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yakat - yet another k-mer analysis toolkit?

Or is it? Perhaps better described as not quite or not just another k-mer analysis toolkit. This software includes several k-mer related tools, mostly trying to complement or functionally extend existing tools. Written in Java these are not necessarily most memory frugal, but most are fast, thanks to leveraging producer-consumer approach to multi-threading in Java. So if you happen to have access to a fat node with lots of CPUs as I did at some point, you may find these quite handy. In addition to k-mer based tools, there are several other modules providing efficient, multi-threaded solutions for common bioinformatics task such as read id matching/filtering.

Getting started


You'll need Java 8 with ant for compiling and building, or just Java for running the pre-compiled binary. Normal usage is in Linux environment but most modules should work on other systems with no or few adjustments required, such as explicitly specifying input and output files other than /dev/stdin and /dev/stdout.

Compile and build and run

After cloning or downloading this repository, run

ant jar

or, if that fails, ant -Dplatforms.JDK_8.home=${JAVA_HOME} jar

This should generate the Java executable dist/yakat.jar and a self contained linux executable yakat

You can now either run ./yakat or java -jar dist/yakat.jar.

In the former case you can pass Java VM options using --JVM "<options>", for example: ./yakat --JVM "-Xmx2G -Xms100m"

You should see the following summary of available modules.

  either:   yakat <module>
  or:       java -jar yakat.jar <module>

k-mer based modules
  freqmers      : given a set of sequences and set(s) of k-mers
                  report k-mer coverage and frequency for the input sequences
  kextend       : extend k-mers to unambiguous contigs or extend input "seed" sequences only
  kmatch        : match/filter/bait FAST(A|Q) sequences based on contained k-mers (or lack thereof)
  seedmers      : [PROTOTYPE] given seed seequences interrogare sets of k-mers
                  to genotype presumed mutations at positions k bases from the seed edges
  snpmers       : given parental SNPs (e.g. from LNISKS), corresponding FASTA sequences and sets of k-mers,
                  call offspring genotypes by overlapping their k-mers with parental SNP sequences

FASTQ processing modules:
  idmatch       : match FASTQ records by id
  split         : split FASTQ GBS/ddRAD reads by barcodes, trim barcodes and adapters

MPILEUP processing modules:
  pileupstats   : extract some stats from (m)pileup
  pmpileup      : count and call bases from (m)pileup

HMMER, VSEARCH output post-processing modules:
  hmmerdoms     : Process and group domain-hits from HMMER
  vclusters     : call variants from VSEARCH clustering msa output

Miscellaneous modules:
  allorfs       : Identify and extract all (longest) ORFs from a genome
  kexpress      : [UNTESTED] Calculate expresion values (TPM) from read counts
                    and (not quite) GFF description of features

  version       : print the version and exit

As you can see, not everything is k-mer based, additional, deprecated modules are still lurking in the code as well.

The first time you run a specific module do it with -h or --help as some modules kick off by reading from /dev/stdin.

Get cracking

You may also need

A k-mer counter. Go for KMC. Some yakat modules will k-merize input as needed, but use KMC or another, dedicated k-mer counter whenever a set of k-mers is the desired input, especially for the kextend module.

Selected use cases


This module can be used to quantify how sets of k-mers relate to / overlap with the set of input (FASTA) sequences.

  • Take FASTA sequences
  • Take a set of k-mers per sample of interest.
  • Record frequencies of k-mers overlapping the sequences
  • Report k-mer coverage and frequencies along the sequences

kextender - default mode

Among the available modules kextender is by far the most mature, if you are after no-nonsense, fast generation of unitigs from a set of Illumina reads all you need to do is:

  • k-merize your reads with KMC (other k-mer counters are available)
  • determine k-mer frequency cutoff ${MIN_FREQ} to exclude low frequency k-mers which are likely error-induced by looking at the output of kmc_tools histogram
  • pipe your k-mers from KMC database to yakat kextend
kmc_dump -ci${MIN_FREQ} db_basename /dev/stdout \
  | ./yakat kextend > unitigs

Note that the default output is one unitig (sequence) per line, for FASTA output use --fasta-out flag. You may also use --min-length to set the minimum length (bp) of an output unitig.

kextender - FASTA seed extension mode

The kextender module can also extend existing seed sequences. Note that such extensions never lead to the seed sequences being joined. The idea is to be able to unambiguously extend existing sequences - think extending with a unitig. Unlike the default mode which uses a single k value in the extension process, the seed extension can make use of multiple values of k. Extensions of each end of a seed are computed for a range of values of k and the longest of those is "attached" to the seed end. Exploring a large range of k values for a significant input [k-mers/FAST[A|Q]] will make the memory requirements explode, as it is done in parallel

  • in the interest of speed
  • to avoid excessive I/O
  • to preserve stdin handling

Example usage:

kmc_dump -ci${MIN_FREQ} db_basename /dev/stdout \
  | ./yakat kextend \
    --seed-file existing_sequences.fasta \
    --k-mer-min 20 \
    --k-mer-max 80 \
    --k-mer-step 1 \
    > extended_seeds.fasta 

kmatcher - see usage in pipelines


See this example.


This module parses the MSA output of VSEARCH clustering and calls variants within each cluster.

Usage in pipelines

Note that due to specific modules' original application within larger pipelines they occasionally expect/produce slightly modified versions of common file formats. Fear not, these are not whimsical modifications of accepted standards but rather alternative presentation of existing formats which facilitates parallelised processing and use of linux pipes rather than intermediary files. For example,

  • by a FASTQ_SE_ONE_LINE record we mean a single read whose four lines have been placed on a single line using tab as a separator.
  • by a FASTQ_PE_ONE_LINE record we mean a pair of reads whose eight lines have been placed on a single line using tab as a separator.

The idea is to wrap/unwrap these on the fly, either on the command line or using wrapper scripts.

To filter (in/out) reads based on matching k-mers you may run the kmatch module like this:

zcat reads.fastq.gz \
  | paste - - - - \
  | ./yakat kmatch \
    --k-mers 4_reads.fastq \
    --k-mer-length 50 \
  | tr '\t' '\n' > filtered.fastq
  • Each read is unwrapped into the one-line-per-record form, processed using kmatch and surviving reads are unwrapped by replacing tabs with newline characters.
  • The content of 4_reads.fastq is k-merized and used for matching reads streamed from stdin.
  • In practice the output could be piped into another process or perhaps a parallelized compression tool such as pigz.

Analogous operation for paired-end data:

paste <(zcat R1.fq.gz | paste - - - - ) \
      <(zcat R2.fq.gz | paste - - - - ) \
  | ./yakat kmatch \
    --k-mers 4_reads.fastq \
    --k-mer-length 50 \
  | tee >(cut -f 1-4 -d$'\t' | tr '\t' '\n' > filtered_R1.fq) \
  | cut -f 5-8 -d$'\t' | tr '\t' '\n' > filtered_R2.fq


Developed as a NetBeans project and can be loaded as such. Stress-tested on ubuntu 14.04 with Java 1.8 build 74.

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