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Ubuntu Pop!_OS 安裝教程

亶父 (taan² fu²) edited this page Jul 11, 2021 · 10 revisions

註:本教程只適用於全新安裝RIME嘅用家。如果你之前有用開RIME嘅話,請使用東風破口令 bash rime-install cantonese

Note: This tutorial only applies to a fresh install. If you have already installed Rime, please use the plum command: bash rime-install cantonese

第一步:準備安裝環境 Preparing Installation Environment

  • 打開你個 terminal,用以下嘅指令嚟安裝系統更新:
  • Call the terminal, and use the following command to install system updates.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

第二步:安裝中州韻(ibus-rime)算法引擎 Install ibus-rime IME engine

  • 複製粘貼運行呢個命令嚟安裝輸入法後臺程式:
  • Copy the following command to your console to install the IME backend:
sudo apt-get install git ibus-rime -y

第三步:安裝粵語輸入法同埋相關程式 Install cantonese schema library

  • 以呢一條指令嚟安裝語言模型、emoji、繁簡轉換器同埋粵語拼音輸入法
  • Use the following one-liner to install the Cantonese input method and its dependencies (Emoji packages, Traditional Chinese coverter, langauge model etc.)
curl -fsSL | bash -s -- cantonese emoji CanCLID/rime-loengfan custom:set:config=default,key=installed_from,value=rime-cantonese custom:clear_schema_list custom:add:schema=jyut6ping3 custom:add:schema=cangjie5 custom:add:schema=stroke custom:add:schema=luna_pinyin lotem/rime-octagram-data lotem/rime-octagram-data@hant lotem/rime-octagram-data:customize:schema=jyut6ping3,model=hant

第四步:啓用ibus-rime Enable Rime

  1. [Ubuntu/popOS新用家無需理會] 開啓 IME configuration, 選取 ibus 爲預設輸入法引擎。

[Please ignore if you are a new Ubuntu or popOS user] Start IME Configuration and select ibus as your default input method engine.

  1. 去系統設定, 開啓【Region & Language】介面。

Go to system settings, and find the [Region & Language] Panel.

  1. Input Sources+掣, 然後撳...(更多),跟住輸入rime搜尋Rime輸入法。(如果見唔到可以重開再試過,Ubuntu用家會喺「Others」入面搵到,popOS用家嘅話會喺其中一個「Chinese」入面搵到)

Click Input Sources, + and then .... Add rime to your IME list. (This can be found under 'Others' in Ubuntu and 'Chinese' in popOS)

  1. add新增輸入法。

Click add to refresh your IME list.

  1. super + space切換至Rime,然後撳ctrl + ` 揀【粵語拼音】。

Use super + space to switch to Rime, and then click ctrl + ` to select the Cantonese input method (coded as 【粵語拼音】)

~搞掂~ ~Done~

更新碼表步驟 Update instructions


Use the following snippet to install the latest dictionary data and input schema.

cd plum
bash rime-install cantonese