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Release RX MCUs FreeRTOS IoT Reference 1.1.1 comes from original 202210.01-LTS

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@VanNamDinh VanNamDinh released this 05 Dec 05:22
· 566 commits to main since this release

Summary for package v202210.01-LTS-1.1.1

New update in this version

  • Fixed #6 issue in the cellular version.

Supported Boards

RX MCU and Board Compiler Endian Connectivity Import project Project generation (PG)
CK-RX65N CCRX Little Ethernet Yes No
CK-RX65N CCRX Little Cellular(CAT M1) RYZ014A Yes No


  • PG creates a new project in e2studio using the New Project Wizard to workspace
  • Import project means using e2studio to import existing project in package to workspace

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules are using under reference and version of RX Driver Package.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.20 1.36
r_s12ad_rx 5.00 1.36 - 1.37
r_byteq 2.00 1.33 - 1.36
r_cellular 1.11 1.40
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.36 - 1.40
r_flash_rx 5.00 1.39
r_sci_rx 4.40 1.36
r_tsip_rx 1.17.l --
r_fwup 2.0.1 --
r_irq_rx 4.00 1.34


  • PubSub
  • Fleet Provisioning
    • Generating and securely delivering device certificates and private keys to your devices by AWS when they connect to AWS IoT for the first time
  • OTA Update
    • Update new firmware via MQTT

The preceding demos use the following technical elements of the AWS IoT:


  • CLI task cannot run after starting the demo to avoid the SCI conflict.

  • OTA demo will not work properly unless otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to "1".
    If otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to anything other than 1, a build error will occur.

  • The following macros are not supported by this source code.
    If you build the above macros, a build error will occur.

  • Limitations on the xGetMQTTAgentState() function
    In the following case, the xGetMQTTAgentState() function for monitoring the communication status returns the state of established MQTT connection with AWS (MQTT_AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED) without detecting the disconnection:
    The hook function *1 is called by occuring an error of a TCP_Sockets API *2 (disconnection with AWS) inner the xGetMQTTAgentState(), then this hook restores the connection to established state.
    *1 The hook function defined in USER_TCP_HOOK_FUNCTION macro in src/frtos_config/user_tcp_hook_config.h
    *2 TCP_Sockets API is a function defined in TCP_Sockets_xxxx

  • Notes on bootloader to application transition.
    When transitioning from the bootloader sample program to the application, the settings of the bootloader's peripheral functions are taken over by the application.
    For more information, check chapter 7 of the following document.
    RX Family Firmware Update module Using Firmware Integration Technology Application Notes