of the following document.
    RX Family Firmware Update module Using Firmware Integration Technology Application Notes

Release RX MCUs FreeRTOS IoT Reference 1.1.1 comes from original 202210.01-LTS

05 Dec 05:22
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Summary for package v202210.01-LTS-1.1.1

New update in this version

  • Fixed #6 issue in the cellular version.

Supported Boards

RX MCU and Board Compiler Endian Connectivity Import project Project generation (PG)
CK-RX65N CCRX Little Ethernet Yes No
CK-RX65N CCRX Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes No


  • PG creates a new project in e2studio using the New Project Wizard to workspace
  • Import project means using e2studio to import existing project in package to workspace

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules are using under reference and version of RX Driver Package.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.20 1.36
r_s12ad_rx 5.00 1.36 - 1.37
r_byteq 2.00 1.33 - 1.36
r_cellular 1.11 1.40
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.36 - 1.40
r_flash_rx 5.00 1.39
r_sci_rx 4.40 1.36
r_tsip_rx 1.17.l --
r_fwup 2.0.1 --
r_irq_rx 4.00 1.34


  • PubSub
  • Fleet Provisioning
    • Generating and securely delivering device certificates and private keys to your devices by AWS when they connect to AWS IoT for the first time
  • OTA Update
    • Update new firmware via MQTT

The preceding demos use the following technical elements of the AWS IoT:


  • CLI task cannot run after starting the demo to avoid the SCI conflict.

  • OTA demo will not work properly unless otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to "1".
    If otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to anything other than 1, a build error will occur.

  • The following macros are not supported by this source code.
    If you build the above macros, a build error will occur.

  • Limitations on the xGetMQTTAgentState() function
    In the following case, the xGetMQTTAgentState() function for monitoring the communication status returns the state of established MQTT connection with AWS (MQTT_AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED) without detecting the disconnection:
    The hook function *1 is called by occuring an error of a TCP_Sockets API *2 (disconnection with AWS) inner the xGetMQTTAgentState(), then this hook restores the connection to established state.
    *1 The hook function defined in USER_TCP_HOOK_FUNCTION macro in src/frtos_config/user_tcp_hook_config.h
    *2 TCP_Sockets API is a function defined in TCP_Sockets_xxxx

  • Notes on bootloader to application transition.
    When transitioning from the bootloader sample program to the application, the settings of the bootloader's peripheral functions are taken over by the application.
    For more information, check chapter 7 of the following document.
    RX Family Firmware Update module Using Firmware Integration Technology Application Notes

Release RX MCUs FreeRTOS IoT Reference 1.1.0 comes from original 202210.01-LTS

27 Nov 03:10
Choose a tag to compare

Summary for package v202210.01-LTS-1.1.0

Supported Boards

RX MCU and Board Compiler Endian Connectivity Import project Project generation (PG)
CK-RX65N CCRX Little Ethernet Yes No
CK-RX65N CCRX Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes No


  • PG creates a new project in e2studio using the New Project Wizard to workspace
  • Import project means using e2studio to import existing project in package to workspace

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules are using under reference and version of RX Driver Package.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.20 1.36
r_s12ad_rx 5.00 1.36 - 1.37
r_byteq 2.00 1.33 - 1.36
r_cellular 1.11 1.40
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.36 - 1.40
r_flash_rx 5.00 1.39
r_sci_rx 4.40 1.36
r_tsip_rx 1.17.l --
r_fwup 2.0.1 --
r_irq_rx 4.00 1.34


  • PubSub
  • Fleet Provisioning
    • Generating and securely delivering device certificates and private keys to your devices by AWS when they connect to AWS IoT for the first time
  • OTA Update
    • Update new firmware via MQTT

The preceding demos use the following technical elements of the AWS IoT:


  • CLI task cannot run after starting the demo to avoid the SCI conflict.

  • OTA demo will not work properly unless otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to "1".
    If otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to anything other than 1, a build error will occur.

  • The following macros are not supported by this source code.
    If you build the above macros, a build error will occur.

  • Limitations on the xGetMQTTAgentState() function
    In the following case, the xGetMQTTAgentState() function for monitoring the communication status returns the state of established MQTT connection with AWS (MQTT_AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED) without detecting the disconnection:
    The hook function *1 is called by occuring an error of a TCP_Sockets API *2 (disconnection with AWS) inner the xGetMQTTAgentState(), then this hook restores the connection to established state.
    *1 The hook function defined in USER_TCP_HOOK_FUNCTION macro in src/frtos_config/user_tcp_hook_config.h
    *2 TCP_Sockets API is a function defined in TCP_Sockets_xxxx

  • Notes on bootloader to application transition.
    When transitioning from the bootloader sample program to the application, the settings of the bootloader's peripheral functions are taken over by the application.
    For more information, check chapter 7 of the following document.
    RX Family Firmware Update module Using Firmware Integration Technology Application Notes