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My Beamer Handout

Ricky Woo edited this page Sep 30, 2017 · 1 revision
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}


\title{Beamer Class Warsaw}  
\author{Donald Duck\\
School of Disney}



\section{Section 1} 
Each frame should have a title.

\subsection{Subsection 1.1  }
Without title somethink is missing. 

\section{Section 2} 
\subsection{Lists I}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{unnumbered lists}
\item Introduction to  \LaTeX  
\item Course 2 
\item Termpapers and presentations with \LaTeX 
\item Bioinfomatics class

\frametitle{lists with pause}
\item Introduction to  \LaTeX \pause 
\item Course 2 \pause 
\item Termpapers and presentations with \LaTeX \pause 
\item Beamer class

\subsection{Lists II}
\frametitle{numbered lists}
\item Introduction to  \LaTeX  
\item Course 2 
\item Termpapers and presentations with \LaTeX 
\item Beamer class

\frametitle{numbered lists with pause}
\item Introduction to  \LaTeX \pause 
\item Course 2 \pause 
\item Termpapers and presentations with \LaTeX \pause 
\item Beamer class

\section{Section 3} 
\textbf{Date} & \textbf{Instructor} & \textbf{Title} \\
WS 04/05 & Sascha Frank & First steps with  \LaTeX  \\
SS 05 & Sascha Frank & \LaTeX \ Course serial \\

\frametitle{Tables with pause}
\begin{tabular}{c c c}
A & B & C \\ 
1 & 2 & 3 \\  
A & B & C \\ 

\section{Section 4}
\begin{block}{title of the bloc}
bloc text

\begin{exampleblock}{title of the bloc}
bloc text

\begin{alertblock}{title of the bloc}
bloc text

\section{Section 5}
\subsection{split screen}

\frametitle{splitting screen}
\item Beamer 
\item Beamer Class 
\item Beamer Class Latex 
\textbf{Instructor} & \textbf{Title} \\
Sascha Frank &  \LaTeX \ Course 1 \\
Sascha Frank &  Course serial  \\

\frametitle{graphics in latex beamer class}
\caption{show an example picture}

\subsection{joining picture and lists} 

\frametitle{pictures and lists in beamer class}
\item<1-> subject 1
\item<3-> subject 2
\item<5-> subject 3

\subsection{pictures which need more space} 
\frametitle{plain, or a way to get more space}
\caption{show an example picture}
