POTAGE (pronounced "pəʊˈtɑːʒ") is a web-based tool for integrating genetic map location with gene expression data and inferred functional annotation in wheat.
You can access the public POTAGE web server (http://crobiad.agwine.adelaide.edu.au/potage) which contains a limited number of published gene expression data sets.
You may be interested in running your own POTAGE server if you:
- Need to add additional unpublished data sets.
- Would prefer not to use our public server (http://crobiad.agwine.adelaide.edu.au/potage).
To facilitate this option we have packaged up POTAGE into a Docker image. In order to use this image you will need to:
- Install Docker Engine for your operating system.
- Run the crobiad/potage image.
For full details about running the crobiad/potage
image, please see the crobiad/potage repository on Docker Hub.